Chapter Four

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As we drove, he chatted away almost to himself; it put me at ease and soon enough I forgot about everything except that moment. It was odd. He came into my life when I needed the distraction. That was what he would forever be, a distraction from everything that was going on, giving me the chance to forget it all for a while. I was starting to get used to the way he was and waited in the car for him to open the door for me. Taking his hand when he extended it for me. As my hand slipped into his, the tingling feeling was undeniable. It was as though I had poked my fingers into a plug socket and what was worse; I wanted to do it again and again. His skin was magnetised, drawing me in. As we walked towards the restaurant, I couldn’t stop myself from brushing my hand against his. I’d had boyfriends before, plenty of them, but I had never felt so much from a simple touch. It felt like a constant need to feel more of the same, as though I couldn’t live without that sensation. After we sat down in the rather upscale restaurant, I wasted no time in trying to get to know him a little better. “What sort of doctor are you?” “Primarily paediatric, but I moonlight with the helicopter crew, too.” “In what way?” He had piqued my interest; I could only imagine how exciting it must have been to work on major incidents like the sort that needed airlifting. “I pilot normally. I only do it in my spare time.” “You can fly?” “Yep, I worked for a short time in the Air Force.” So he was a doctor, a pilot and an ex-soldier. There had to be something wrong with him, no one could be so perfect. It almost felt like I had to find out what his imperfections were. “What about you? What do you do for work?” I didn’t want to answer the question. Before that moment, I had never been ashamed of my work. “I’m a deputy manager at a restaurant.” I purposely left out that I had only recently been promoted. I suddenly realised I had no real idea of how old he was. He looked about thirty, but he had to be older to have done so much with his life. I didn’t even know how I was meant to ask him. It felt rude to just come out with it. I decided to take a different tack. “It’s more of a for-now job. I’m only twenty-four, so plenty of time to find out what I am destined to do with myself.” “That is very true, I hadn’t even decided on medical school at your age. I was still in the Air Force and expected that to be my long-term career goal. It wasn’t until there was an incident that I changed my mind and decided to go to medical school.” I tried to do the maths, but he had to be at least six years older than me if he hadn’t even started medical school at my age. “What sort of incident?” “It’s a bit much, but if you’re sure you want to know, I can tell you.” I placed my hand on top of his at the pained look on his face, but had to release it as the starters were laid in front of us. “If it’s too painful, don’t worry.” “It’s not anymore. Our team was out on a training exercise. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary or even very serious. We had all been having fun, joking, and having a laugh. We were dropped off on the edge of the jungle and were supposed to be finding our way to a waiting helicopter. It wasn’t even an exercise we did often, but we had some free time and volunteered.” I couldn’t take my eyes off him. There was something about the way he talked that left me completely absorbed in his words. “We should have been taking it more seriously, but it wasn't a big deal. On our way, we found a young boy who lived in a village deep in the jungle, the sort that was isolated. At some point, he had stepped on something sharp, a rock or something similar, and it had caused an infection. He had been out gathering supplies and was too weak to get home or get help.” “That’s terrible. Was he all right?” “We got him to the chopper and airlifted him to the nearest hospital, but it was too late. The infection was just too bad. The thing that bothered me was that it was something so easy to fix if it had been caught early enough. So, I left the forces and trained as a doctor. I try to volunteer in areas that don’t have access to good medical facilities. I’m only here now because I need to pay the bills. After a year or so here, I will head off on my travels again.” I didn’t even know what to say. I just couldn’t find anything wrong with him. “What does your family think about it all?” “There’s only my father and brother left. My mother died when I was young. My brother and father are both in the forces, so they travel a lot. Dad wasn’t around much when I was a kid. My grandparents raised me for the most part, but they have both passed now.” “I’m sorry, that’s rough.” He shrugged his shoulders and I suddenly felt so lucky to have my parents, even under their recent circumstances. “That’s enough sad talk, though. You and Rylie seem close.” “She is the most amazing woman I have ever met. She has been through so much and doesn’t seem to realise how strong she is. I just wish life would give her a break, you know?” “So, why are the two of you in Italy?” “That’s such a long story.” “I have time.” “I’m not getting into the whole thing, but the cliff notes are that she fell in love with her best friend, not me, obviously. He moved on with someone else and sent her a wedding invite here, just after she had found out she was pregnant with his kid. So now she is going to be a bridesmaid while carrying the groom’s baby. It’s quite a mess. The worst part is I know they love each other, but they just can’t seem to connect the dots.” “Wow, I have no words, just wow. It’s like some sort of soap opera. So, you came with her as a witness when she bumps the bride off?” “Well, if she did, Amelia would deserve it.” “Well, I know you said you were a handful, but I didn’t think you meant enough to be an accomplice to murder.” “I’m loyal by nature, if she asked me to dig a grave, my only question would be how deep she wanted it.” I laughed, but I wasn’t even sure I was kidding. I wasn’t used to drinking wine and I was already on my third glass; it had left me more than a little foggy. Before long we were heading back to the car, despite my reservations I had really enjoyed myself. He was way too easy to talk to and I knew I had revealed a little too much about myself. He probably thought I was a complete nut job. I was beyond gutted that he had taken me back to the vineyard. If we had been in England, I would have invited him in, but I didn’t have that option in someone else’s house. He parked right out front and I was well aware that the chances were there were beady little eyes watching us from the house. I turned towards him because he showed no signs of getting out of the car. He was staring impassively at the dashboard. I couldn’t work out what he could possibly be thinking about. I searched my brain for what I was supposed to say. In the end, I went with the simplest thing. “What are you thinking about?” “Honestly?” “Yes, I don’t normally ask for lies.” I giggled a little and hoped it would lighten the mood. “I’m conflicted between what I want to do and what I was brought up to do.” “I’m intrigued.” I was, there was no denying it. “My grandfather taught me to be respectful and have manners, he was a typical old-school Italian man. I just don’t feel very gentlemanly around you. It's like I know what I should do, but I can't actually do it.” I didn’t know what came over me, it was like I had no control of my own body. I was usually the cool, calm one. I grabbed a fistful of the front of his shirt and pulled him towards me until his lips met mine. I had no idea what was holding him back, it had to be more than manners, but at that moment I couldn't care less. He might have been worried about manners, but it was the last thing on my mind. The fire he lit in me was too forceful. If a single brush of his skin could create such a reaction within me, I was dying to find out what other effects he would have on me.
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