Chapter One

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Chapter One Out of nowhere, summer came to an abrupt end. Elite High School was scheduled to open its doors to a brand new year during the first week of September, and I was beyond excited. For the first time ever, I really wanted to go back to school and see my girls again. We’d gone through a lot the previous year and I knew that this upcoming year was going to be different, new and fresh. Last year, we fought off a couple of bullies, with Nick’s help, survived a school shooting and they were there when I came out to everyone. I missed Kitty and Madison so much, but I knew that wherever they were, they were having more fun than I was. Madison spent her entire summer traveling through Italy, France and Germany while Kitty lived out her dream of touring every country in South America. She sent me several postcards throughout summer with a short message saying how much she missed me. The last postcard I received from her was from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I was surprised that her mom gave her permission to go with Ryan, Kitty’s boyfriend. It just showed how much she trusted Kitty. The girls scheduled their returns on the Friday before the new school year, which was just a few days away. They had a blast, unlike Nick and me. We spent our entire summer working day and night. Yes, we worked our asses all summer long. Since we were an official couple, we both had to work really hard in order to support ourselves and proved to everyone that we could make it on our own. I loved saying that Nick and I were a couple. My heart would melt every time I said those words to anyone who would ask about us. Yes, Nick Wild Hawk was my man and I was his baby boy. That basically meant that he was mine and I was his. Nick got a full-time job as a mechanic at an auto repair shop. His dad had taught him how to fix cars at an early age. That was something else that Nick had hidden from me about his parents. We never talked about them since their little falling out about his s****l preferences. He only mentioned them when necessary. Like when I was shocked to find out he was an amazing cook and asked him how he’d learned. His mom had actually taught him when he was younger but he’d never exercised that gift because his parents were rich and had a cook fulltime. Deep inside, I knew Nick was hurting and it broke my heart knowing how he suffered over the rift between them and not being able to do anything about it. I heard him saying their names several times during his sleep, but Nick was being a man and he was holding that tremendous pain inside. Instead of hurting him even more by asking about them, I would never mention them to him. By ignoring their existence, we were moving on with our lives. I also got a job. I worked as a clerk at a movie rental store. I worked every day from eight to twelve and from one to five. Nick and I had lunch together every day though. We did our best to spend time together since he was still working his second job at Agostino di Duccio’s Pizza Palace. During the small amount of free time we got, we would go to the movies or for a short walk around town. We had to work hard since we needed the money for the upcoming school year. We had to pay rent, food, utility bills and any unforeseen expenses that may occur or hit us in the face throughout the year. Even though it was a little chaotic and we barely had time to see each other, we were extremely happy with being a couple. What could go wrong? Our apartment was in the center of St. Peter’s Town. We lived in the third story of a four story building. The apartment had one small bedroom, a living room and bathroom, just enough space for me and Nick, but it was comfortable enough, clean and all that we could afford. On the plus side, we had an amazing view of the nearby park from our bedroom window. At the same time, though, I detested that window because it made me feel uncomfortable whenever we were intimate. I didn’t want anyone to see us while we made love. I’m not one of those people who get off on being watched. s*x is private. The first days of living together were tough for me because I had to adjust to Nick’s lack of cleanliness. I was a neat freak while Nick was a dirty jock. I had to clean up after him regularly since he found it funny to throw his stuff all around the rooms. I was happy cleaning and cooking for him though. It made us feel like a real couple. Every time he came home, I jumped into his arms and kissed him passionately. Nick loved to be welcomed that way every single day. It made him feel like the man of the house and that I was his and only his. After that, I cooked whatever he wanted to eat that night. Nick loved fried food, specially fried chicken, shrimp and conch. Fry it and he loved it. During those late dinners, we would talk about our long days at work and plan our future together. “You must be