Chapter Two

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Chapter Two “I hope we can all be friends.” Those were Emily Roberts’ first words. They felt like a bucket of freezing water dumped on my head in the middle of a cold winter day. Emily meant nothing good for us; I knew it deep inside. When Nick clapped, everyone joined in because he was always the leader in everything. Madison and Kitty immediately turned to me. They knew something was up and so did I. The way Nick smiled and looked at her, was the same way he looked at me at the beginning of our friendship last year, with affection and admiration. There was something in his demeanor that made be believe Emily was more than a friend to him. She was someone close to him and someone he cared for, but who in the world was this new girl? “You can sit in any of the empty chairs,” Mrs. Arzu told her, interrupting my thoughts. There were three empty seats at the back of the class and everyone watched her walk toward them and sit down. After a few seconds, Mrs. Arzu continued with the class like nothing had happened. We talked about various topics that we were to cover in the upcoming year and which I already knew. I had studied all of my textbooks during the free times that I had over summer because I wanted to be at the top of the class when school started. I couldn’t help but notice that Emily kept glancing at Nick throughout the entire period. At the end of the class, Nick stood up and walked to where she was packing her books. Emily smiled blissfully. They hugged each other and began a very quiet conversation amongst themselves. Emily laughed merrily like a model trapped in a silent film while I wanted to strangle her. Kitty turned to me. “Who’s the b***h?” “I don’t know.” “Did you see the way she kept staring at Nick the entire class?” Madison asked me. “I know.” I was starting to get angrier. The last time I felt that way was when I saw Nick with Allison or Jessica, his former girlfriends before he finally came out and announced his love for me. I already disliked Emily. Something about her made me sick. Yes, I was officially jealous of Emily Roberts and I was ready to snap that b***h in two. Suddenly, Nick turned and caught us glaring at her. We quickly looked away and tried to act natural. Madison began to play with Kitty’s hair while I pretended to search for something inside my schoolbag. Nick got the bright idea of bringing Emily over to us. “Hey, guys! This is Emily Roberts.” “We know that, Mr. Obvious,” Kitty answered him. “Welcome to Elite High, Emily.” Nick chuckled. “I know you guys know that, but Emily is one of my childhood best friends. She left St. Peter’s Town when we were in the eighth grade and came back last week.” “Oooh,” Madison answered. “Welcome home then.” “This is Madison and Kitty.” Nick pointed to them. They shook hands. Nick then turned to me with a warm hug which I welcomed smiling happily. “And this is the love of my life, John Ames.” Emily offered her delicate hand to me. “I told you we’d meet again on Monday, John.” “I know.” Not wanting to appear as jealous as I felt, I shook her hand. “Nice to meet you. Officially, that is.” “Wait, you guys know each other?” Nick looked puzzled. “Yeah,” she answered, “we met Friday at the movie rental store.” “Yes. She was my last customer of the day.” Nick smiled and kissed my lips. “Oh my God!” Madison squeaked. “Do that again, but tongue him this time.” We all laughed. Madison always knew how to soothe the tension in a room. I hated the way Emily looked at Nick. As if she was seeing her long lost lover. Nick turned to her. “You want us to show you the school, Em?” “No, thank you, Nicky. I know my way.” “Okay, then. Let’s get to class because we’re really late.” Without delay, we headed to our second period gym class. Believe it or not, for the first time ever, I was happy to attend Phys Ed because I was perfectly safe now. Bullying had died down since people were still shocked over Matthew's behavior. They even started to treat each other with respect, now that was shocking behavior in Elite High. If that wasn’t enough, Nick and his friends would keep an eye out for bullies and keep everyone safe. I was happy that no one else would go through what I went these last three years. Phys Ed would also give me the opportunity to be with Nick and my friends even though Nick would normally spend more time with his jock friends. I didn’t care because he needed the male bonding time. And, it freed me from sitting an entire weekend, watching sports all day and pretending to be interested. That was torture! I hated sports because I was never good at them. His jocks friends dropped by every weekend to watch games with him. They would always trash the living room and guess who had to clean up after their mess? Yes, me. One day, their favorite team won and the jocks celebrated by spraying themselves with beer or anything they could throw around the room. In a split second, the place turned into a dump. I wanted to lynch them as I witnessed the event from the kitchen counter. I stomped over to the television set and turned it off. The