6. Aris Ball 1

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The servants get me ready for the ball. Mary is supervising everything. I really like my dress. It's black and looks like red flames. I got my red veil and lots of pretty rubies on. I even got red shoes. Johen smiles at me. "You look amazing done up in my colors sir." "You're beautiful baby." He takes my hand and kisses it. I jump up and down. "I want more than that." "You want me to tell you you're the most beautiful woman in the world? And that you look amazing like this. I love every inch of you." He puts his arms around my waist. "I meant the kissing part. But that was nice to hear too." He winks. "That'll be later." He pulls on the veil. "TOUCH THAT VEIL AND DIE BOY." "She's a little touchy about my hair and makeup. The veil. All of it." He takes his hands off me and Mary nods. Then Omar makes us a door and we step into Tye's castle. I look around a little confused. Johen puts his arm around me. "We're going at the same time they are. And they know the people hosting the ball. So we are going by magic door." "I thought we were leaving kind of late. It's got to be close to 5 already." He kisses my head. "That and I think nobody wanted to do carriages." I lay my head on his shoulder. "They are kind of boring at times." "I think I could have kept you entertained. But that hair and makeup wouldn't have made it." I snuggle into him. "I can't wait to take everything off you sir." "Maybe I can take you quick here. Throw that dress up and ..." "THIS WAY EVERYONE." I pat him on the back. "Guess there's no time for that." "Oh I'll make time later woman." He smacks my butt. We get into another castles sitting room. "This is Helen and Leon Aris Castle. I was here 1 other time for a date with Tye. We had lunch and watched a play." "Was it fun?" "No, a princess touched Tye and I killed her. Then Tye and Kane killed the king. It was the fastest war I've ever been apart of. Kane carried the kings head around and took it to his castle though. That was weird. Then I got stabbed and poisoned that night. All in all it wasn't a fun day." "He carried the kings head to prove to them he was dead. So they would submit. I'm more concerned with the princess touching Tye? And the stabbing?" "Yea she was flirting with him. I tired to ignore it. Then me and Tye were sitting together to watch the play. She sat on his other side and whispered something in his ear. He said no. She said, 'well if you change your mind let me know.' or something like that. Then she rubbed his leg. She was dead very fast. Then her dad came after me. Tye and Kane dropped him." "And you getting stabbed?" "We went to their castle afterwards to take everything we wanted. We found vaults and 1 of them had an advisor in it. He stabbed me. There was sleeping potion on the sword. Ylle brought something to counter the potion. I was fine after a couple days of being very awake." He kisses my head. "I don't like the thought of you getting stabbed." "I didn't like it either." "YANIN." "Yea here." "You are lining up in the hall now." Tye's trying to fix his hair and Thora smacks his hand. "NO I LIKE IT LIKE THAT." Johen pulls me in tight and kisses my head. "So after we eat and you dance with princes what do we do?" "Then it's a dance. We can dance or talk to people. The boys roam around and try to talk to the kings. I think some of them only see each other for these events." He kisses my head. "I heard I was supposed to tell you your shoes are pretty." I giggle. "Boys always tell girls their shoes are pretty. Did they tell you what a doorknob girl is?" He raises his eyebrows. "Everyone gets a turn?" "I'LL KILL YOU ALL." I go after Tre. Dipak and Marcus jump between us. "I'LL KILL YOU TOO." "WHY WOMAN?" Dipak looks at me like I lost my mind. "HE SAID SOMETHING ABOUT HE'S SUPPOSED TO TELL ME HE LIKES MY SHOES." "I told him that as a joke baby." "I ASKED HIM IF YOU TOLD HIM WAS A DOORKNOB WAS. HE SAID EVERYONE GETS A TURN." The boys stare at me for a minute and then they lose it. Then everyone in the room is laughing. "That's not what it means. But that is hilarious." Dipak wipes his eyes. "I don't know how we didn't think of that before." Tre nods. "A doorknob is a girl who is very formal. Won't talk. Only gives you a fake smile. All you can really talk to them about is how pretty their shoes are. They are horrible dates. We've always called them doorknobs." Dipak cracks up laughing again. "No one gets a turn." Tre gives me a hug. "Are you ok? You know that's what we've always called them. It was never meant like that." I nod and he kisses my head. "I love you baby." "I love you too." "Sandu. You're going to line on the wall now." Me and Johen get out and everyone is standing around. Momma is putting us in places. Mary goes in first. That way she can come back get us all in. Which is kind of funny since we've been doing