Fighting brothers

1922 Words

Ace's pov: I know for sure Dane is hiding something from us he has this awesome smell around him from the moment he came and acted suspiciously weird, but he covered up nice but nothing can go past us. My suspicion was rectified when he pushed his girlfriend so violently to the floor and didn't even stop to say sorry to her which is very unlike him. So I called Raine to see what it was. ''Hey bro, it's Ace'' '' Ahh, Ace looks like you heard the good news from your brother! '' He said excitedly. Good news? , what good news? '' Umm, I think he forgot to mention what it was, can you tell me? '' I asked. '' I'm sorry man I can't tell you, it's your brother's order, I'm sure he will you that by himself, I hope you can understand '' He said. I know he is right he cannot go out on his a

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