2. My House

1963 Words
"I can't go in the stands. We can say hello to them from the sand." We walk through the horse part and out into the arena. Everyone in the arena seats scream and cheer. Thora rides Coral over to us. They were in the stands. The 5 of us go to the princes. Mary, momma, and Asa join us. "We heard they were sexy." "Fair enough." They are sexy. The girls weren't wrong. I smile at them and they come as close as they can get. "We wanted to welcome you. We hope you have fun gentlemen." They are sexy. The king says, "Thank you princess. We are having a wonderful time." The girls talk to them. The princes are staring at me hard. Thora puts her arm around me. "Let's dance in the middle." "Yea. Send the brains with some music. HEY! COME ON." We go to the center of the arena. "Play My House by Flo Rider. Loud and threw the whole arena." "Yes ma'am." The music starts. "WELCOME TO MY HOUSE." We scream it and jump around dancing. The people in the stands go crazy. They scream and cheer so loud. My boys come out with us. I look at Dipak and point at myself. "MY HOUSE." He smirks and winks. We keep screaming the song and dancing. The boys dance with us. "WELCOME TO MY HOUSE." The crowd goes crazy again. Daddy, Kane, Elek, Gunner, and Dracul are flying to us. We ignore them and keep dancing. Daddy rubs his eyes. "It's your house up there. Now go." He points to our boxes. We laugh and go back through the horse area. The crowd starts screaming. Daddy is dancing. "AAAHHHH!" I jump up and down and point. Daddy smiles then turns to a dragon and flies up. I run into the boring box. "I SEEN YOU DANCING DADDY." I give him the biggest hug. "I do like to dance on occasion my princess." He hugs me right back. "YOU'RE IN THE WRONG BOX." Thora screams from the trauma zone. I jump the half wall into the trauma zone. "That was fun." "Were they sexy?" "Who?" I stare at Elroy. "The princes you went to see." "Oh." I glance that direction and they are staring at me. "I guess." He nods. "You should have came down and danced with us." "Oh I'm not there yet." "Someday." He smiles. Thora sits by me on the rail. "We need another dance break half way threw the races." "Ok. That was fun." We sit on the rail watch some races. We bet on the most likely to lose again. So far, they've lost. Elkie fell off once but Elek grabbed her and pulled her back up. 3 servants and 1 brain come in. "Do you want to stop the races for an hour at dinner?" Thora says. "It's still 2 races away. We wouldn't miss any if you stopped them." "Yes. Invite and have all royalty and advisors in the arena escorted to the ball room for dinner. You don't have to escort the people in the boxes. They can figure out how to get there. Tell them in it's in the ball room. Place the round tables for 8 on the floor. Put the rectangle table as head for me and the girls. What should we eat?" Elroy looks at me. "Something with pasta. I only eat that here and it's so damn good." "Can you have a pasta dish done in time?" "Yes. We can do a meat and lasagna dish as main. We can side it with bread, fresh vegetables, cheese, and for desert we can do the little cakes and fruit." "That sounds perfect." "Would you like the announcement to stop the races for dinner be made now or when we stop them?" "When we stop them. But please let the royalty and advisors know what is going on now. So they don't waste time making plans for dinner." "Of course." There are already brains notifying the people with flags. They are fast and everywhere. "IT'S DANCE TIME. WHILE THEY GET THE NEXT RACE READY." The girls and Mary pull me out the door. We get to the middle and Thora screams, "IT'S MY LIFE." My boys come out on the field with us. We sing and dance. The crowd is confused about the music. But they are loving it anyway. Tye throws me in the air with dragon strength. Then he catches me. I jump up and down. "AGAIN." Thora and Coral nearly tackle me. "ME NEXT." "MY TURN." Dipak grabs me. "Turn to a dragon when you get up there." He throws me so high. I flip to a dragon. The crowd goes crazy. I'm like 40 feet off the ground. He threw me high. Marcus touches my wing with his. I follow him. We fly over the people in the stands. So close to them and fast. They can feel the wind from us. I watch someone's hat fly off. They are screaming and jumping. They try to touch us but we stay out of their reach. Then I follow him to the middle where the girls are. "THAT WAS SO FUN." "I know it was fun. Try to calm down and lets get back up there." Me and the girls stand on the rail and sing along and dance to girls just want to have fun. Then we sit on the rail again. The boys are on their rail dancing to cherry pie. I watch them. They seem to be having fun with this too. My boys, Kane, Elek, Elroy, Dracul, and Daddy are up there singing and dancing. The crowd loves this. At the end of the song Tre comes over to my box. "No more. They are ready for the next race." "Ok. It's fun though." "Yes it is." We watch the race. Right after it Marcus shows up. "No