She asked me

1834 Words

The boy was pleading in a way that would have made me change my mind but I did not do that, there was something about him that did not sit well with me. “ You will have to do something for me if you wish to stay in this house for as long as you want,” I said to him. He stopped begging and looked at me. I could see that a smile had crept upon his face. Clara looked at me and shook her head, asking me not to allow it. I understand her, I was not going to allow it, I had my plans in place and I will do it and get what I want. “ Are you ready?” I asked him. “ Of course, I will do anything you want me to do as long as you let me stay here,” He said. I smiled. Clara pulled me into a corner. “ What are you doing? We agreed that we would not stay here, why are you letting him stay her

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