It's was Maria

2071 Words

Getting back to the house to see that it was scattered, I saw that the things that were supposed to be in their places were not there at all. “ What is going on here?" I asked no one in particular, yes, because no one was in sight and it scared me so much. Then soon, I heard footsteps approaching, I stood behind the door to see who it would be. “ Have the others called you to come? You should come out of your hideout this minute" I heard a voice say. I knew who it was. I came out of my hiding place. “ Hey, where is everyone?" I asked him, he was one of my guards. “ You all can come out, bring those intruders as well" He yelled. I could not tell what he was talking about. “Who are they?" I asked as I saw the people that they brought out, they were about five men. I saw Cla

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