5: Sleep Time

2073 Words
It was definitely not what they expected for the day to end. After all, nothing in the world is perfect even though the Haziens and Pylees spent more than hundreds of thousands of dollars in making the perfect wedding for their children. It was a shame since they did not even think ahead about the possibility of one of Wyatt’s exes to show up in front of them to cause a scene out of anger.   “Are you sure you don’t wanna change before you leave?” Addie asked, concern evident in her tone.   “No, it’s fine. I can change in the car,” Ghrae replied with a small smile on her face.   Wyatt, on the other hand, could not stay still as he kept ruffling his hair in frustration while walking back and forth. Sure, Ghrae got chocolate pudding all over her expensive wedding dress because the woman in a yellow dress, which happened to be his recent ex-girlfriend, threw it to her, but he knew deep inside that he had to take responsibility as well. Apparently, he cheated on her with random women in a nightclub months ago and she found out about it, but he did not even show an ounce of guilt about what he did. Thinking about how he did not even think about the possibility of his ex-girlfriend to get revenge, Wyatt could not help but mess with his hair in frustration. His progress, like he actually had any progress, in winning Ghrae’s heart was obviously back to zero—or negative, rather.   “Wyatt,” Wyatt’s mom called, making him turn to her immediately as he met her icy gaze.   “Yes, Mom?” Wyatt nervously responded as he walked toward her.   “Because of what just happened, you know that you deserve to be grounded, right?” she coldly spoke.   The chairwoman of HZ Group, Wyatt’s mother, was known to be a serious and cold woman that no one could even dare to speak to her first. Her husband was basically usually the one that people would interact to since everyone was afraid of her, including their son, Wyatt. Wyatt knew well that if he does something that could affect any of their reputation, her mother would immediately send him to a place where he could not escape, like in their cabin in the woods or on their private island, for a month or two.   “Y-Yes, Mom,” Wyatt lowered his head. He flinched when he suddenly felt his mother’s soft hand on his shoulder as she gave him a tight squeeze.   “But I’ll let you off the hook this time because you just got married and you should leave for your honeymoon now,” He lifted his head with wide eyes. “Now that you’re married, you should be extra careful with your actions now. With that said, you’re not allowed to go to nightclubs or meet random girls anymore.”   A smile of pain flashed on Wyatt’s face as he heard what her mother just said. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he could not survive a day without partying and meeting hot girls, but what could he do? The order came directly from his mother’s mouth and once she makes an order, it would not be safe to disobey it. It was as if there was a lump in his throat as he forced to respond.   “Y-Yes, I understand,” Wyatt felt like weeping inside as he thought whether marrying Ghrae was really worth it for him or not.   “Good. You two should go now. Don’t worry about the girl, she’s already at the police station,” she said as she gave his shoulder a light pat. “We’ll deal with her, so go now.”   “Mother, I’m really fine. The party is still ongoing, so you should go back there,” Ghrae softly spoke to her stubborn mother.   “But—”   “Don’t worry, Mother. I’ll make sure that my wife gets to change to clean clothes. It’s also a better option to change in the car since we might be late if she changes here,” Wyatt joined their conversation as he placed his hand on Ghrae’s waist. A charming smile flashed on his face, making Addie nod in surrender.   “Okay, fine. Make sure to have fun too, all right?” Addie was about to give her daughter a brief hug when she remembered that her dress was soaked in chocolate, making her lean back.   “Yes, Mother.”   “Have fun!”   Everyone waved at them as they walked back toward the elevator. The janitor just finished cleaning the chocolate pudding that dripped on the ground as he bowed at them and left after as well. When it was just them left, Wyatt slowly turned to face Ghrae with a guilty expression on her face as he looked down to her dress again.   “Damn, I am really sorry about that,” Wyatt sighed.   “Don’t worry, it’s not your fault,” Ghrae shrugged as she got in the limousine when the chauffeur opened the door for them.   A groan was released from Wyatt before he followed the woman in the car.   The purple lights in the limousine turned on as they settled on their seats next to each other and shut the door close. The seats were comfortable enough that the newlywed couple felt like sleeping already as the exhaustion from today’s events came out. There was a wet bar across them where the wine glasses, liquor, and fruits were for them to have on their way to the airport. Everything in the limousine belonged to them without anyone having to disturb them, not even the chauffeur whose job was to only drive to the airport; whatever they would do in the backseat did not concern him.   