1796 Words

The next morning: Dane's POV: I'm going f*****g crazy here! I'm trapped inside this room for 3 weeks now, and I really can't seem to leave, my parents left the pack for another world trip but my brothers are always watching me like hawks which are f*****g irritating me, they can't treat me like this!. The most irritating thing in this is my girlfriend, ex-girlfriend that is, still throwing herself on me, following me everywhere I go, bringing me food and all, but no matter how much I try to tell her to leave me alone, she won't listen, pissing me even more. And more than that, my wolf stopped talking with me except howling all day and night long, longing to see her again, not letting me sleep a wink, I can practically feel I'm losing my mind, turning every feeling into anger. If not f

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