And he called the guards

1867 Words

He allowed him inside the house. I was happy that he allowed him to spend the night in our house. Robert was not in support of it but he had to allow him because of the way that I pleaded with him. “ Go inside,” He said to him. That was when he got up from where he was and went into the house, he was offered a room to sleep in. I was asleep when I heard a knock on my door. I know that Robert does not come to my room, once he was inside his room, that was it, he hardly came out of his room. I got up, because I was scared to open the door, I had to find out who was at the door. “ Who is it?” I asked. The person knocked again instead of answering me. “ Who are you?” I asked again, this time I made sure that my voice was louder than the first one, but still, I got no reply. Pan

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