pretty excited.” Nick took a bite of a drumstick and chewed heartily. “Yes, I am! I can’t wait to see them.” I took a bite of my veggie burger. I would always cook something different for me because greasy food was not my thing. “I’m going to love this new school year. No. More. Jacob.” “Why do you hate him so much?” I smiled. I always found his fake rivalry with Jacob amusing and funny. “Because he wants what’s rightfully mine.” “Jacob is dating Rick and I’m living with you, Nick.” “True, but he’s dating your miniature clone. The guy looks just like you.” I laughed, but Nick was dead serious. I never understood how someone so good looking could be so insecure when it came to me. I guessed that he was really afraid of losing me. “Nick, I love you. Why would I trade you for Jacob?” He sighed. “I guess you wouldn’t. I just don’t know what I’d do without you. My life would be incomplete. I think I would feel lost and confused.” “Nick.” I stood up, went over to him and sat on his lap. I gently wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his right cheek. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Nick. I love you Nicholas Anthony Hawking.” I kissed him again, this time on the neck. He grinned. “I’ve told you a million times. Don’t kiss me there. I get hard fast.” “I want you to get hard,” I whispered into his ear. Nick chuckled. I was still clinging onto him when he stood up and cleared the table with one hand and lifted me on top, just like in the movies. That night we had s*x on top of the table. s**t! We had s*x everywhere! Nick was one horny jock. He claimed that ‘working out’ made him horny since his blood and testosterone level rose drastically, but to me, he was just a really horny guy. It was in his nature to have s*x every single day. To Nick, having s*x was like combing his hair or brushing his teeth. He needed s*x to function properly or to relax after a long day of work. I truly did not mind having s*x all the time with Nick because he lived up to his nickname. They didn’t call him Nick Wild f**k for nothing. However, Nick had two alter egos when it came to s*x. He had a sensitive side and a beastly side. His sensitive side was romantic, caring, loving, and passionate. He tended to my every need and made me reach the best orgasms of my life. I personally called him Nick Smooth f**k; but, his beastly side was another drama. He was wild, crazy, rough, and savage. He did not stop until he literally made me cry, but not from immense pain. Nick made me cry out of pure pleasure and delight. Nick was that amazing and wonderful in bed. I just lay back and enjoyed the freedom that we fought so hard for. Little did I know… * * * * * The following day was my last day of work at the movie rental store. It was also Nick’s final day at the auto shop because we wanted to relax over the last weekend of summer before the grind of senior year. A few minutes before five, my last customer walked in. I didn’t recognize her because she wasn’t one of the regulars. In fact, she was not from town. I stood up while she looked around the shop. I had to admit that the girl was very beautiful. She had long blonde hair, blue eyes and porcelain skin. She wandered over to the ‘New Releases’ section. While she examined every title on the shelf, I walked up to her. “May I help you?” She picked up the display cover for Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows: Part One, and turned to me with a smile from cheek to cheek. “I see these are all rented out. Got any more in the back?” “Um, no, sorry. We keep ordering more so we have plenty in stock but they never stay on the shelves. It’s a forty-eight hour rental, though, so someone will have brought a copy back by Monday.” “I see. Pity. I guess I’ll see you on Monday, John.” Every hair on my body stood on end. Something about the way she said my name seemed malicious. “I’m…sorry. Do I know you?” She smiled again, but her smile looked spiteful and mischievous like a kid who’s done something wrong and has been caught. “No. But, I know you. Everyone knows you. You and Nick are living together, right?” “Oh! Yes. Yes, we are.” My blood began to circulate again. I felt at ease once more. Of course she knew who we were. Nick was one of the most popular guys in town. “Okay then, see you Monday.” She turned around and walked out. I even forgot to tell her that I wasn’t going to be here on Monday. Unfortunately, she was not the first person who’d walked in knowing my name. Nick and I were at the top of everyone’s gossip list because of our s****l orientation. Everyone knew our names, titles, address and even birthdates, especially because Nick was the star quarterback and athlete extraordinaire of Elite High. Some of his fame was rubbing off onto me. I didn’t care about what people thought about us since we were a happy couple. No one was going to take him away from me and no one was going to take me away from him. A few girls would