3. Teenage Boys

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Me and the girls end up at the back of the line to get out. We end up behind the 3 sexy princes but they don't seem to even notice us. Thora motions brain. "Play I think we're alone now. In the hallway only please." The princes all turn around. We're kind of bopping around singing the song. One of them says. "Why is it so hard to get out of here?" "The hallway goes down to 1 doorway. We all have to go threw it." Coral nods. "Then her dad stands there and gives his nice meeting you speech to everyone." I smile at them. "I'll tell him you live here that way you don't have to listen to it." "There's so many people who live here, he can't keep us straight anyways." They bust out laughing. Coral rubs her eyes. "I hope the friendly talkers aren't all standing there." "OH s**t. IT'S THE PRINCESS." 2 princes walk up behind us. Some of my servants are with them. They act fine. Just annoyed. "Hey you are so sexy. Want to go have some fun?" "BACK OFF." Coral is instantly pissed. "I was asking the sexy princess. Not you." "That's probably what she's pissed about." I grab Coral. "Ignore them. We'll be out in a couple minutes. It's not worth starting a war." "So how about it sexy?" "DO NOT TOUCH HER." Thora yells at the top of her lungs. The 3 princes in front of us move us to in front of them. "You will die here today if you don't knock it off." "You can't threaten me. My father..." Dipak and Marcus move by us. Dipak grabs a boy by his throat and breaks the wall with him. "You really think I can't kill your little daddy, boy?" Marcus grabs the other 1. "Let's take them to their father before you make him piss himself Dipak." The 1 Marcus has starts crying. "Yea, that's what I thought." Dipak yells, "MOVE." Everyone parts and let's them go back threw. We start moving again. I look at Thora. "But how did they know?" She shrugs her shoulders. "Play welcome to the jungle in the hallway." We start bouncing around and singing. Then Dorseti falls over and takes out a brain. One of the sexy princes princes picks her up and puts her back on her feet. "Thank you sir. I think I may have drank to much." We get to the doorway and the 5 of us try to go threw it at the exact same time. We fall into the other side. Then we crack up laughing. Daddy is standing there with 2 kings. Marcus's dad isn't one of them. We lay on the floor laughing our asses off trying to get up. The sexy princes come in and stand us up. "Thank you." Daddy nods. "Do either of you have daughters?" They both say, "No." at the same time. "Congratulations." They bust out laughing. One of the kings smiles at me. "So what happened with my sons?" Thora and Coral start yelling. Dorseti is holding onto a brain to keep from falling over. "I need a minute." "Ok enough you 2." I shake my head. "They are young and acting like teenage boys. I've seen much worse but I've also seen better. I think they need reminded that even though this is a fun event. Everyone still needs to be treated with respect." "Thank you for understanding they are young. I will remind them of that. As well as how to treat a woman." Then there's a big crash behind me. One of the sexy princes is holding a sleeping Dorseti and the brain is getting off the ground. Thora looks at daddy. "I think she's getting sleepy." "Yes, I'm sure that's what it is." Daddy rubs his eyes. "Can you take them to their box and lock them in or something. And no more alcohol." We look away from him and nod slightly. The princes laugh again. We take off to go to our box. The princes follow. The 1 carries Dorseti. We get up a flight of steps and Coral falls down. She takes the 3 of us out with her. She pops back up first. "Sorry my shoes quit working." Then we finally get up to the box. We walk in with the princes and Elroy loses it. "ELEK come here." I take 2 steps. "NO." I fall on my face. The prince picks me up. "Thank you. My shoes quit too." He chuckles and shakes his head. "Oh shit... TRE." Now Elek is yelling. Tre lands in the box. Then he nods and looks at me. "Why did you bring them here?" "Daddy did." "Your dad sent them here?" "Yes." "Why?" Elkie tries to sit down and misses the chair. I bust out laughing. Tre nods. "Watch the races and stay off the railing." "Ok." We run to the railing and Coral flips right over the it. Tre turns to a dragon and takes off. Kane was in the boring box by the edge though and he seen it. He flies down first. Coral catches herself and turns to a dragon though. Then the 3 of them land back in the box. Kane sees the princes. Then he looks at Dorseti. "Well shit." "Yep." "You sit in the first row here. No one is allowed past the first row at all. If I see you past it, I will take you to the castle and you won't be allowed back tonight." "BUT." Tre shakes his head. "You can still see from the first row. You will go back if you don't listen." I cross my arms. "FINE." Kane looks at the princes. "You can understand that we're not leaving you alone with our drunk princess." "Of course." Tre takes Dorseti and puts her on a couch. "If you want to watch from our box, you're more than welcome too." "Seats are better. You can invite your dad up too if you want." Elkie cracks up laughing. "He'll probably be talking to your dad for another 3 hours anyway." She looks at them. "You might as well." Then we all start laughing. Marcus and Dipak come in confused. Dipak finally says, "Why?" Mary perks up from the corner of the box. "The girls are drunk. Her father sent the boys to bring them up here." Dipak shakes his head. "That man doesn't have a f*****g brain at all sometimes." Marcus nods. "You 3 with me. You can sit in our box." Me and the girls and Elroy watch 1 race from the first row of seats. Then we get irritated because the boys keep staring at us. Kane turned his chair to watch us from the boring box. We get up and move to the back of the trauma zone and sit on the floor so they can't see us. We play music threw the brains while the guards get the next race ready. I tell it to play shake it off. The next thing I know, Tre is picking me up. Dipak and Tye have Dorseti and Elkie. Samson and Frode both have their mates. We're all sleeping. "Just hurry. They'll get woke up during the next race." I wiggle away from Tre and stare at him. "I'm awake." I feel like I'm swaying back and forth. "You want to ride?" "Yes please." "Ok you hold on tight." I throw my arms around him and he flies me over to his balcony. We go in and he strips me to my underwear so fast. I lay down in his bed and he lays beside me. Then he rubs my back with his fingertips. I love him. He is so warm. I snuggle in closer and steal his heat.
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