eleven of them froze as they examined my angry face. A faint smile slowly appeared on their faces. They even tried to hide the evidence behind their backs like little kids when they are caught in the act. Believe me, I made sure that they cleaned up that mess. I was not their little maid. I felt powerful in those rare moments I had control over Nick. That meant that I had control over them. In the locker room, I even changed into my gym clothes in safety. The locker room had been especially dangerous for the victims of bullies, as more than one kid got trapped in a locker upside down until someone found them and got them out. I had been one of them. I joined Madison and Kitty out on the field for warm-ups. “Look at the new b***h,” Madison murmured. We were stretching before beginning with our drills of the day. Emily was a few yards away, sticking up her ass in the air, stretching, apparently, and talking to Nick. I was doing my best to ignore them, but the girls kept reminding me that they were still alive. “Yeah,” I muttered. “There’s something that I don’t like about that chick,” Kitty added. “Yeah.” “Yeah?” Madison exploded, directing her attention to me. “If I were you, I’d go there and cut that b***h open. Look at the way she flirts with Nick in front of you. That’s your man, boy. Go get him, mark your property and tell that b***h to back the f**k down.” “Madison! She’s not the first girl that flirts around with Nick. All girls do that in front of me and I let it slip. Nick loves me. I’m sure of that.” “True,” Kitty answered. “But none of those girls are Emily Roberts. She’s not like the rest. There’s something there that will bring problems for you guys. I know it.” As much as I hated to admit it, Kitty was right. Emily somehow meant trouble for us. She just radiated that aura. It was during lunchtime that we learned a little more about Emily Roberts. We were having lunch at our table when I noticed that Nick stood up from his jock table and walked towards the entrance where Emily stood, alone, looking around the room. Apparently, the b***h couldn’t find a place to sit down. She could have sat on the floor for all I cared. Unfortunately, Nick brought her to our table and they sat down facing us. He’d never done that before, even when I invited him. He always had lunch with his teammates. His excuse had always been the same to me before, “I need to bond with the team and keep the unity among us intact.” I hated the fact that he sat down with us because of her. My insides were churning with anger and rage like a lion in a cage. “Hey guys,” Nick said, “I think that we should be more welcoming to Em. I invited her to sit with us.” Emily smiled. I wanted to wipe that smile off her face by punching her to the ground, but I had to relax. I could not let Emily get to me. I had to be strong and win this war by playing the nice card. Almost on cue, the three of us faked a smile. I held Nick’s hand. “Sure, why not, baby?” Nick replied with a warm smile. Suddenly, Kitty stepped in. “Tell us, Emily, what brings you back to our town?” “Well, my parents decided to invest in a new business here in the east. My dad did an amazing job out west with his chain of restaurants.” “Cool,” Madison answered, then sipped her Diet Coke. “How did you and Nick meet?” Emily glanced at Nick and smiled. “Our families are really, really close. Nick and I’ve known each other since we were like, two. I used to play at Nick’s house all the time, until I left for California.” “Interesting,” I added. Nick was beaming. He truly did care for that little tramp and I hated it. “Of course, then,” she continued, “Nick wasn’t the Casanova he is now.” Nick chuckled and she laughed, a high pitch squeal that made me think of a pig rolling in mud. My girls and I did not laugh. We did not find it funny. “Ex-Casanova, you mean,” I corrected her. “Nick’s changed his old ways.” I immediately turned to Nick. “Right, baby?” “He’s right. I changed my old ways. Jaan singlehandedly changed me.” “I know, Nicky. You’re a hero now,” she told him with a warm smile. Emily turned to me, her smile slowly fading away. “How’s Matthew doing, John?” I froze. Matthew’s name had become a taboo in school. No one dared to say his name or remember the crazed student who’d gunned down several students and a teacher last year, and had almost made me and Nick his victims. Mentioning his name was like invoking the devil. My heart jerked upwards and settled inside my throat. All of a sudden, something brushed against my right hand. It was Nick’s hand. He looked concerned since he knew how much I feared that guy. “It’ okay, Jaan.” “I’m so sorry, Nicky,” Emily sputtered after seeing our reactions to her words. “I shouldn’t have asked that question.” “It’s okay, Em. We’re trying to forget that nightmare.” “I’m so stupid sometimes, Nicky. I’m so sorry.” “Apology accepted, Em. Don’t worry about it, okay?” Nick held her hand as well. I could not f*****g believe that b***h! She was playing victim in front of us. She should have apologized to me, not Nick. I knew Madison and Kitty were thinking the same since we shared the same