come in just to make silly little comments about Nick. They would often tell me that my boyfriend was hot and incredibly sexy and how lucky I was to have him. I graciously thanked them and let it go at that. Why would I hate them? Nick was hot and incredibly sexy. Other girls watched me like hawks stalking their prey. They hated the fact that Nick and I were a couple because they wanted Nick for themselves. Something about this new girl seemed malevolent though. I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, but I completely ignored it. My shift was over and I was finally free. I ran home and the moment I opened the front door, two bodies wrapped their arms around me. It was my Madison and Kitty. “Surprise!” they shouted in unison. “Hi guys! How did you get in?” They immediately let me go after a quick kiss on the cheeks. “We went to visit Nick at the auto shop first,” Kitty explained while we walked into the living room to sit down. “He told us that there was a spare key underneath the fire extinguisher at the end of the hall.” “Yeah,” Madison interjected. “We wanted to surprise you.” “Well, mission accomplished. I missed you guys so much.” “We missed you too, Johnny Boy.” Kitty mussed my hair playfully and examined the apartment. “Nice place, John. It really looks like a real home now.” “Thank you, Kitty. It’s been hard, but we’re hanging on. We can make it. I know it.” “I must say, I love your room.” Madison added, looking around at the small living room space that consisted of a red sofa set and small television. “I brought you a few toys for you and Nick to play with.” She winked at me. I smiled, just to be polite. Why would she buy us toys? Nick and I were seventeen years old, living together as a couple. We were too big to be playing with toys or acting like two ten year olds. What in the world was she thinking? “Thank you, Madison.” Kitty giggled. “You didn’t understand her, did you?” I shook my head while Madison laughed out loud. “Gosh, John. You’re so innocent! No wonder Nick loves you. I meant s*x toys.” Oh, Lord! I felt my cheeks burn and my entire body began to sweat. s*x was something I was never comfortable enough to talk even with my close friends. I knew my face was red because Madison and Kitty were laughing merrily. Kitty was the one to break free from her laughter first. “Don’t be embarrassed, John.” “Yes, s*x should be normal between you two since you’re an official couple now.” “I’m not embarrassed, Madison. It’s just that…I feel awkward whenever we talk about…sex.” “I understand,” she told me. “I still can’t believe you’re having s*x with Nick Wild Hawk. Anyone would kill to be with him.” “Well, I didn’t kill anyone.” “That’s true. Well, I’m not as sexually liberated as Madison here.” Kitty acknowledged her friend’s bold nature with a smile while Madison showed off her white teeth. “I, on the other hand, brought you a few things from the many countries I visited on my trip. Did you get all my postcards?” “Yes! I love every single one of them. I’ve got them stored in my memory box.” Kitty ruffled my hair again. “Awesome! I can’t wait for Monday.” “I really hate school, but I really want to go back. We’ve got prom and graduation this year.” Madison smiled happily. I sighed. Now that Madison mentioned prom, the inevitable question arose. “I wonder if we’ll be able to attend prom.” “Why would you say that?” Kitty asked me. “Kitty, we’re a gay couple.” “Yes, but this is a free country.” “It’s not that easy, Kitty,” Madison added. “You know how people discriminate against gay people all over the country. We’ve got to check with the school first just to be sure.” For a couple of seconds, we all looked at each other, deep in thought. I wanted to attend prom with Nick because it would be an unforgettable experience for us both, but the school had the last word. We were still not sure how they felt about us being a gay couple there. Suddenly, Madison spoke up again. “Has Nick tried rimming you yet?” The redness in my cheeks returned while they laughed merrily. I always avoided Madison’s s****l questions like a nasty plague, but she insisted until she literally took the answers from my mouth. For dinner, we ordered two large pizzas. We wanted Nick to deliver them, but he was busy with another delivery on the other side of town. Eric, his co-worker, delivered our pizzas instead. We ate one in the living room while we discussed our summers in detail. Kitty showed us tons of pictures from her trip with Ryan. They looked like a really happy couple. Madison showed us videos and pictures of the many fashion shows that she attended in Milan, Paris and Germany. I, on the other hand, had nothing exciting to share with them. I had spent my entire summer working, but they found my summer more interesting than theirs. They wanted to know what it was like living with Nick now that we were a couple. They asked me tons of questions and I answered all of them with a