Chapter 2

1293 Words
Isabella Damian tossed and turned in her bed, ensnared by a haunting nightmare. In the depths of her slumber, she saw her elder sister, Sofia, with ghostly eyes and a desperate plea. "Save me, Bella. Save me," Sofia's voice echoed in the darkness. A cold sweat dampened Bella's forehead as she woke up, her heart racing with the lingering echoes of her sister's distress. Dragging herself out of bed, Bella prepared for another day juggling her responsibilities. As an intern reporter, she had a burning desire to uncover the truth behind Sofia's mysterious death, a puzzle that continued to elude her. However, her days were also consumed by the grind of working at a local coffee shop to make ends meet. With her unruly chestnut hair hastily tied in a ponytail, Bella rushed out the door, locking her small, low-budget car behind her. The engine groaned to life, and she navigated the urban streets toward her workplace. The city buzzed with life, but Bella felt a constant undercurrent of supernatural mysteries hidden beneath the surface. As she waited at a traffic signal, lost in her thoughts, fate intervened. A sudden impact from behind rocked her car, startling her. Bella's eyes widened as she surveyed the damage through her rear view mirror. An expensive black car loomed behind her, and anger bubbled within her. The car's door creaked open, revealing a tall, handsome man – Richard Montenegro, the introverted CEO of Montenegro Marketing. Bella's frustration reached its peak as she demanded an apology. Richard, overwhelmed by social anxiety, began to tremble. Uncomfortable and unable to face the confrontation, he thrust a check out of the car window, hoping it would placate her. Infuriated by the dismissive gesture, Bella continued her tirade, bashing on his car and demanding an apology. The introverted CEO, desperate to escape the interaction, retreated into the safety of his car. The windows rolled up, the engine roared, and Richard sped away, leaving Bella fuming in the middle of the road. But Bella, driven by both anger and determination, wasn't one to back down. She chased after him through the bustling streets until they reached Montenegro Marketing. Determined to hold him accountable, she confronted the security guards and learned the shocking truth – the man who had collided with her was none other than the elusive CEO. As Bella contemplated her next move, she felt an undeniable connection to Richard, an inexplicable force drawing her into a world of secrets, danger, and forbidden love. Bella wanted to go and confront Richard inside in the office, but not possible, there are securities around and she didn't even know they way to his office, she saw that the company are in need of office workers and the interview is today, she quickly used the chance to enter as someone coming for interview. Bella, fueled by determination, seized the opportunity presented by the job interviews. The bustling lobby of Montenegro Marketing welcomed a diverse crowd, all vying for positions within the company. Bella discreetly slipped into the stream of hopeful candidates, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of Richard. As she neared the receptionist, she overheard whispers about the mysterious CEO, reinforcing the notion that he was an enigma within his own company. Bella fabricated a resume on the spot, claiming expertise in journalism and administration, a skill set that conveniently aligned with the available positions. The interview room was a nerve-wracking space, filled with the anxious energy of candidates hoping to make a favorable impression. Bella, armed with determination and a fabricated resume, faced the panel, which included Marco Sorrento, Richard's Friend and managing director. Meanwhile, in the secluded confines of his office, Richard reclined on his plush couch, worn by the weight of his dual life. The arrival of a new secretary marked the third replacement since Sofia's tragic death. The secretary, unfamiliar with Richard's face, kept her gaze lowered, adding to the air of mystery surrounding the CEO. She has never seen the CEO face, only Marco Richard's friend has seen his face in the company, not because of anything, but because he doesn't know how to interact with people, his employees thought he is a scary being, a monster. Opening the door to his private office, Richard sought solace on the long couch. The burdens of leading a company and concealing his supernatural secret took a toll on him. Little did he know that the arrival of a determined intern, cloaked in the guise of an interviewee, would soon disrupt the delicate balance of his secluded world. As Bella faced the panel, Marco Sorrento's keen eyes studied her. Unbeknownst to her, Marco sensed an unconventional determination within this seemingly ordinary candidate, setting the stage for an unforeseen twist in the tale of Montenegro Marketing. After the nerve-wracking interview, Bella left the company with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. The city's evening glow began to fade as she headed home, a place that no longer held the warmth it once did. Since Sofia's tragic death, the atmosphere at home had changed, casting a shadow over Bella's sense of belonging. Her parents, once affectionate, now seemed to favor the memory of her accomplished sister. Bella, with her struggles and imperfections, felt like an unwanted echo of what once was. It stung, knowing her parents would prefer her to die than her sister. Her sister was the love of their eyes, she finished university with a good grade and got a job at a famous company, unlike her, who barely passed her final exams, and work as intern and a bar attendant. The prospect of returning to a less-than-welcoming home led Bella to detour to the coffee shop where she worked. The familiar aroma of brewing coffee offered a comforting embrace. It was a place where the routine of making drinks and serving customers provided a temporary escape from the complexities of her personal life. As she donned her apron and started her shift, the rhythmic sounds of espresso machines and friendly chatter became a welcome distraction. Little did Bella know that the events of the day, from the encounter with Richard to the impromptu job interview, were mere prologue to a journey that would intertwine her fate with the elusive CEO and the supernatural mysteries that surrounded him. After the interview, Marco swung by Richard's office for a chat. They exchanged pleasantries, with Richard asking about the office and how the interviews went. Marco, always the optimist, gave a thumbs-up response. Curious, Marco asked Richard when he'd muster the courage to talk to his employees. Richard, being his usual reserved self, didn't give a direct answer. Marco, undeterred, smoothly shifted the conversation, revealing a surprise from the day. "You know who I saw at the interview today?" Marco asked, his eyes gleaming with intrigue. Richard, feigning nonchalance, inquired, "Who?" "It was Isabella, Sofia's sister," Marco replied swiftly, watching Richard closely for any reaction. Richard's poker face held, but the mention of Sofia's sister stirred emotions beneath the surface. "So, what went down?" Richard asked, maintaining his composure. "I've got a feeling she's not just here for a job interview," Marco suggested, leaning in. "Think we should hire her?" Richard, after a thoughtful pause, simply said, "Yes." As they delved into a discussion about Isabella, Marco probed Richard's thoughts on the matter. The conversation flowed, touching on the intricacies of hiring Sofia's sister and the potential impact on the dynamics within the company. After the lively discussion, Marco bid Richard farewell and left the CEO's office. Little did they know, the decision to employ Isabella would set in motion a chain of events that would alter the course of Montenegro Marketing and the supernatural world hidden within its corporate walls.
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