Chapter Twenty Five - Being naughty

1338 Words

Amaya’s P.O.V I had a free day today, no classes so I was enjoying my alone time. I was seeing Joe later, he had classes all day. I decided to take the day to catch up with some studying which I had been doing for the last few hours and now I was bored. I decided I would annoy and tease the hell of out Joe because I can. I grabbed my phone, texting him…deciding to start of sweet and normal conversation. Amaya: Hey babe! How is class? X I was not sure he would reply depends how busy he was. I soon see he can’t be that busy because my screen shows he is typing back. Joe: Hey baby girl…Everyone is working hard. How is your day going? X Amaya: I has been find, just been studying but then I got bored and decided to annoy you lol X Joe: You could never annoy me beautiful ;) X I decided

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