smile across my face. They left my apartment around nine. I thanked them for the gifts again and headed to my room where I found two large suitcases on my bed. I opened Kitty’s suitcase first. I would need a shot of tequila before opening Madison’s. Inside Kitty’s luggage, I found tons of household items to decorate the entire apartment. She’d even bought us new clothes. To be honest, we needed them badly because we weren’t financially stable enough to be spoiling ourselves. I unpacked several paintings, colorfully woven placemats and finely crafted kitchen utensils and a pound of gourmet coffee from Colombia, and a miniature model of the Panama Canal. I got down to business and decorated all of the rooms with them. Nick arrived just as I placed a small portrait of God standing on top of a mount and looking down on Rio de Janeiro with his hands open next to the door. I immediately welcomed him. He examined the portrait and then glanced around the place. “Whoa, the girls brought you all of this stuff?” “Believe it or not, I’ve only unpacked Kitty’s suitcase.” “Really?” Nick asked, walking into the kitchen. “Yes. I’m afraid to open Madison’s.” Nick opened the pizza box that was on top of the table. “I love…Madison’s…gifts,” he mumbled, biting into a slice. “You love anything that involves s*x. No wonder you and Madison are so close.” Nick chuckled. “I’m a freak, baby.” “Eat and take a long bath. I’ve got to open Madison’s suitcase.” “Hell no! I want to open it with you.” Nick grabbed my arm and dragged me into the bedroom. With sweaty palms, I slowly unzipped Madison’s suitcase. Nick’s grin told me he was excited to see what was inside. After I flipped the suitcase open, we came face to face with several different kinds of s****l toys. There were also things with straps and cuffs that Nick explained were for b*****e. The concept of people restraining each other for pleasure made my head spin and I ignored those items and checked out the others. Many looked like bizarre rubber objects with tiny little machines inside them that vibrated when you pressed a button or flipped a little switch. My heart gave a sudden jolt. I was afraid to get close to them, but Nick immediately began to examine each one. “How can she buy these things, Nick? She’s not even eighteen.” “Baby, when you’ve got the money, you can get away with anything you want.” Nick picked up what looked like a leather restraining jacket. He turned to me with a huge smile and winked. “You’ve got to try this on. s**t! I’ve got to try all of these on you tonight.” I sighed knowing what was to come. Thanks to Madison, I was in for a kinky night. * * * * * When Monday came and I hobbled up the steps of Elite High, I praised the Lord. Nick and I had s*x for three full nights and two whole days. Don’t get me wrong, he was good at it and I loved it, but one can only take so much! My entire body ached. I was ten times more sore than if I’d attended gym class after several years of no physical activity whatsoever. Nick, on the other hand, had the time of his life while we kinked things up in the bedroom. It sort of sucked that he never tried anything on himself because then I may have not been so sore. But really, I didn’t mind. He loved every single second of it as much as I did. While I walked to my locker, everyone stared at me. Many students saluted me on the way while several girls gave me angry looks. Their attitudes made me feel like an outcast and I didn’t like it, but I had to be strong for Nick and myself. I was not going to let them get to me like Matthew and Jacob once had. That morning, I had to walk alone since Nick wanted to talk with Coach Jordan about the new football season. When I reached my locker, I opened it and began to place my new books inside. Suddenly, Kitty popped up by my right side with a cheerful smile. “Good morning, John.” “Morning,” I whimpered, trying to comb my untidy hair with my fingers. “What happened to you? You sound and look like shit.” “What do you think?” I gave up on my hair and shoved my math book into the locker. “Madison and her little gift of toys happened.” Kitty giggled. I shot her a look. “What’s so funny? Nick sexed me all weekend.” “I know, but I bet you loved it.” Kitty teased, poking my abdomen. I groaned and Kitty tried to hold in her laughter. “Sorry.” “It’s okay, but you’re right. It was awesome.” She giggled again. Suddenly, Madison stepped beside us. “Hello my two best friends in the whole wide world. What happened? I thought you’d be excited to see this slut?” “You know, I just got a weird case of déjà vu, Madison.” “Me too,” Kitty added. We laughed. Madison turned to me after noticing my mussed hair and tired face. “What happened to you? You look like you haven’t slept for the last three days.” “Thanks to you.” “Oh my God. Nick! I bet he tried everything on you.” “Hell, no! Thank God. If he did, I’d be dead by now.” They laughed. Kitty carefully hugged me while we