Chapter 6

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Three days had passed so quickly, and each passing moment had etched a deeper mark of grief on Madison's heart. As she settled down on the familiar verandah, the once-familiar surroundings now seemed to mock her with their familiarity, a stark reminder of the happiness that had once existed here. Madison was beginning to resign herself to the possibility that Julian might never return, but the thought of a life without him was too unbearable to contemplate. "Life can be so unfair," she thought to herself. The memory of that fateful night was still etched vividly in Madison's mind, like a painting that refused to fade with time. The room was suffused with a soft glow as the moon peeked through the window, casting its gentle light upon them on the bed. Madison could still recall the heady scent of Julian's cologne, the warmth of his skin against hers, and the pulsing beat of their hearts, entwined in a rhythm of their own. The memory of his lips upon hers was like the sweetest of nectars, a heady rush of pleasure that had left her dizzy with desire. Even now, she could feel the weight of his body upon hers, the gentle rhythm of their breaths as they moved together in a dance of passion. The memory was both beautiful and painful, like a rose that bore thorns, a bittersweet reminder of the love that they had shared. She closed her eyes and surrendered to the memory once more. That was the day she'd live to regret all her life. The thought of losing her virginity to just anyone had filled Madison with a deep sense of caution, a fear that had made her keep herself chaste for so long. Only when she met Julian had she begun to consider the possibility of surrendering that precious gift. She had confided in him about her fears; to his credit, he had been patient and understanding. Madison had believed that Julian was different and that he was not like those who only saw her as a mere object of desire. And yet, as the days passed, doubts began to creep in once more. Madison could only wonder if she had been a fool all along and if Julian was merely another wolf in sheep's clothing. Madison had promised not to wait for Julian anymore. It's obvious he isn't coming back. He's just like the others, she thought. These thoughts brought tears rolling down her eyes. Darkness had already set in, and the sky was draped in a thick cloak of clouds, like a heavy veil threatening to smother the world below. The air was heavy with the scent of coming rain. Her eyes roamed over the surroundings like a bird in flight, searching for a glimmer of hope in the darkness. This was the place where she had resolved to leave everything behind; the pain, the heartache, and the memories that had once held her captive. Every corner of the house held a memory, a haunting echo of the love and the pain that had once filled these surrounding. But as she stood there, her heart heavy with the weight of the past, she knew that this was also the place where she would find her freedom. The memories might linger, but they would no longer hold her captive. The sky became too heavy, and the rain was almost here, but Madison was too heartbroken to move a limb. She sat there, crying her heart out. She thought he was different. They had good times together, and he made her fall deeper in love with him with each passing day, but what happened? He left her either way. She let out more strangled sobs, her shoulders trembling with every bit of her emotions. More sorrowful tears streamed down her face like a shower. With a slow, deliberate movement, Madison rose to her feet, her dress rustling softly with the movement. The rain was already pouring down in a deluge, drenching everything in its path, but Madison cared less. The raindrops fell upon her like a thousand tiny knives, each one stinging with a fierce determination, but Madison gritted her teeth and pushed on, each step a defiance of the pain and sorrow that had once held her captive. As she walked, she wished the rain could wash away the stains of the past, the hurts, and the memories. More tears flowed freely down Madison's face; her body shook with each sob that wracked her frame as she made her way out of the premises. Just as she was outside the premises, she saw a car approaching the house. It looked so much like Julian's car. Could she be dreaming? She thought to herself as surprise washed through her. She froze as a sudden surge of hope coursed through her. "Julian...?" She whispered under her breath as she waited in anticipation for the owner of the car to emerge. Her heart raced like a wild stallion, the pounding of each beat echoing in her ears. Just then, the car door creaked open slowly as if reluctant to reveal its occupant. Madison's eyes were fixed on the car. A long, straight leg emerged from the vehicle, followed by a second, as the person took long strides in her direction. She took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves, as she waited for the figure to step into view. As the figure emerged into view, Madison's heart sank, and a wave of disappointment washed over her like a cold tide. It was a man. He was tall, with an unfathomable beauty. His deep blue eyes made her heart skip a beat, each glance sending shivers down her spine. His broad chest, with its rippling muscles, spoke of a man who was no stranger to the gym. He was handsome, from the depth of his eyes to the expression of his deep baritone voice, which came with a beautiful smile that lit up his deep blue eyes. "Hello, beautiful," he said, his voice a deep rumble that sent shivers down Madison's spine. "Why are you standing out here in the rain?" His words were like a balm to her soul, a comfort amid the storm. She looked up into his deep blue eyes, lost in their depths, and found herself unable to speak. Madison stood there, caught between conflicting emotions that threatened to overwhelm her. On one hand, she felt a deep sense of admiration for the man standing before