Max's face

1049 Words

The place was the exact house of the Alpha that I had killed, so I stopped walking. “ Where are you taking me to?" I asked him. “ Did you not hear what happened?" He asked me. “ What happened to who?" I raised my eyebrows at him. “ I am going to visit her, she lost her husband, well, they could not find him but I think they are looking for him, he has been missing for weeks, but I think they found a link already," He said. I looked into his eyes, it was beginning to look like a set-up, I was being tricked. Why would he come to my house and then take me to this place, something is not right at all. “ Are you sure about what you are saying?" I asked him. I was referring to the link he said they already found, that was my major interest. " I am very sure of that, we should get

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