thought process. After that little comment, we completely ignored that ugly b***h. I let her and Nick relive their childhood past in peace without any interruptions. She even had that stupid nickname for him that she tossed around the table like a crazy b***h on c***k. Nicky. Yuck! It was not until we were making our way to our last class of the day that Nick talked to me about Emily again. “Jaan?” Nick pulled me away from the girls and Emily. Yeah, the w***e got stuck to us like a leech or nasty chewing gum at the bottom of your sole. The more you tried to remove it, the more it got stuck on you. “Why are you being so mean to my friend?” My testosterone level must have kicked in really fast because Nick’s silly question immediately pissed me off. I was so angry that I wanted to rip his little head off so he could think properly with his big one. I was the villain now and Emily was the sweet little victim. “Me? Are you listening to yourself, Nick? She’s the one who brought Matthew into the conversation and I know she did that just to hurt me. She must have known that his name would affect me so much.” Nick shook his head. “Come on, baby. Em isn’t like that. She’s a very cool and down to earth kind of girl. I’ve known her since she was two.” “Probably, she was, but why does she keeps flirting with you in front of my face?” Nick chuckled. “I see what’s going on. My baby’s jealous.” “I am not jealous of her, Nicky.” I curled my lip and crossed my arms. He chuckled again, wrapping his arms around me. “Yes you are, Jaan. Answer me this question, who’s my baby?” I didn’t answer, but Nick kept smiling. “Who do I make love to every day whether I’m tired or not?” I felt my lips start to break into a smile. He knew just how to get to me. Nick smirked. “Who drives me wild when he rides my d**k?” I laughed, pushing him away. “Nick! Someone might hear you.” I looked around, but no one was nearby. Nick chuckled and held me tight. “You see? I only love you, Jaan. I only want you.” When his kiss made contact with my burning red cheeks, I knew he was saying the truth. “Emily is like a little sister to me. I would never, in a million years, see her as anything more than that. So, I’ll ask you again. Who’s my baby?” His words made feel better and gave me security. Nick will and would always love me. “Me,” I answered shyly. Nick smirked. “You bet your cute little ass!” he declared, cupping my right butt cheek. “Now, let’s get to class before I take you to the bathroom and rim your ass clean.” “Nick! Don’t say stuff like that out loud. Someone might hear you.” Nick laughed happily and kissed me again before heading to our last class of the day. After the buzzer rang, Nick went home to change for his shift at Agostino di Duccio’s Pizza Palace. I had to stay back since it was my first day as an official tutor for Elite High. Last year I was Nick’s personal tutor, but this year I would be working for the school. I was really nervous because I did not know what to expect from my tutees. My entire body was shaking uncontrollably, but I managed to control it before anyone noticed. I made my way to my locker to store some of my books and notebooks inside. When I opened it, a tiny yellow paper dropped on the floor. I quickly unfolded the mysterious piece since I did not own any yellow paper that size. A tiny little message was written inside: I’m watching you from afar, but missing you a lot. Love, Matthew Ward. My breathing stopped and my entire body stiffened. Something cold travelled every inch of it and settled inside my heart. The last time I felt that way was when my grandfather died exactly three years ago. I dropped the note. I even heard it echo throughout the hallway when it hit the floor. Oh God! Matthew Ward was a free man and worse, he was watching me. I quickly peered up and down the empty hallway. Everyone had left early, but I knew that some students were at the library and the tutoring center. I picked up the note and ran towards them. If Matthew was really free, I was no longer safe anywhere. The door was open so I immediately dashed inside. Everyone looked up when I entered the room looking like a lost animal in a sea of people. Mrs. Carter quickly made her way to where I was panting. “Are you okay, John?” “I’m…I’m…I’m fine. I’m just…excited.” She smiled. “Got a good grade already this year, have you?” “Yes, Mrs. Carter.” “Very good, John, I wouldn’t expect anything else from you. Now, come meet your new tutees.” I did my best to pull myself together while Mrs. Carter directed me to her desk where she called my tutees over and introduced me to them. I could not show them how afraid I was, or how weak, as a matter of fact. I had to be strong for myself and Nick. I had to be strong for me. Matthew was not going to control my life anymore. I had moved on with my life and left him in the past. I forced myself to concentrate on the present. I had to tutor five students every day from four to six. I was glad to know that they were all freshmen because I knew that material like the back of my hand. They were very rich, but really nerdy kids. We sat down in our