
1539 Words

Maya's POV: I woke up to see I was somewhere in a dark yet tight place, yet, I felt so comfortable and warm, I must be in my bed. Maybe I was dreaming all along? My eyes slowly adjusted to the dark making out a huge chandelier above me. Wait a minute, I don't have a chandelier in my room, where did it come from Maybe I'm still dreaming? So I closed my eyes to sleep again, I felt so happy and relaxed like I had never been before, the blanket around is tugged too tightly just the way I wanted, I don't remember having a blanket this comfortable. I dragged my hand to feel the blanket only to meet with a wall of taunt muscle covered in smooth skin. Skin?, in my room?. I opened my eyes to see, a face so close to me, a face of a man, I looked at the other side to see another face. Fear

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