Wyatt widened his eyes when he saw Ghrae reaching for the zipper behind her wedding dress as he immediately faced the opposite side to give her some privacy. He did not know that he would take her dress off without even warning him. Well, he did say that he would help her in changing her clothes, but seeing how she did not even bother asking for help and just began to take the dress off herself, he realized that all he needed to do was to not watch her. Wyatt had seen naked bodies of different women who he had slept with, but that did not mean that he was shameless enough to invade a woman’s privacy—even though it seemed that Ghrae did not care about it.   “You should’ve told me that you’re going to change right now,” Wyatt spoke as he kept his head facing the opposite side.   “I did tell you, though. I told everyone that I would be changing in the car,” Ghrae simply said as she successfully got the wedding dress off, leaving only her underwear on.   “I mean—ugh, forget it,” Wyatt groaned as his face leaned on his palm while he kept his eyes closed. “Just tell me when you’re done changing.”   “Sure.”   There was a small bag on the seat next to Ghrae where her clothes were. She took them out as she wore them without any difficulty. A long-sleeve red dress and a pair of black 2-inch heel sandals were the outfit that her mother brought for her. It was kind of ironic how Ghrae was supposed to wear comfortable clothes like a sweatshirt, a pair of sweatpants, and a pair of sneakers since they were just going to the airport to fly to Paris, yet here she was, wearing another tight dress and a pair of painful heel sandals. She did not complain, though as usual.   “I’m done,” Ghrae spoke as she put the soaked wedding dress and sandals in the bag. She was not going to use those again next time anyway.   Wyatt immediately opened his eyes as he turned his head to the woman, his eyes instantly dropping down to her dress that made some of her skin exposed. He gulped at the sight as he lifted his eyes to her face and watched her take all of the hairclips off her hair without pain or difficulty evident on her face. The sight of her being independent in that situation looked hot for the curly-haired man.   “Do you plan on going to Paris like that?” Ghrae threw a glance on his tuxedo as she ruffled her hair a bit for it to go back to its natural and free state.   “Oh, right,” Wyatt blinked twice as he immediately took his jacket off and untied his bowtie. “Ugh, I hate neckties.”   “Do you want a drink?” Ghrae suddenly asked as she leaned forward to take two wine glasses and placed them on the counter.   Wyatt slightly tilted his head to side as he looked at her with interest while he was unbuttoning the first two buttons of her shirt. A smirk appeared on his face as he imagined how hot Ghrae would look in mixing drinks. They were not supposed to be drunk on their flight, but he knew that it would be worth it anyway.   “Sure, but can I request for a fruity one?” he asked with a smile on his face.   “Yeah, okay,” Ghrae then took bottles of champagne, rum, and vodka, along with pieces of fruits like strawberries, pineapples, and blueberries.   As she began to mix the drinks together like a professional bartender, Wyatt could not help but think about how hot she looked. He definitely could not wait for the time to come where she would be begging him to give her more pleasure in bed. To make the atmosphere better, he connected his phone to the limousine as he played a sensual song. While Ghrae continued on mixing their drinks, Wyatt was lost in a daydream of her. Little did he know, the raven had a plan while mixing his drink.   Ghrae threw a side glance at Wyatt, who was leaning back on his seat with crossed arms across his chest and eyes closed while enjoying the music, before she took out a small plastic bag of tiny white particles from bra; it had been bothering a bit for the whole day with her bra feeling tighter because of the small plastic bags that she snuck in her bra. There was no place to keep the bags of soporific drugs, which she crushed with a mortar and pestle a few days ago and had it kept with her until her wedding day, with her without anyone knowing that she had no choice but to hide them in her bra. With that, nobody could even imagine an innocent angel like Ghrae to keep two small plastic bags of hypnotics inside her undergarment.   After pouring all of the powder in the bag to the drink, Ghrae slowly stirred it for the particles to dissolve quickly. When the particles had completely dissolved with the drink, she slid a slice of pineapple on the rim. The woman turned to Wyatt, who opened his eyes in excitement when he felt her shift from her seat, as she gave the glass to him.   “Ooh, I bet it’s good,” Wyatt excitedly said as he immediately took a sip on his drink. He squinted as he felt the sweet burning liquid slide down his throat. “Damn, it’s been a while since I drank a heavy cocktail!”   A small smile appeared on the raven’s face as she watched her husband drink more of his drink until the glass was empty. It did not take long for him to drop his hand to his side with the glass hitting the floor as his body fell to the seat.   The first step was successfully done and it was time for the next step.
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