designated spot and the session began. They didn’t have many questions on homework since it was the first day of school, but we did cover a lot of material for their upcoming classes. I wanted them to be ready. Even as I spoke, however, I couldn’t get that note out of my head. It kept flashing before my eyes. So many questions assaulted my mind. How did Matthew get that note inside my locker? Was he really a free man and was he really spying on me? Who might be helping him if he wasn’t out? “Sir?” My thoughts were immediately interrupted by the sound of a voice. It was James Gordon, one of my tutees. He had short brown hair that matched his honey brown eyes, but his most amazing feature was his perfect cherubic face. The kid was a small Justin Bieber lookalike. I smiled at him. “Call me, John.” James held up his notebook. “I’m sorry, sir, I mean, John! I finished the exercise.” “Good.” I accepted the notebook from him. It took me less than a minute to check his work. He’d gotten all the questions right. “Awesome, James! Perfect score. Now that’s impressive.” The redness of his cheeks made me believe I’d put him on the spot. “Do part four for homework.” “Yes, sir, I mean, John!” Beaming, James went back to his chair and sat down. He reminded me a lot of my old self. I was shy and awkward three years ago, but Madison, Kitty and Nick changed all that. The tutoring session ended a little after six and I was afraid to walk home. I wanted Nick by my side, but I was not going to be a baby about it. I had to be strong. I swallowed hard and gathered all my inner strength. I stepped out of the tutoring center and quickly made my way to the main entrance. Luckily for me, the sun was still up. In wintertime, the sun would have been long gone by now. I briskly walked to my apartment because I wanted to get there fast. I was almost there when someone caught up with me. “John!” I halted. My heart pounded violently, but I managed to turn around. A huge relief washed over me when I saw James trotting up to me. “Hello, James! What’s up?” James was panting when he reached my side. Apparently, he had been running behind me since I left school and I was too scared to have noticed him at all. “I want to ask you a personal question, if that’s okay, I mean.” Something about his demeanor let me know that he was nervous. Maybe it was the way he looked around and scratched his head while he rubbed his right sole against the floor. “Sure, James. You can ask me anything.” We began to head down the street. “I heard a few rumors and I don’t like to gossip so I decided to ask you instead.” I knew where this was going. “Don’t beat around the bush, James. Just ask me.” “Okay, is it true that you’re going out with the really good-looking senior and captain of the football team? Not just that, but are you two really living together like people say?” I smiled. He was looking at me so tentatively, like I was his actual teacher and he was my student. “Yes, it’s true. Nick is my boyfriend and we’re living in the New Life Apartment building at the end of this street.” “That’s so cool!” “Hey, did you just call my boyfriend ‘really good-looking’?” I asked him. James cheeks turned pink. He tried to hide them with his hands. “I…I…” he stammered, blushing even more. “It’s okay, James. Relax. Nick is really good-looking. My advice to you is to be yourself. That way, you can be happy with someone someday.” “Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind. Your relationship gives me so much hope. I can also get a guy like him and be happy. And I will. You’ll see.” “Just make sure that it’s the right guy. There are sick people out there who hate people like us. Be careful when looking around for that guy. Okay?” “I will John, and thank you,” James replied coming to a sudden stop. Looking around, I realized that we were standing in front of my apartment building. I hadn’t realized how engaged we’d been in our little chat. “You’re welcome, James. Have a good night.” “Thanks, teach.” James turned around and bolted down the street. “I’ll see you tomorrow, John!” “Wait, James!” He stopped. “Do you want me to call you a cab or something?” “No. My dad’s repair shop is only a few blocks away.” He smiled. “Okay. See you, James.” “See you, John!” He turned around and continued running down the street. I smiled while James ran off. He’d called me teacher. Someone saw me differently in school. One person saw me as a role model and looked up to me for hope. I sighed deeply knowing that I, John Henry Ames, had touched someone’s life. Thanks to me, an individual had hope and there was no greater feeling in the world than that one. * * * * * Later on, I heard Nick’s key in the front door. Then, “Jaan? I’m home!” I couldn’t answer because I was too afraid. I curled up in my bed with the note clenched inside my hand. I was afraid for my life. If Matthew was out, I was a dead man. He hated me with all his might and wished nothing but the worst for me. Seeing me dead was his one and only desire and no one would be able to stop him or keep him away from me. Nick knocked on my bedroom door. “John! Are you in there? Are