**Chapter Twenty Seven: Dangerous Grounds

595 Words
**Alpha Damien's POV** Alpha Damien stood in the shadows of his office, his mind racing with dark possibilities. The moonlight cast an eerie glow on the walls, illuminating the weight of his thoughts. Blake was spiralling into a world he didn’t understand—one where love could compromise the pack’s future. Damien could not allow that to happen. He paced the room, the tension building, as he considered the depths to which he would go to protect their legacy. “What if Malia were to disappear?” he mused to himself, the idea swirling ominously in his mind. It was a drastic step, but in his view, a necessary one. A knock on the door startled me, and Dominic entered, his expression cautious. “Alpha, the trackers found something about Malia. We need to talk.” I straightened, my heart racing. “What did you find?” Dominic hesitated, glancing around the room as if fearing the walls could listen. “She has connections—witch connections. This could be problematic for us. If we exploit that, we could create a situation that would push Blake into a corner.” My eyes narrowed. “And if we take it a step further? If Malia were to… vanish?” Dominic’s brows shot up in shock. “Alpha, are you serious? That could backfire. Blake would never forgive you.” “Forgiveness isn’t the issue,” I snapped, my anger flaring, and wolf started to surface. “Survival is. If we get rid of her, we eliminate the distraction and force Blake to choose the pack over his heart. He’ll either rise as the leader he’s meant to be, or he’ll fall. Either way, our legacy remains intact.” Dominic’s expression turned grave. “You have to consider the consequences. The Council will sense the imbalance, and if Blake discovers the truth…” “Then he’ll have to learn the hard way,” I growled. “Love makes you weak, Dominic. I won’t let my son become a puppet to his feelings. There’s too much at stake.” The air grew thick with tension as Dominic considered the ramifications. “And what if he fights back? What if he tries to rescue her?” “Then we’ll be ready,” Damien replied, his voice cold and calculated. “We can use her as bait, draw him out. If we can break Malia’s spirit first, he’ll have no choice but to comply.” Dominic swallowed hard, torn between loyalty to his Alpha and concern for Blake. “You’re playing a dangerous game, Alpha. If we proceed with this, there’s no turning back.” Damien met his gaze, steely determination in his eyes. “Then we move quickly. I want this done before Blake has a chance to act. We can’t let him choose love over duty.” **Kirsty's POV ** As I look myself in the mirror admiring my own beauty, I pictured myself as the pack's Luna and how glamorous I would be. I need to get rid of Malia; she is the only thing stopping me. I can already imagine the way the pack would look up to me, the way the alpha would gaze at me with admiration. I'd be the one calling the shots, making the decisions, and ruling with an iron paw. Malia thinks she's got it all, but I know the truth - she's weak, and I'm the one with the real power. It's time for a change, and I'm the one who's going to bring it. Bring it on, I say.
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