Chapter Twenty Six - You will need to come find me

1337 Words

Joe’s P.O.V I was making us dinner and I turned around to speak to Amaya but she wasn’t there. Where did she go? She was there a moment ago? I never even heard her move. “Amaya where did you go?” I called out confused “You will need to find me…” She called back giggling I switched the dinner off, not wanting it to burn it and went to look for her. What the heck was she up to? I chuckled going to look for her. I had a feeling she was in my bedroom that is where it sounded like she was. Why she was there I do not know. I am sure I will soon find out. I took my time getting to the bedroom, playing along with whatever this game was she was playing. I did eventually get there… “You took your time.” She said I looked up, not quite expecting what I seen when I did. She was sitting on t

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