Chapter Twenty Eight

1600 Words
The next morning, I headed to work early. Standing outside the restaurant for a few minutes and just looked at it. Somehow, everything felt so different. The restaurant used to feel like something positive, but no more. The idea of being in there all day dealing with people who were barely even aware of my existence. There wasn't a single person in that building that valued me as a person, not like Aurora had. I lifted my head and pushed my shoulders back. I wouldn't let anything defeat me. To get on with my life away from Italy, I had to get back to normal. No matter how much pain that brought. Sarah came bounding over to me as soon as I got through the door and I sighed. I couldn't be bothered with her. She had been so cruel to Rylie and couldn't stand her and I knew she was going to be all over me trying to get some gossip. "Hey, you're back. How was Italy? Did Luca's wedding go well?" The glint of happiness in her eyes was more than I could take. "Actually, no. He dumped Amelia for Rylie. When I left, they were staying by the lake, together." "Really?" Her face had dropped completely and I couldn't help but take pleasure in it. "Yeah, the perfect couple, them two." "I'm really happy for them." She wasn't, she looked like she had been sucking on lemons and it served her right for being such a hateful person. "Where's Carlson?" "In his office as usual. God forbid he actually get up and do any work." I took my leave, glad to be able to get away from her even if seeing Carlson wouldn't be much better. Without Luca and Rylie there, the whole place seemed so unfriendly. I took the steps two at a time and headed into the staff room first and stowed my things in my locker. He was sitting at his desk when I entered the office and didn't even bother to look up. I just stood there waiting for him to find the time to actually acknowledge my existence. I knew I was being overly grumpy, but I couldn't seem to control it. When he finally dignified my presence with his attention he didn't look particularly happy to see me. "Emily, nice for you to return at long last. Your absence has caused me so much extra work because I have been covering yours and my own." I chose not to mention that I had heard quite the opposite from Sarah. "Three weeks really is too long for a holiday." "I had the available hours Sir, and I have no plans for any more holidays, so you have me back for good." "Fantastic, now get to work." "My shift hasn't started yet. I came in early to get breakfast here, but thought I would come and speak with you first." "Well, whatever." He shooed me away with his hands and returned his attention to his computer screen. I left knowing he was more likely to be playing hearts than actually working. As soon as I sat down, I waved Sarah over. It was petty of me, but I knew it would annoy her to have to wait on me. I ordered the biggest breakfast on the menu, not that I would have normally but I had promised Mamma. Emily: Have you heard anything from the love birds? Aurora: I think the plan is for them to drive back to England. I'll let you know if I hear anything else. Have you heard anything from George? Emily: Yeah, but I'm not responding to him. He said he came to the airport. I miss you guys, England suddenly feels like a very lonely place. I could feel the tears trying to break free as the pang of homesickness hit. It sounded stupid because England was supposed to be my home, but I had never missed a place more than I missed Italy at that moment. I just wanted to be back there so badly. Having people around me all the time had become normal for me and without them, I felt like there was something missing from my life all the time. Aurora: That's cute. Are you sure you're making the right decision? Emily: I'm not sure of anything anymore. As my breakfast was placed in front of me, I snapped a picture of it and sent it to Aurora. Aurora: Send the photo of an empty plate afterwards and Mamma might actually be pleased. She's been odd since you left, like she's suffering from empty nest syndrome. I think too many people left at once. I didn't message back. I didn't know what I was supposed to say. I felt like it was all my fault that Mamma was struggling. It was strange because my parents didn't seem nearly as bothered by my absence. Not that it was a fair comparison, because my mother had enough going on with the divorce to distract her from thinking about me. I sent the photo of the finished plate over to Aurora, but I hadn't finished it all. Only half a sausage and some mushrooms remained, so I had done well, especially for me. I wondered how long Mamma would continue to try and mother me from another country. Somehow, I knew she would never stop, she had accepted me as one of her own and that wouldn't ever change. Not to mention with her voice in my ear, I would try and make better choices anyway. I could imagine considering skipping a meal and thinking no I best not, Mamma won't be happy about that. She had managed to penetrate my brain and there would be no getting her back out. That somehow gave me comfort, like she was always going to be with me, no matter how many miles there were between us. I headed off to collect my apron and fastened it around my waist. It wasn't really necessary because I would be looking at the rotas for most of the day, followed by looking at the order books. Nevertheless, I always had my apron on, so that if we got busy I could jump in and lend a hand. Since Luca had left without warning, his sous chef was running the show in the kitchen. He wasn't bad but he was no Luca. He cooked based on recipes he knew not from instinct. According to the paperwork, they still hadn't managed to recruit another sous chef, which wasn't remotely helpful. I would need to chase up the job advert and check it over, yet another job to add to my list. Carlson had done a piss-poor job of managing the staff while I had been gone and my rotas were a mess. It seemed to take me hours to get them back in order and get the new ones organised. The fresh rotas had only been online five minutes when Sarah came over looking rather pissy. "Why have you dropped my hours?" "I haven't." "Well, I have less, so yeah you have." "Watch your attitude, Sarah. You have the same number of hours as you had before I left on holiday." "But I've been doing an extra ten hours a week since then." "Yes, because you and the other girls were covering my hours, but I'm back now." "How is that fair?" "Because you have no right to any hours, you're on a zero-hour contract. If you don't watch your tone, that is exactly how many hours you will be getting from now on. Be thankful you had extra hours while I was away, but they were never your hours. You get the hours I give you, so I suggest you stop acting like an entitled little girl and get on with your job." She huffed and stormed off, heading upstairs to the office. I knew she was going to cry at Carlson about her hours, but there was no way he would say anything about it anyway. As far as he was concerned, the rotas weren't his problem and he wasn't going to take on any extra work just to please her. As I watched her walk back down the stairs five minutes later, I couldn't help but give her my most sickly sweet smile. She was still pouting, but at least she stayed out of my way and kept her mouth shut. She was the one person at work that I really couldn't stand. It wasn't just me, she had a knack for rubbing everyone up the wrong way. By the time I walked out of the restaurant that evening, I was beyond annoyed. I had started the day in an awful mood and it had only gotten worse as the day progressed. It wasn't until I was walking down my road that I realised that there was nothing waiting for me at home. I would walk into the flat and be completely alone and bored crazy. Sitting and watching rubbish on TV didn't have the same appeal it once had. I didn't even have my best friend to call up and invite around for some drinks. Part of me was angry with her for abandoning me because I missed her so much. I felt like she had chosen Luca over me. It was ridiculous because, of course, she did the right thing, but that didn't make me feel any better or any less lonely. I opened the door to the flat and felt so empty, just like my little home.
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