Chapter Three

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The next morning, everyone was getting up and about early and I had no choice but to do likewise, given my position on the sofa. I tried to stretch my back out, but it was so stiff, the sofa really wasn’t the best decision. I wished I had asked if I could bunk in with Aurora, but after such a short time of knowing her, it seemed a bit much. The first thing I did was automatically check my phone. George: Morning, are we still on for tonight? Emily: Yes, but you don’t know what you are getting yourself into. I can be quite the handful. You will probably run a mile after having to deal with me for more than ten minutes. George: Not possible. “Get your head out of your phone and get dressed, will you? I was hoping you would come and keep me company at the office.” Aurora had come in completely unnoticed, and I hated how she kept finding me swooning over my phone. “I would love to, but I want to stick close by in case Rylie needs anything.” “You are allowed your own life, you know?” “I know. I might head for a swim.” Although I had no intention of swimming, I really wanted to stay close. Aurora was just so damn pushy. As she left me alone, I grabbed a bread roll and headed out into the garden. I wanted to get showered and changed, but that wasn’t an option until Rylie was awake. I had seen everyone milling around except for Luca and imagined he was avoiding me after the night before. Then again, his bride was absent, too. No doubt they were still in their room. I shook my head in disbelief at the idea of the two of them together. It seemed ridiculous, but I had seen them together with my own eyes back in England. It just all seemed so out of character for Luca, it made no sense to me. If anything, the whole idea made me feel slightly untrusting towards George. If Luca, knowing the man he was, could treat Rylie so badly, how could I trust a man I didn’t know at all? So far, George seemed too good to be true. No one was that gentlemanly or that nice. He was so full on too, it was odd. There was something about him that I just couldn’t shake like he had an ulterior motive somehow. It didn’t really matter, anyway. It was just a bit of fun; in a few weeks, I would be back in England. I would just enjoy the attention and the distraction while it lasted. I had no idea how long I had been outside staring at the scenery and thinking, but I suddenly heard a load of commotion coming from upstairs. It was loud enough to hear outside. I tried to ignore it. Whatever was going on, it wasn’t anything to do with me. I could hear Aurora shouting and realised she must not have left for work. It was probably some sort of family drama that I was best off staying out of. I hoped it was Luca she was shouting at. He deserved someone to be shouting at him. It seemed clear that Rylie was never going to do it. She just couldn’t seem to bring herself to be truly angry with him, which just enraged me further. I was so bored; I wasn’t used to sitting around. That was exactly why I started working at the restaurant. I needed something to occupy myself. I was seriously considering taking Aurora up on her offer of hanging out in the office. I had already helped out on the odd occasion in the warehouse, but it was only the odd few hours. Maybe she could put me to work somewhere to help pass the hours. Three entire weeks were going to drag by otherwise. I looked up as I saw movement from the house and watched on as Amelia stormed out of the house. She really did appear to be rather pathetic from the interactions I’d had with her. All stroppiness and no substance. She was clearly a spoilt rich girl; I had known enough of them to recognise it easily enough. I could have quite easily turned into her myself. My father had definitely done enough to turn me into someone just like her, but I was lucky. I had my mother to give me a good grounding. She had always been the one to step in and refuse me. I was glad about it. If she hadn’t instilled discipline in me, I would have ended up out of control. She had forced me as a child to see the pain that others go through, and it enabled me to be grateful for everything I had. It stopped me from being as entitled as Amelia. As much as I had complained constantly about her making me do things like singing in care homes and helping to feed the homeless, it had done me the world of good. I still remembered the time she made me help out at the food bank. They had left me in the storeroom all day because I threw a fit at having to be there. She refused to take me home until I had stacked the shelves like they had asked me to. Days like that were what made me not able to sit still. Once the noise had subsided for a while, I headed back inside. I needed to know if Rylie was awake. I was desperate to get changed. She was awake and conspiring with Aurora when I entered the room. When they told me that Amelia had been in there kicking off with Rylie, I saw red and nearly told Aurora about the baby. Everything was just getting too hard to keep inside. When I excused myself, I headed for a shower. Thinking of George and what he had planned for the night and what it would be. I still wasn’t going to tell Rylie anymore than I had to, but it was clear she knew a fair amount already. When he messaged me again, she commented on what Aurora had said in the car the night before. So much for keeping it to myself for the time being. I still wouldn’t be giving her any details. I knew nothing about the man, there was nothing to say. I refused to rub any form of romance in her face while she was still facing raising hers and Luca’s baby alone. When I slipped into our room to get ready for my dinner, Rylie was fast asleep again. While going through the wardrobe, I tried to be as quiet as possible. I hadn’t packed, expecting to be going anywhere particularly special. I was suddenly glad that I had packed extra heels, despite Rylie’s teasing over them. I pulled out the one nice dress I had brought and slipped it on. It was a little too much for a first date, but there wasn’t much I could do about that. The black number clung to me in all the right places and showed way too much cleavage. I had only brought it with me because it was so versatile. I just hoped he wouldn’t get the wrong impression. I normally would have preferred something much more conservative. I left my long brown hair straight for ease. There was no need to put much effort into it because it was poker straight, naturally. Adding just the most basic amount of make-up and, at the last minute, grabbing the blue cardigan from Rylie’s section. It was a touch too big, but it would have to do, anything to help me cover up a little. I slipped down the stairs silently despite my heels and straight out the front door. I felt like a naughty teenager sneaking out at night, but it was necessary. Aurora had proved that with her constant questions already. I headed for the chalk path that led to the main road and waited. Standing there in heels for ten or so minutes was definitely worth it to avoid anyone laying eyes on him. I would have preferred to make my own way into the city, but it wasn’t like I had a car available to me. I couldn’t believe I had even agreed to the date. George could be a mass murderer for all I knew, and I was letting him pick me up in the middle of nowhere. Given that he was a doctor, I hoped that meant he was less likely to try to snuff me out in a field somewhere. It was a caring profession, after all. The relief set in as soon as I saw his headlights heading up the road. I threw a quick look over my shoulder to make sure the coast was clear, but even if it wasn’t, there wasn’t much I could do about it. He stopped the car and got out before I had the chance to even get my hand on the door handle of his BMW. Scooting around to my side of the car and opening the door for me. I had wanted to just jump in so we could leave quickly, but it appeared he was impossible of not being a gentleman. “Well, you look divine.” “Thank you, you’re not so shabby yourself.” He laughed a little too loudly as I slipped into the passenger seat, and I was convinced we wouldn’t get away without someone seeing us. I just wasn’t the sort of person who liked everyone knowing my business. As he slipped back in beside me, I hoped I was free and clear. He drove further toward the house to turn the car around and, as he did, I saw her. Aurora stood just outside the kitchen door, her hands on her hips, staring right at us. I knew she would be up waiting for me when I got back to get all the details, and I was dreading it.
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