Untitled Episode

1298 Words

Aine’s POV: My eyes phased out as my wolf spoke to me ‘You choose your mate, we are not like other wolves’. ‘Then I chose him. I choose Cale, always. Only him’ 'You can have him without making him your mate, little one.' 'I want him, surely you can see what I have and still feel for him. I will always choose him. It will always only be Cale' 'Then so shall it be' A feeling started to spread over me, a feeling of pure love and wanting. My senses were filled with his scent. My body responded to him in a pure primal way. I wanted him, needed him, craved him. When I looked back into Cale’s eyes, he uttered the word I so longed to hear, “Mate”. He took me in his arms and started to kiss me. I got onto his lap and devoured his mouth. His tongue explored my mouth and I let my hands

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