her, with his chiseled features and towering presence. He was like a demi-god, a force of nature that could not be denied. And yet, at the same time, there was a nagging sense of disappointment that tugged at her heartstrings because this man wasn't Julian. She let out a bitter chuckle and ran off, crying even more. Liam stood in awe and confusion as he held his umbrella firmly to himself. It was windy, and the rain wasn't joking. Liam was left speechless by the sight he had just beheld. Who is that lady? He thought to himself. She was a beauty to behold. Her oval-shaped face housed the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. Her ebony black, glossy hair fell freely on her shoulders, and some strands hung carelessly around her face due to the rain. He didn't even want to go crazy thinking about how her perfectly round ass stood beautifully in her skimpy gown. "f**k!" He cursed under his breath. How could he let her go like that? "Damn it!" She was out of sight. But why was she crying? The lady looked hurt. He shrugged and decided to return to the business that had brought him there. He went to the address Julian had given him and quickly scanned the environment. It looked pretty quiet. There was no one in sight. Liam repeatedly knocked on the door, but no one responded. When he got tired of knocking, he decided to leave. "Hey, Julian," he said when Julian picked up his call. "I've been knocking on the door, but it seems there isn't anyone home," he explained. Julian heaved a sigh of sadness. After a moment of silence, Liam knew he had to do something to help. "Don't worry about it, man; I'll check back tomorrow morning before going to the office," he promised. "It means a lot to me; I appreciate that. Good night, bro," he responded and ended the call. Liam entered his car as he drove home, thinking about the lady he just saw. She was beautiful in sight and in his mind's eye. He couldn't get her picture off his head. Approaching the next turn from the street, he had just left, his eyes caught a glimpse of her—the lady he had just seen a few minutes ago. His heart raced with excitement as he brought his car to a sudden halt, the screech of the tires echoing through the air. He wasted no time in leaping out of the car, his movements quick and decisive. She was still sobbing, not noticing his presence, until he tapped her shoulders. "Hey," came his deep baritone voice again, "is everything okay? It's raining. You don't have to be all alone. Besides, it's really late." Liam spoke softly to her, not wanting to upset her. To his surprise, the lady turned around and hugged him tightly as her sobs grew even louder. Liam was confused, but he figured out this person needed someone to talk to or even a shoulder to cry on, which he'll gladly offer. He wrapped his massive arm around her petite shoulders as he patted her back gently, saying soothing words to her. "Hey, everything will be okay, I promise. You'll be fine," he cooed. "You can talk to me; I'll listen. What's wrong?" He inquired, but the lady kept crying. "Come in. Let me take you home." He ushered her into his car. Madison sat in the stranger's car, drenched in water. "I'm so sorry; I'm a mess; I can just walk home," she said between sobs. "It's nothing. I'll take you home. I can't let a beautiful damsel like you fall victim to these hungry touts out there." "Thank you," she managed to say. Liam could see the sadness in her eyes beneath her long, sweeping lashes. He felt so bad for this lady, and something in him wanted to ease her pain. "What's your name?" He asked, looking at her intently. He was smitten by her beauty. He hadn't felt this way in a long time, but he was sure he wasn't letting this lady go. "Madison," she responded in a rough voice. She had almost lost her voice from crying too much. "I am Liam. Care to share why you've been crying?" "No, please; I don't want to talk about it. Thanks for your concern. I just want to go home." She was no longer crying, but she spoke in whispers. "Sure. Let's take you home." He didn't want to push any further. The drive home was a quiet one. Liam opened the door for Madison as she stepped out and headed for her door. "Thanks, Liam; I appreciate your help. Sorry for any inconveniences this might have caused you," Madison said, knocking on the door. "It's nothing. I am glad I could help." The door creaked open, and Jenna slowly glanced outside to see who it was. "Madison, love, you are home." Jenna spread her arm in a hug, pulling Madison into her embrace. "And who is the handsome man?" She asked with concern written all over her. She had never seen him before. "He's Liam. We just met. He brought me home," Madison managed to say. "Thank you, Liam. Would you like to come in for a drink or something?" Jenna offered. It wouldn't be wrong to link her cousin with this fine young man. Jenna has been very pissed at Julian. Her cousin didn't deserve the treatment she got from him. She had tried to stop her from going back there to wait for him today, but she had insisted. She'll do everything she can to help Madison out of this situation. "I'd love to, but I have to run along," Liam declined, "but, please, take care of her. Whatever the case is, she's really hurt," he added. "Thanks again, Liam; she'll be fine, I promise," Jenna assured him. "Good night, ladies," He gave one of his charming smiles as he made his way to his car. "Holy sh*t, Madison! Where on earth did you find such a man?" Just as Madison was about to speak, she caught a glimpse of a man standing across the street, staring intently at them. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up, and a sense of unease settled over her like a dark cloud. "Do you know the guy across the street?" Madison turned and asked Jenna, pulling her attention in the direction she saw the strange guy some seconds ago, but he was nowhere to be found. It was as if he had vanished into thin air. It sent a creepy feeling down her spine.
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