Chapter Twenty Seven

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No one heard from Rylie all night, and we were all beside ourselves. I had barely slept all night, yet again. I spent the whole night panicking about her and finished packing my things to pass the time. Our flight was at lunchtime and I had no idea if she was even going to turn up before then. I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I had to either stay and miss my flight or fly home without her. I just hoped she turned up before I had to make that decision. It was my last day at the warehouse too, and I wanted to wrap a few things up before I left. It seemed stupid given that I wouldn't be around to see the results of the organisation I was putting in place, but I couldn't leave a job half done. The vineyard was crying out for someone to manage the warehouse and the shipping of products. Aurora only really concentrated on gaining new business and exposure and left the rest to the lads working in the warehouse, but they needed more direction. It was one of the things I had planned on doing if I had stayed in Italy. Aurora hadn't asked me if I still planned to return but we both already knew the answer. She had been so great since everything had happened with George. She was constantly asking me silently how I was doing. We had developed quite a connection and barely needed words anymore. I was just organising the last document on the new tracking system when Aurora shouted at me. She sounded agitated. I legged it up the stairs as fast as I could, expecting to find some form of emergency. "... just stay there." "Who was that?" "Rylie, ring Luca. She's at a phone shop and is heading to the tourist information place." I dialled his number instantly. "Is she alright?" "Yeah, she's fine." "Luca, she's heading to the tourist information centre." "Right, I'm on my way. I'll let you know when I find her." He might not have told us his plans before he left, but he had called Aurora as soon as he checked in at a hotel in Malcesine. He had gone straight there so that when she finally got in touch he would be close by. It was a sound plan and I had started to really respect him again, just like I used to before he messed everything up. He was clearly willing to do whatever it took to be there for Rylie and Jellybean. Aurora and I just stood there staring at our phones waiting for news. There was no sense in going back to work because neither of us would be able to concentrate. Within ten minutes, I received a message back from him. Luca: I'm standing outside. The bloke on the desk says she is in the back talking to someone. I'll let you know more when I know anything else. I relayed the message to Aurora as soon as it came through. "Mamma told me this morning that he asked her for Grandma's engagement ring when he got back to the house yesterday." I actually squealed in response, it was big news. "So, do you think he is going to propose straight away?" "I hope so. The i***t has wasted enough time where Rylie is concerned." She wasn't wrong. It never should have gotten so far. They should have been together all along. We still just sat there looking at our phones, waiting for updates. Aurora sent a message to her parents to let them know that Luca had found Rylie and that she was safe and sound. It was over forty minutes before he rang Aurora's phone. She put it straight on speakerphone so we could both hear him. "So, what's happening?" Aurora inquired. "She's talking to her dad." "When did that happen?" I couldn't believe she had found him at long last and my surprise was evident in my tone. "That's why she came. What can I say, she's pretty damn amazing? All these years and it took her less than a day here to track him down." I smiled at his words. The love he had for her was so clear. "Have you asked her yet?" Aurora beat me to it, but I was dying to know as well. "No, she's a little preoccupied. I should have known Mamma would tell you. I've got to go, she's coming over." He was gone with no warning and I was gutted to be cut off from my information source. "Aurora, can you drop me off at the airport?" "You're still going then? I had hoped you might decide to stay and wait for Rylie." "No need, she's got Luca now. Plus, I'm too angry with her." "What for? You don't seem angry." "Well, I wasn't while I was worried about her, but I'm pissed with her for not telling me she was going, for going at all. I'm free to be angry with her now she's safe." "What about George?" "George who?" "OK, I get the message. I'll meet you in the car in half an hour." I headed out to the house to grab my things and say my goodbyes. It was so difficult to leave them all behind me. It was their fault for welcoming me so openly into their family. I had found something in them that I hadn't had before. My family was amazing, but it didn't emulate the warmth that Mamma did. My parents were much more reserved. I was going to miss them all beyond words. Pops was his usual stoic self, but Mamma started crying as I hugged her goodbye. "Don't you dare be a stranger, dear. If you are not back here regularly, I will hunt you down. Don't think I won't." "I promise you will see me so much you will be begging for me to leave." "Never, not for one second think that. You will be welcome here anytime and for any amount of time. Take care of yourself and make sure you eat well. I don't expect you to be skin and bones when I see you next." I nodded at her usual mothering and turned for the car before I ended up sobbing, too. Her mothering had been annoying and inconvenient to start with, but I had learned to love and depend on it. It would be strange going through my daily life without her meddling. Saying goodbye to Aurora at the airport was completely different. I knew she was upset to see me go but she didn't show it at all. She kept her face stone-faced as she dropped a kiss on each of my cheeks. "Let me know when you get home. Mamma was right, you know, you will always be welcome at the vineyard. I'm secretly hoping you quickly get sick of the cold rainy weather and come back to us." "I just can't, not after everything. You have no idea how much I will miss you all." "I will be on the phone so much you won't even notice a difference." I pulled myself away from her and headed to check in. I would have a long wait, but I was actually looking forward to being safely inside the airport. One step closer to home and away from the mess George had created. I went to grab my phone, hoping to scroll through f*******: for a while to pass the time. The battery was completely dead. I guessed it was the amount of time I had spent staring at it while we waited to hear from Rylie. It was going to be a long flight home with nothing to occupy myself, so I headed to a nearby store and picked up some magazines. Luckily they had a few English ones, otherwise, I would have been stuck flicking through the pictures. By the time I finally walked through my front door I was exhausted. The drive back was long and slow, mainly because I was alone. It was the first time in weeks I had felt utterly alone and I hated it. Between the flight and the drive, I didn't get back until late in the evening. The second I dropped my bags on the floor, I headed to the nearest socket and plugged my phone in. Hoping it would charge quickly, so I could text Aurora and then head to bed. I busied myself making a cup of tea while I waited. The kettle had just finished boiling when I heard the vibration indicating it had come alive again. Taking my cup, I sunk down on the sofa and folded my legs underneath me. Part of me wondered if it would be easier just to sleep where I sat, rather than make the short journey to my bed. As soon as I picked it up from the table, I saw the voicemail. I couldn't open it. I needed a minute to brace myself before I heard his husky voice. Emily: I'm home safe and sound. Missing you already. Aurora: Missing you too little sis. Mamma says you should be in bed. Emily: Heading there shortly, I promise. Aurora: She wants to know if you have eaten. Emily: No, I didn't have time. I will make sure I eat a big breakfast to make up for it. I turned my attention to George. I didn't want to hear what he had to say, but I knew I had to. Before I pressed the button, I took some deep breaths. "I'm here now, please don't get on the plane. Stay. I promise I can make it right. For f**k's sake, I can't find you. Please just don't get on the plane." I pressed to delete the message but hesitated. Before I had a chance to think about it further, another message played. "I've f****d up again. I came. I wanted to stop you from leaving me, but somehow, I missed you. I brought a ticket and everything. If it wasn't for Amiee being at home with the nanny, I would have boarded the f*****g plane. I just want a chance to explain, to show you that Sharon was lying. I love you. You hating me won't change that." I put the phone down. I had no idea what he expected me to do with what he had said. It didn't change anything. I was just glad that he didn't find me at the airport. The last thing I needed was a scene at the airport, with him declaring his undying love for me only for me to tell him to f**k off in front of everyone. Not to mention that I was deeply scared that I wouldn't have told him to f**k off at all. I feared that instead, I would have given in to my feelings for him and forgiven his indiscretions. Except doing that would get me exactly nowhere.
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