Is this Stockholm syndrome

1625 Words

I decided to start by buying her a gift, I searched the whole pack, trying to find the perfect gift for Her, but I couldn't find one that she'd like, Maybe I should learn to carve like Ace? but that'll look like I'm copying. Ugh... After searching for so long I finally settled for her favourite flowers, Azaleas and orchids, which I plucked by myself from my favourite spot. One down, Next, A dress, which was even more of a pain in my ass than the gift, I was chased everywhere I go by my ex-girlfriend, who is so keen on getting me back. Which is annoying me even more nowadays, she's following me everywhere, I go. I always made sure that for every girl I dated, there would be no us ever in our life, but this woman just wouldn't understand it. Then there are my pack members who were surp

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