you okay?” “Yes.” I managed to utter. “Open the door or I’ll come in even if you’re naked.” Nick knocked again, then tugged on the doorknob. I couldn’t answer him again or move as a matter of fact. When he opened the door, he immediately looked around. “What’s wrong, baby? Why didn’t you welcome me like every other night? Do I need to s***k you again?” I ignored him completely, trying to be strong, but all I wanted was to disappear from sight and be as far away from Matthew as possible. Nick pulled the curtains open and then plopped down in front of me. He peered at my face and frowned. “Hey, Jaan, are you sick?” I handed him the tiny letter with shaky hands. He looked at me for a few seconds before unfolding the yellow note. He read the short line to himself. “s**t,” he muttered. “Who gave this to you, Jaan?” I finally managed to sit up and shrugged. I wanted to cry, but I was fighting back my tears. I wanted to prove to him that I was a strong person now and that this was not affecting me too much. Upset flashed through Nick’s eyes. “Where did you get this?” Finally, I managed to speak. “I…I found it inside…my locker.” He crushed the tiny note inside his fist. “He can’t hurt you again, Jaan. Matthew’s in jail and he’ll stay in there forever.” Nick held me. “He’s locked away. Someone is just playing a sick joke on you, but I’ll find out who and make him pay. Don’t worry. I’m here for you now, baby.” I burst into a loud and uncontrollable sob. I’d wanted to cry from the moment I read the note, but I fought back my tears just to show him how strong I had become. I failed miserably. I couldn’t hold them back any longer and poured my tears on his shoulder. Nick dropped onto the bed and I immediately rested my head on his chest. I felt secure inside Nick’s warm embrace and strong arms. I knew that as long as he was by my side, I was safe and sound. I silently cried for a couple of minutes just listening to his heartbeat. It was so soothing and relaxing for me and my soul. “Who would want to hurt you like this, Jaan?” “The only person who crossed my mind was Emily.” “Come on, Jaan. Why would Emily do this to you? She’s not like that. You’re just saying that because you’re a little jealous of her.” “Nick! Look at it closely; she’s the only new student in school and the only one who dares to say his name. No one in school mentions his name.” “What about the freshmen?” Nick argued standing up. “They’re new too. How can you blame this on Emily? Stop acting like a jealous and spoiled brat!” “But―” “Enough!” I cried even more after his last words. Nick had never spoken to me like that before. Our first argument had been over stupid Emily Roberts. I dropped on the bed again with my heart iced up on the spot and turned away from him. I continued crying in silence. His words hurt me more than getting shot in the shoulder by Matthew Ward. Nick let out a frustrated sigh a few moments later and took off his shirt. Immediately, he launched it across the room. The projectile landed a few feet away. “Jaan…” Nick knelt in front of me looking concerned. “Please, don’t cry. You know how much I hate seeing you cry. It makes me so angry that I can’t do anything about it. Please, stop crying.” His words only made me cry even more. I knew he loved me, but he’d yelled at me over Emily Roberts. He had been angry at me while I needed him so much by my side. All I wanted was for him to hold me and kiss my worries away and let me know that he cared and would always be there. “But, you yelled at me. I’m scared, Nick. Can’t you see that?” “Baby love,” Nick whispered cupping me into his arms. I’d hit the right chord. He held me like a newborn baby and kissed my forehead. “I’m so sorry! I’m just a big d**k sometimes and a real asshole. I get really upset whenever I see you cry. I just want to see you happy. Please stop crying, Jaan.” I did my best to control myself. I wanted to stop crying for him. I wanted to show him that I was strong enough and was ready for anything that life threw at us, but I couldn’t stop crying. Damn me and my emotions. “I promise, Jaan, that I’m going to find out who did this to you. If Emily did this, she’ll pay for it. No one f***s with my baby and gets away with it.” I stared into his eyes. He grinned back at me with a mischievous look. Unexpectedly, Nick laid me on the bed and covered my body with his. He began to kiss my neck passionately and fervently. “No Nick Wild f**k tonight,” Nick promised wiping my tears away. “I’m going to make sweet love to my baby so he can smile again. I love you, Jaan.” “And I love you too, baby boy,” I answered smiling and staring into his crystal blue eyes. I felt his love through my veins with every kiss and nibble he gave my body, making me twist uncontrollably. I knew Nick was mine and I was his one and only true love. I was ready to give myself to him completely like every other night. Soothingly and tenderly, Nick continued to kiss my neck and undress me at the same time. He was also ready to show me how much he loved and desired me by joining our bodies into one.
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