this for long. I stand there laughing. Dipak is behind me with Elkie. "Woman are you drunk?" "No. But I was just thinking, we've been doing this for years, and we still can't get in the door without Mary telling us what to do." Everyone around me cracks up laughing. Tre nods. "Yea, we're not the brightest group." Momma puts her hands on her hips. "Here's the list. I don't know who outranks who." Everyone shakes their heads. "Doesn't princess outrank commander?" "Not today." "Or any day sweetheart. Real asshole outranks princess." Coral smiles. "I think I'm in the right spot. I can't outrank the princess or commander in your village." Daddy rubs his eyes. "But she has Tre and Dorseti outranking Ylle. And how is Johen back here?" "He's my date daddy." "Oh that makes sense then. I can't see you, my princess." Ylle looks at us. "I don't care where I am. I just find you people fascinating." We crack up laughing. Then we hear them cheering inside. Mary and Kane went in. Mary is back out by the time Tre is ready to go in. We hear everyone cheer again. Then Marcus walks in with coral. I take Johens arm and smile at him. "You look good." "You look amazing hun. You might have to guide me though. I don't know where I'm going." I smile. "Go to our color tables. Someone will be there pointing at 1. If not, we'll take Dipak's." Dipak smirks. "There's only going to be 3 left, don't take the top 1 and you're good." "Go. Stop. Turn. Go. Stop." "Princess Hypatia Nadine Sandu. Rightful heir to the vampire Throne. Escorted by Johen Alexander West." Everyone starts cheering. "Go." "Whoever did that, I really like." "What?" "Usually my titles are 3 minutes long." He smiles and guides me to our table. I look around at the different people here. Tye's castle is here. Aris castle is hosting. Those sexy 3 princes are here. There's another castle I've never seen across from us. They have 2 princesses and 1 younger prince. I hope they let him dance with Tye's little sister. They're about the same age. Then there's 1 more with 1 prince and 2 princesses. Momma sits in her spot. "They are going to do the prince and princess dances first. Be ready for that." "Who am I dancing with?" "You and Tye are going last. I don't know the other one." "AWWW. Look. Tye is going to murder that boy." Everyone laughs as the young boy takes Tye's little sister to the dance floor. Our painter runs over by the dance floor and starts painting. I think it confuses a few castles but no one says anything. A couple of the sexy boys dance with a princess from each castle. Then the oldest comes over and gets me. Johen does perfect. He hands me off without any issue. It's so perfect. I take the sexy princes arm and walk a few steps. Then I nearly fall on my ass on the step down. I crack up laughing and grab him. He holds on and doesn't let me fall. Coral nods. "She's not even drunk and she still can't walk." "Maybe if someone gives me some alcohol I'll get better at walking." The sexy prince winks. "You weren't very good at walking then either." Everyone busts out laughing. "He's got you there my princess." "Yes, thanks daddy. We're going to get to level ground now, before I knock us both down." We get down and the painter nearly runs over me. "Sorry I was getting a good angle for the walk down." "No doubt you are painting that." "Yes, that smile on your face was perfect. You should slip more often." I nod and the sexy man chuckles. Then he leads me to the dance floor. He dances formally with me but he mixes it up. He does some spins. "You are fun to dance with." He smiles. "What's your name? No one ever told me any of your names." "I'm Nikolas my brothers are Corbin and Victor. Our last name is Blayze." "Nice to meet you Nikolas. I'm Nadine." "Nice to meet you Nadine." He spins me again as the song ends. He walks me back to Johen and Johen takes my hand. He is so good at it. I can't help but smile. He is so sexy too. "Thank you for the dance sir." I curtsey to Nikolas and he bows. "Thank you princess." Marcus dances with a princess's. Then Tye runs to me. "Dance with me woman." He bypasses Johen and picks me up. He carries me to the floor over his shoulder. "I didn't want you fall trying to walk." Everyone laughs again. He leads me to the dance floor and the painter is right on me. "Best dance?" "Always sir." The music starts and he spins and twirls me all over the place. He uses dragon strength to throw and catch me. Then he twirls me out and lets go. I dance sexy with my hips back to him. He smiles so big. Then he pulls me in hugs me before he throws me in the air 1 more time. He catches me as the song ends and everyone cheers. He puts an arm around me and I lay my head on his shoulder as he takes me back. "Thank you for the dance sir." "You better thank me woman." Everyone laughs. Then he kisses my hand. "Thank you princess."
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