**Chapter Twenty Six : Blake’s POV

910 Words
Blake made his way to Malia’s house, the night air thick with tension. He had to know where she stood and whether the bond between them was strong enough to withstand the storm of expectations and tradition. Once he reached her doorstep, he hesitated, uncertainty creeping back in. What if she didn’t want the fight? What if she was ready to walk away? Taking a deep breath, he knocked, the sound sharp in the stillness. The door swung open, and there stood Malia, her expression a mix of surprise and warmth. “Blake!” she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up. “I wasn’t expecting you. Is everything okay?” He stepped inside, the weight of his thoughts pressing down on him. “No, actually. Everything’s not okay. We need to talk.” Malia’s smile faltered, concern replacing it. “What’s wrong?” He took a deep breath, bracing himself for the conversation that could change everything. “It’s about us... and what my father wants.” Malia’s pulse thudded in her ears as Blake’s words settled heavily over her, like a shroud of uncertainty. She had felt so buoyant after their last encounter, a spark of connection that she had never anticipated. Now, the room felt stifling, and the warmth that had radiated between them was quickly turning to ice. “You can’t possibly believe that your father knows what’s best for us,” she said, her voice shaking with a mixture of anger and disbelief. How could Blake so easily accept the notion that someone else could dictate the worth of their love? As his gaze dropped to the floor, Malia felt a profound ache in her chest, a sense that they were on the brink of losing something precious. “I understand the weight of your family’s expectations, but what about your happiness?” she pressed, needing to ignite the fire she had seen in his eyes before. The thought of him choosing duty over love sparked an anger within her, a fierce determination to fight for what she believed was right. “We deserve the chance to decide our own futures,” she continued, taking a step closer, “free from your father’s chains.” Blake’s expression wrestled with conflict, a battle shimmering between his need to honour his lineage and his desire to forge his own path. “You make it sound so simple, Malia,” he sighed, the anguish in his voice palpable. “But every choice I make doesn’t just affect us; it echoes through the entire pack. If I stand against him, I risk losing everything—my position, my family…” His words trailed off, but Malia could see the fury of indecision and fear stealing his resolve. “Blake, if you think that sacrificing our love for a title or a legacy is worth it, then you don’t know me at all,” she replied, her heart racing as she reached out to touch his arm. Her resolve solidified with each heartbeat. “I’d rather be known as someone who fought tooth and nail for what’s real than someone who settled for an easy path. You are not meant to be just a tool in your father’s game—our love can be stronger than any of that.” She searched his eyes, hoping to find the ember of defiance that had burned between them before, a flicker that could burn bright in the shadow of familial expectation. Blake's eyes flashed with anger, but Malia stood her ground, her words striking a chord deep within him. For a moment, they simply stared at each other, the tension between them crackling like a live wire. Then, in a sudden movement, Blake's lips crashed against Malia's, the kiss fierce and desperate. It was as if he was trying to silence the doubts, to drown out the voices that told him he was wrong to follow his heart. Malia's response was instant, her arms wrapping around him as she poured her entire being into the kiss. As they broke apart for air, Blake's eyes locked onto hers, a glimmer of determination burning in their depths. **Alpha Damien's POV** In the shadows of the night, Alpha Damien paced his office, the weight of strategy pressing heavily on his shoulders. He had ordered the pack’s best trackers to find dirt on Malia, but he was already aware that Blake's resolve was wavering. The mindlink with Dominic buzzed with urgency. “Have you found anything?” Damien asked, his voice low and menacing. Dominic’s voice crackled through the link, laced with tension. “We’re still digging, Alpha. But it’s not easy. She’s kept a low profile, and her family—” “Find something!” Damien snapped, frustration boiling over. “We need leverage before Blake decides to make a foolhardy choice.” “Understood,” Dominic replied, though his tone carried a hint of caution. “But we have to tread carefully. The Council is already feeling the unrest in the pack. If they get wind of this…” Damien cut him off, his patience wearing thin. “I’ll handle the Council. You focus on Malia. I won’t let her disrupt our legacy.” As the link faded, Damien felt the familiar rush of anger. He couldn’t allow sentimentality to ruin the future of their pack. Blake’s emotional attachments were a liability, and he had to act fast to sever the bonds before they could tighten.
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