songs this time. They don't want to have to delay dinner." "Ok." He pulls me off the rail and to the back. "I'm so sorry angel. There is a lot going on at the mountain. It has nothing to do with you. I know I yelled at you a couple of times when I shouldn't have. But I had no idea we were this bad until you walked out of the meeting like that. Please forgive me. I did not mean to take it out on you. I love you so much." I give him a hug. "I figured you were go threw something and needed some space. I love you too." "Will you forgive me?" "Of course and I would kiss you but the veil is in the way." "I'll kiss your head then." He kisses my head and snuggles me. "I love you so much angel." "I love you too." "That's all I need. We can talk more later. I had to say that." I snuggle right into him. He holds me so tight and kisses my head. I check and no one in the stands can see us. I pull the veil off and give him a real kiss. Thora pulls me off him after a couple minutes. "NO. You are not going to make out and traumatize the rest of us." Marcus puts the veil back and kisses my head. I sit on the rail and he wraps his arms around me from the back. I lean into him and we watch the race together. Then he helps me up. "2 more." "Why is it taking so long between races today?" "None of the professional horse people are here. Guards are doing everything. I'm sure they'll get faster it'll take a few times." "Well they're doing good then. Today has been fun." "Yea it has." He walks me to the ballroom with his arm around me. I sit at the head table with the girls. The 3 sexy princes and their people are at 1 table. Marcus's dad and I'm guess mom are with a few advisors at a table. Then there's another table with a king and a couple princes and 5 advisors. There's a couple others. We have a lot of royalty here today. Our people are spread out over 5 tables. Tye is sitting with his parents. Elek and Elroy are sitting with Marcus, Tre, and Johen. Everyone has seemed to have made themselves fit somewhere. No one is alone. That's nice. Johen's parents are sitting with Dipak's parents. Dipak is sitting with daddy, Dracul, and Frode. Daddy and Dipak stand up. Dipak sits down quick. Then daddy sits down. Then they point at each other. I think they're trying to make each other make the speech. "You might want to do something about that princess queen." I stand up. "We have a lot of people here today. I can see why daddy and Dipak are pointing at each other." Everyone laughs. "I figured I better start us out or they'll argue all night and we'll die of starvation." They laugh again. I must be funny tonight. "Anyways, I want to thank everyone for coming. We enjoy the racing days, we have a lot of fun. I hope you are having fun too." They clap and I try to sit. Thora won't let me. She whispers. "Tell them why it's slow." "I guess I'm not done." Dipak winks at me. "A few people have asked why the process is going slower today. That is because the guards have been trained to do everything. This is the first race where we have none of the professionals here leading anything. So, yes. It is slower. They are learning and dealing with everything on their own, for the first time. Hopefully the next race will be quicker between the races. So please try to be patient with them and don't yell, they are doing their best. If you stress them out, they'll go slower. So please, concentrate on what they are doing right and tell them they're doing a good job." I sit back down and everyone claps again. Dipak and Daddy are pointing at each other again. I shake my head. Marcus stands up. "I think everything our princess said was perfect. We hope everyone is having fun. We try to make this a fun event. And yes, the guards are running a little slow but we haven't had any major issues so this is a good thing. Hopefully they'll speed up after a couple race days. With that, let's eat." Everyone claps and he gives the signal for food. "Finally, I got 1 who calls for food fast." "Yes this is nice." It takes me about 25 minutes to eat with the veil on. But I get enough in me finally. Then the brains bring in the dessert with the servants. They give everyone wine too. Even me. I down the first glass and get a refill before they even leave. Coral puts an eyebrow up. "Oh we're having that kind of night." Thora cracks up laughing. "Well that sounds fun too." Elkie smiles. "We should get a dance lesson in Egypt and have a few drinks. That will help wind us down before bed." I finish another cup and Thora switches cups with me. Then she refills my empty cup. 1 of the sexy princes is smiling at me when she does it. "He seen that." "It don't matter." By the end of dinner we're all a little drunk. I seriously think the only person who noticed we are drinking is that sexy prince. Everyone else seems busy. Daddy stands up. "Thank you for coming to dinner with us. Everyone will be escorted back to where they were before." Servants fill in around the visitor tables.
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