walked to class. “He still hasn’t tried everything on you, John?” “Sadly, no, Kitty.” While Madison giggled her little ass off, Kitty continued. “I’d hate to be you right now because I know how wild Nick can be in bed.” Madison and I froze almost immediately. A cold rush embraced my entire body and my stomach churned. Even my heart skipped a few beats when I turned into her direction. “What do you mean, Kitty?” “I mean, from what I’ve heard.” Kitty looked nervous. It was one of the few times she ever looked that way. She broke her eye contact with me and looked around scratching her head. She looked apprehensive, but I shook the thought from my head. This was Kitty we were talking about, my sister. “Okay,” I answered her. Madison, however, kept examining Kitty’s sudden change of emotion. We continued down the hallway since we were really late for class. Madison turned to me as we neared the door. “Next time I’ll get you more stuff.” I came to a sudden stop and rubbed my aching lower back. Was Madison crazy? I’d barely made it three nights and we had not tried all of the objects yet. “Madison, please don’t give Nick more weapons of mass destruction.” They laughed their little hearts out even though I was dead serious. Nick and s*x toys were a deadly combination. They each wrapped one arm around me and we continued with our journey to class. For our first period, we had English Literature with Mrs. Arzu. She was a proud African-American woman in her late thirties. I loved the color of her dark brown skin unlike my pale white. I always wanted to have darker skin or be evenly tan like Nick. Genetics had screwed me over big time. We found Nick waiting for us inside. He quickly stood and walked up to Madison, smiling. He wrapped one arm around her. “You’re the best did you know that? When I get married, you’ll be my best man.” My skin went cold since that was the first time I heard Nick talking about marriage and a part of me loved the idea of marrying him. Madison laughed and hugged him tight. “I can see that you liked my gifts.” “I loved them.” With a peck on her cheek, Nick let go of her. The girls giggled because they knew the truth. Nick walked up to me and wrapped his arm around me. “Jaan loved them too. Right, Jaan?” Jaan. The nickname Nick gave me last year. It means love in Hindi and sounds almost like ‘John’ but is pronounced with a flatter sound. “Yes I did, Madison.” The girls tried their best to hold in their laughter by covering their mouths with their hands. “Don’t get me wrong, Kitty,” Nick said. “We loved your gifts too. The apartment has never looked better. You’ll be Jaan’s maid of honor at our wedding.” Kitty smiled happily. “Have you guys been talking about marriage?” “No,” Nick sat down at his desk. “But, we can’t rule out the possibility.” “That would be awesome!” Madison clapped her hands together. “Nick and I could go to a female strip club to watch the women shake their little butts while you guys go to a male strip club and watch the men shake their little buns of steel.” “Yeah!” Nick shouted while he high-fived Madison. We laughed. But when the moment passed, I was left feeling excited. I had never thought about marriage before, but as Nick stated, ‘we can’t rule it out the possibility.’ My heart skipped at the thought of marrying Nick. Can you imagine that? Me? John Hawking? That sounded a billion times cooler than Ames. I loved the way John Hawking sounded. I recited “John Hawking” around my head for a few seconds. It made me extremely happy. Suddenly, Mrs. Arzu walked into the room. “Good morning class! Welcome to another exciting school year!” Everyone cheered. She motioned for us to settle down. “Now, everyone,” she went on, “I’m so glad to see you all in my class. I look forward to discussing fine literature with each and every one of you.” The class cheered again. Mrs. Arzu was obviously popular and known for her spirit-rousing speeches. I knew that from several students who took her class the year before. “So,” she said, smiling, “Let’s put the past behind us and move on with our―” A tiny knock on the classroom door got our attention. Mrs. Arzu went to the door and stepped out. She returned holding a note. As she read it, she addressed the entire class. “It seems that we’ve got a new student this year, transferring from Orange County, California.” Mrs. Arzu ushered someone into the room. “Emily Roberts, welcome to Elite High!” I pulled in a breath. Emily was the same girl that I met at the movie rental store the previous Friday. She smiled and examined everyone in the room. Her eyes immediately rested on Nick. She waved at him and Nick smiled happily. He was actually beaming! Did they know each other from somewhere? It sure seemed that way. My heart immediately jolted while my hands became sweaty. Now I knew why I felt the way I did the day I met her. Emily meant trouble for us and our love.
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