Chapter 7

1382 Words
There was a long, ear-splitting silence after Julian dropped the bombshell. His heart couldn't take it anymore. As the days ticked by, he began to see with stark clarity the enormity of his mistake in ever coming here in the first place. He had been thoughtlessly selfish, prioritizing his own ambitions above Adi without warning or consideration, and now he was paying the price for his selfishness. The burden of the consequences weighed heavily on him, and he couldn't bear it any longer. "Julian, what did you just say?" Mr. Hudson finally broke the silence. "I'm sorry, Dad, but I guess I wasn't ready for this just yet. It was all too sudden... I just can't... I can't do it, Dad," Liam stuttered, running his fingers through his hair. Mr. Hudson's silence loitered for a moment before he spoke again. "What brought about this change of heart? Have you finally mustered the courage to step up and assume control of the company?" Julian found himself stranded in the valley of indecision, caught between a rock and a hard place. It felt as if he was standing at the edge of a vast ocean, with the devil on one side and the deep blue sea on the other, and he knew that a crucial decision had to be made. The choice he makes at this point determines his future. "Dad..." He sucked in a deep breath. His thoughts were in turmoil as he weighed his options. Art was the very air he breathed, the essence of his existence. It was his all-consuming passion, and this was his only chance at achieving this dream with his parents' consent. But then there was Adi, who had taught him the true meaning of love and had become the center of his world. He would do anything for her, and he cherished her above all else. Julian could die for that lady. She was his dream woman. Now, the impossible question hung in the air: Which dream was he willing to surrender to make the other a reality? "Julian, don't make rash decisions. Whatever is going on with you, sit back and think about it. Think about what you truly want. I am always here." Mr. Hudson was growing impatient with his son's indecisiveness. "Whatever decision you make, it's fine with me. But one thing is sure; it's now or never," he added, dropping the call. Julian slammed his phone onto the bed in frustration. The liquor bottle beside him looked more like his lifeline in this sea of confusion. He grabbed the bottle and emptied its contents into his mouth in several gulps. He was drowning in the abyss of his own sorrows, and the liquor was his only respite from the storms of emotions raging inside him, offering him false comfort and leading him deeper into the desert of despair. *** Liam's car stopped in front of the familiar house he had visited the previous night. He turned off the ignition and looked around the quiet environment for anyone in sight, but there was no one. "Why the hell is it so quiet?" He asked inaudibly. Just then, he felt her absence—Madison. He smiled at the mere thought of her. He couldn't help the excitement that grew within him when he thought of seeing her later that evening. The few minutes' drive from her house was heart-tickling. It made him smile sheepishly. "I hate to say this, but I must be at work early enough. I haven't been to work for the past two days. I'm sure a lot is waiting for me to attend to," Madison explained, and flashing a teasing smile at him, she went on, "Not everyone is opportune to be a boss like you, you know?" She sustained the smile. Her eyes sparkled when she smiled, and her voice sounded like melody to his ears when she talked. "Sure. Can I get your number? Checking up on you later today wouldn't hurt. If you don't mind," he requested. "Sorry, but I was robbed a few days ago. I lost my phone to the robbers. I guess I was sulking in my pain of being abandoned by my boyfriend that I hadn't thought of getting a new phone yet." "I'm so sorry about that. I'll drop by your house later tonight. We could go grab dinner together. What do you say?" "Don't get too comfortable," she responded, asking me to bring the car to a stop somewhere around 5th Avenue. "I'll stop here." "Your office's around?" Liam inquired, looking around the premises. "Just a few blocks away. I'll walk from here. Thanks for the ride, and have a lovely day ahead." She didn't give him the opportunity to oppose as she quickly made her way out of the car, flashing him a set of clean, white teeth as she walked away. Crazy, he thought. He found her attractive with each passing minute. He wasn't sure where this newfound attraction would lead, but he knew he wanted to explore it. After scanning the empty environment for a few minutes, he finally saw a man approaching him. "Good day, Mr. Sorry to bother you, but I'm looking for the occupant of this house," he asked politely, pointing to the exact address Julian had sent to him. "She moved out a few days ago." The middle-aged man replied. "Any idea where she moved out to?" "Sorry, but I have no idea," the man responded as he went his way. "Alright. Thank you," he said to the man who was already walking away. *** The sound of Julian's phone ringing woke him abruptly. He had fallen asleep without even realizing it. He held his head, feeling a piercing pain sweep through his skull. He tried getting himself off the bed, but his whole body felt like it had been hit by a ton of bricks. The phone kept ringing loudly somewhere on the floor. He managed to get himself off the bed as he searched the floor frantically, looking for his phone. "Hey, cuz," he greeted weakly as he picked up the call. His mind was a foggy, disoriented maze. "Have you found her yet?" He managed to ask. "Sorry, Julian, I heard she moved out of the apartment a few days ago," Liam broke the news to Julian. "Moved out?" Julian's eyes snapped open immediately. "Why? Where did she move to? Damn it!" His emotions were evident. "Julian, what's happening? You can tell me anything, you know? Who is she to you? Did she do something wrong? Who knows, I might be able to render better help with better information," Liam tried talking Julian into confiding in him. "I'll give you a breakdown later, man, but for now, there's one more place I'm certain she'll be." Julian knew how busy Liam could be, but he had to take this last shot. He needed to find her. "I have a meeting with a new client in an hour, Julian; I really don't think..." Liam tried explaining but was interrupted by Julian's desperate plea. "Just this once. I promise that'll be the last," Julian pleaded, bowing his head and using his palm for support. Liam let out a loud sigh. "Text me the address," he surrendered. "Done," Julian responded. "Alright. Adi, right?" He inquired as he looked closely at the address, "The Fare Gallery, 350th Street, 5th Avenue." Just about the exact location where he had dropped Madison off... Perhaps he might just bump into her on his way, he thought to himself as he smiled at his silly thoughts. "Yes. She's always at the front desk. It won't be so difficult locating her," Julian assured Liam. "Okay then. I'll call you when I get there. What would you want me to tell her?" "When you find her, put her on the phone with me; I'll do the talking." At this point, this was the only thread of hope he had left, and he prayed to the heavens that Liam would find her; otherwise, he'll be doomed for life. He didn't want to get to that point where he'd have to make a choice, and it seemed fate was playing a cruel card on him. He'll be left with just one hard choice to make.
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