Chapter 3

1065 Words
As the workday concluded, Richard packed up, leaving Montenegro Marketing's buzzing office now hushed in the city's evening glow. The introverted CEO traded the corporate world for his family's embrace at home, dwelling with his dad, stepmom, and lively step-sister. On the familiar journey, thoughts of Isabella, the unexpected interviewee, lingered in Richard's mind. Her presence hinted at a concealed motive, a mystery poised to unfold within the Montenegro Marketing walls. City lights softly illuminated Richard's contemplation on the implications of Isabella's arrival. Sofia's death had cast shadows over the Montenegro family, and Richard had discreetly supported Isabella and her grieving parents in the aftermath. Returning home, the atmosphere blended familiarity with unspoken pain from a shared loss. Richard's step-sister, a burst of energy, briefly pierced the somber air with her enthusiastic greeting. Within their shared home, Richard grappled with hidden truths and the silent bond he shared with Isabella. As the night unfolded, the past's shadows intertwined with the present, creating a narrative where supernatural and mundane boundaries blurred, and concealed motives awaited revelation in Montenegro Marketing's corridors. Richard's homecomings were a delicate balance of greetings and unspoken tensions. His father, a man of high expectations, harbored frustration with Richard's introverted nature. As the heir and CEO of Montenegro Marketing, Richard's social reserve became a constant source of disappointment for his father. Entering the familiar home, Richard faced his father's stern gaze, a silent disapproval etched in every line. The daily ritual of chastisement began, questioning Richard's seclusion in his office and his apparent obliviousness to the social intricacies crucial for successful leadership. "Why can't you be more like Marco?" echoed his father's lament, a reminder of the friend embodying the qualities Richard lacked. The unspoken wish for a different heir, one adept at navigating corporate social dynamics, lingered in the air. True to his reserved nature, Richard remained silent. His lowered head spoke volumes in the face of his father's dissatisfaction. Post-chastisement, he sought refuge in the solitude of his room, escaping the seemingly insurmountable expectations. His stepmother, an antagonist in his story, often added her voice to the disapproval, questioning Richard's right to hold the CEO title. Familial dynamics, woven with unspoken expectations and disappointment, cast a shadow over the Montenegro household. Amid familial complexities, Richard found solace in his extroverted step-sister and the understanding camaraderie of Marco. They were the ones he opened up to, the ones who saw beyond the silent heir into the depths of an introverted soul harboring both secrets and untold strenght. Richard sought refuge in his room, wearied by the trials of his dual life. As he lay on his bed, a surge of thoughts overwhelmed him, delving into the intricate web of his existence. In the silence, he pondered a silent battle within, questioning the essence of his being and yearning to break free from the walls that confined him. With the moon casting its glow, Richard's mind shifted to the imminent full moon and the impending agony of his transformation. A sigh escaped him as he wished to navigate the shift without harm, longing for the simplicity of a normal life. In the solitude of his contemplation, the idea of a mate emerged as a potential solace, a connection to alleviate his supernatural burden. Yet, the mystery of such a companion left him longing for an elusive connection. "My story is delicate," he mused, grappling with the complexities of his identity and the blurred lines between humanity and the supernatural. At 22, Richard reflected on a decade marked by challenges, his mother's werewolf legacy adding layers of complications. "She just gave me a complicated life," he sighed, memories of nightly transformations intertwining with the haunting echoes of bullying from his college days. Richard's status as an introvert and a genius added further complexity to his struggles, the harsh symphony of bullying echoing through his college memories. Nightly transformations into a werewolf and the constant influence of the moon were unrelenting reminders of his supernatural affliction. His confidants were few — an extroverted sister, loyal friend Marco, and the lingering presence of Sofia, whose death cast a shadow over his life. The internet portrayed him as a wicked boss, perpetuating tales of mistreatment and a revolving door of secretaries. "I am a mess," he conceded, abruptly ending his deep reflections. "Enough of my deep thinking. This can't solve anything." With a heavy sigh, he surrendered to the embrace of sleep, hoping that tomorrow's presentation would offer a brief respite from the complexities that defined his existence. On the other side, Bella facing Her own cruel world, After finishing her evening shift at the coffee restaurant, Bella found herself meeting with an old friend, Michael, a seasoned investigator and lawyer. The cozy ambiance of the coffee shop served as the backdrop to their conversation. Michael, sipping on his coffee, quirked an eyebrow, "So, spill it, Bella. What's this bold move you're making?" Bella leaned in, her eyes reflecting determination, "I applied for a job at Montenegro Marketing. It's the only way I can get closer to the truth about Sofia's death." Michael's skepticism was palpable. "You're taking a big risk, Bella. Are you sure the CEO is the one behind your sister's death?" Bella nodded, "I have a gut feeling, and today's encounter only strengthened my suspicions. He bashed my car and threw money at me, for heaven's sake! That's not normal behavior." Michael sighed, realizing he couldn't talk Bella out of her decision. "You're one stubborn woman, you know that? But fine, do what you wish. Just be careful. Investigating a CEO isn't child's play." Bella smirked, "Stubbornness runs in the family. Besides, she died there, Michael. I need to find out the truth." Michael shook his head with a resigned smile, "Alright, alright. But remember, if things get too dangerous, don't hesitate to step back. I can't afford to lose my favorite investigator." Bella chuckled, "Deal. Now, take your leave, Mr. Concerned Friend." As Michael left the coffee shop, Bella sat alone with her thoughts, knowing that her decision to infiltrate Montenegro Marketing would lead her into a web of secrets, lies, and a potential confrontation with the elusive CEO. Little did she know, the journey she was embarking on would unravel mysteries that extended beyond her sister's death, intertwining her fate with the enigmatic world hidden within the corporate walls of Montenegro Marketing.
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