27: First Matchmaking Failed

2017 Words
Wyatt was not in the apartment when Ghrae and Coley went back to take a shower after eating lunch in a fast-food restaurant as they saw a sticky note on the screen of the TV saying that he went out to eat lunch in a restaurant.  The both of them did not have a phone number since they were being careful to not get tracked, so leaving a note in the apartment was the only option that he could do. It was basically the way how Wyatt mentioned during his first night that he would be staying at Ghrae’s apartment to watch out for Coley yet he did not bother worrying about them not being home for the entire night.   Ghrae wore an old-rose shirt dress paired with a pair of black combat boots. While waiting for Coley, she scrolled through the new music releases in Apple Music since she had not been updated about new songs for days. She imagined at least one of the songs that were in the Top 100 to be one of Nora’s songs as she remembered her song, which she had been writing, that she briefly played to the three of them last night. As someone who listened to tons of songs, Ghrae knew that she would not hesitate to add Nora’s song in her playlist if ever she would release it as she knew that it was a good song even though she only heard the chorus of the song.   The creaking sound of the bathroom door made the raven-haired woman automatically lift her head as she watched the brunette step out of the bathroom while pushing her hair back using her fingers. Coley was wearing a light blue long sleeve button-up shirt that had graffiti all over it as the print. Her shirt was half tucked in her black jeans as her sleeves were folded up to her elbows, making her tattooed wrists free from being concealed. Finishing the look with her black combat shoes that were matching with Ghrae’s, Ghrae lifted her eyes back up to meet the eyes of the brunette.   “Enjoying the view?” Coley asked.   “I wouldn’t say no,” Ghrae answered with a blank expression on her face.   The reply made the brunette let out a smug chuckle as she pushed her hair back with her fingers once more. The raven-haired woman lost interest immediately though when she realized that the brunette was just basically acting sexy in front of her. Even if Coley could be pretty cocky at all times, Ghrae could see why she was able to attract every woman that she meets when she had that kind of sexiness in her that could pull one closer to her by just staring.   “Let’s go, babe,” Coley smirked as she gave her hand to the raven-haired woman.   The smirk on the brunette’s face turned into a smile when Ghrae accepted it with no hesitation as they left the apartment with their hands together though the raven-haired woman let go of her hand when they were already outside, which made Coley a bit disappointed.   ***   The two of them went back to the park as most of the people got distracted and stared at the both of them instead. It was as if Coley and Ghrae were that expensive couple as they walked alongside each other. The men were looking at her with their mouths ajar that some of them who were with their girlfriends got punched in the side. The women were either looking at them in envy as they felt self-conscious in their cheap dresses while the others were forming an infatuation toward them as they slowly turned gay by just watching them walk. It was the effect that the two gorgeous women had that made almost everyone at the park have their underwear fall.   In the point of view of Coley and Ghrae, they thought as if their first plan had failed since the plan was supposed to look inconspicuous to not have anyone notice them. The both of them shared the same thought as they thought that they should have worn a hoodie instead. Since the action was already done though, the two of them decided to just ignore everyone’s stares as they went to the bench that was under the tree to sit down.   “This is why it’s hard being too attractive,” Coley lightly pinched the bridge of her nose as she spoke in frustration.   “Cheers to that,” Ghrae impassively said as she opened her lemon juice, twisting the cap with no difficulty.   “Cheers,” the brunette replied as she opened hers as well.   The two women clinked their bottles together and drank their lemon juices. Letting out a sigh of satisfaction, a smile appeared on Coley when she noticed that most of the people went back to their businesses, which meant that it was time to begin their mission of matchmaking. Ghrae took the notepad out from her black handbag and two black ballpens after refreshing themselves with their cold lemon juice.   “Who are we matchmaking?” Ghrae asked as she observed every person at the park.   “Hmm,” Coley followed.   There were many single people at the park though they could not find anyone showing interest to another. Some of them were playing with their dogs that made them look like they rather die with their pets than with a significant other. Some were sitting under the trees while playing mobile games as if they were kicked out from their homes for being obsessed with their phones. Then there were some of them who had their eyes shut while listening to music with their wireless earbuds as they enjoyed the feeling of nature. The matchmakers were about to lose hope when they suddenly saw a tan woman seated on a bench with her black cat sleeping beside her smiling and staring at a man with a buzz cut sitting on the other bench while eating ice cream on a cone.   “Bingo,” Coley smirked as she ripped one page from the notepad and began to scribble on it. “You work on what the woman would say.”   “Okay.”   Ghrae began to write some words on the notepad in a cursive while Coley wrote on the ripped page in a messy handwriting. After writing, they both drew a heart on the bottom corner. The both of them exchanged papers to see what the other wrote.   “‘Can I be honest? I honestly wish that I was an ice cream cone instead.’ ‘Love, two kitties’,” Coley burst out in laughter after reading what Ghrae wrote on the note that tears formed around her eyes. “Oh my god. The pseudonym, you’re a genius!”    “‘Wanna hear a fact about me? I like cats. Can I pet your cat? Wink.’ ‘Love, ice cream’,” Ghrae let out a chuckle after reading what the latter wrote.   “Mine’s kind of lame. You are a genius, Ghrae. I’m not even joking,” Coley lightly shook her head as she slowly clapped in awe. Her smile would not be erased from her face.   “We throw them while they aren’t looking, right?” Ghrae asked.   Coley nodded as they both stood up to begin their mission. The both of them separated as Coley went to the direction of the woman while Ghrae went to the direction of the man. They did their best to not look suspicious by roaming their eyes around the park.   Fortunately, the woman got distracted by the happy claps of kids from the opposite direction. The brunette took it as a chance as she crumpled the note and placed it next to her sleeping cat before she ran away in tiptoe. She returned to their bench as she watched the raven-haired woman with a smile of reassurance on her face. Coley felt proud as she watched how Ghrae dropped the note on the bench where the man was sitting at before going back to their bench like nothing happened.   “You did great,” Coley said as soon as the latter sat down.   “You too.”   Since the man stood up from his bench to throw his used tissue papers, they had to wait for him to go back. The both of them watched in excitement and anticipation when the man returned and took the crumpled note. It was as if it was fate as the woman just noticed the crumpled paper as well. They opened it at the same time as Coley and Ghrae could see how they laughed after reading what were on their notes. The woman placed her hand over her face while laughing as the man placed his hand over his lips to stop himself from smiling widely while he looked around to see who could be the sender of the note.   “Is this gonna be a success?” Coley asked in a whisper as she watched the two of them intently.   “We’ll see,” Ghrae replied in a whisper too as she watched how the two of them look around the park until their eyes landed on each other.   The brunette was chewing on her bottom lip in excitement and nervousness as she watched how the two of them smiled at each other when they realized that they were each other’s senders. Her shoulders dropped in disappointment when the woman raised her hand to show the diamond ring around her ring finger while the man raised his hand to show his silver ring around her ring finger as well. Ghrae let out a sigh in surprise as she leaned back on her seat and turned to the brunette beside her who had her face buried in her hands.   “Hey, don’t cry,” Ghrae chuckled as she gently patted the brunette’s back. “We’re lucky that they didn’t get offended by the notes and just laughed it off.”   “How are we stupid enough to not notice the rings in their fingers,” Coley groaned as she refused to lift her head up in embarrassment. “I feel bad, oh god. We almost made them commit a******y with each other.”   “It’s okay, Coley. Our matchmaking failed and we didn’t ruin anyone’s relationship,” the raven-haired woman softly said as she continued to pat the latter’s back.   The brunette did not reply and just continued whining with her face buried in her palms as the raven-haired woman patiently waited for her while giving her back soft pats. The man smiled at the woman one last time before he left the park when a middle-aged woman with white hair got out of a silver car and ran to him to give him a peck on the lips. It really was confirmed that the two of them were happily married and were certainly never for each other.   After a minute of whining about how they failed their first matchmaking, Coley finally recovered as she lifted her head and sat properly with a calm expression on her face. The brunette looked at the latter with a smile on her face, making Ghrae raise an eyebrow while staring back at her with questioning eyes.   “What if we matchmake the pretty woman in a shirt dress and the sexy woman in a button-up shirt who were wearing the same combat boots?” Coley’s usual flirtatious smirk was plastered on her face as she stared at Ghrae.   “Too bad,” Ghrae spoke with a blank expression on her face as she looked away. “The pretty woman in a shirt dress isn’t interested.”   Coley blinked multiple times before she laughed through the pain as she looked away and pinched the bridge of her nose. It was basically not the first time for her to be directly rejected by the pretty woman in a shirt dress yet the sexy woman in a button-up shirt still swore that she would never give up.
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