Chapter Six - Trust me it is better that way

1360 Words
Amaya’s P.O.V I woke in a good mood, ready for my day…ready to see…um Joe, sorry or should I say Professor Carson? I know I shouldn’t be as happy to see him, it was wrong. I couldn’t help myself though. It is OK to have a crush on your Professor right as long as you don’t act on it? And let’s be honest here, he is not exactly innocent in all of this. Again is will be OK as long as it doesn’t get acted on. Joe’s class was my first class of the day and then my third class too. I slipped myself out of bed, my roommate already gone, she is up at five a.m. every morning to go to the gym. She seemed OK, we don’t really see much of each other to be honest, only using in passing. It worked though. I had an hour before class which gave me time to get showered, ready and grab some coffee, would grab food between classes as long as I have my coffee I will be fine. I decided today since it seemed really warm outside I would go for a pair of denim shorts, my red converse and a tee to match…casual and comfortable. I put a brush through my hair, going to let it try naturally, it sit better when I do that rather than actually drying it. I put some eye liner and lip gloss on. I don’t want him thinking I am trying to impress him or something. I am in a good mood so I make an effort, this isn’t for his benefit, no matter how yummy he is. No I can’t think like that…bad Amaya. I grabbed my bag with everything I needed before heading out, stopping by to grab a coffee on the way to class. I wonder what he would be teaching us today. Even after only having an hour and doing everything I did I was still going to be early to class, that was OK would give me time to drink my coffee before the lesson starts. I arrived at Joe’s class, the first one there and he was already at his desk, looking busy. I stepped inside, he must not have heard me because he never looked up. “Good morning Professor.” I said making him jump a little “Sorry never meant to startle you.” I added giggling “Good morning Amaya.” He said finally looking up, his eyes taking their time to make their way up my body, concentrating on my legs longer than he needed to By the time he actually looked at my face my hand was on my hip and my brow raised at him, a small smirk playing on my lips. When he sees my reaction his face suddenly became red. Ha he totally got busted. “Um…yeah, sorry.” He said rubbing the back of his neck nervously “If you say so…” I smirked “I do…” he replied laughing “What you doing here this early anyway?” he added clearly trying to change the subject “Because I do not take hours to get ready in the morning.” I said shrugging “If you say so…” he said mocking my words from only a moment ago “Funny.” I said going to take a seat, the seat that was in line with his desk He stood from his desk, coming around to the front of it, leaning against his, his arms over his chest and looking at me, not saying anything…just looking? WTF? “Can I help you?” I asked He went to open his mouth but was quick to close it again, shaking his head and sighing. “No…nothing, doesn’t matter.” He said He clearly wanted to say something to me but changed his mind quickly. Makes me wonder if he was going to say something to me that he was not meant to. “OK...if you insist.” I said shrugging “Trust me it is better that way…” he said running his fingers through his messy hair I decided maybe it was best I never pushed it. I never wanted to make things weird between us. Instead I gave him a small smile, getting my things out of my bag, setting them out in front of me. Joe never moved from his standing position. I was watching him out the corner of my eye, he looked like he was having a full blown discussion with himself. A small giggled escaped my lips by mistake, making him turn his head swiftly, his eyes falling back on me. “Why are you giggling?” he asked confused “Because of you. Your face was priceless as you had a discussion with yourself.” I laughed “Trust me if you know the discussion I was having with myself your respond would be very different.” He said, a smirk slowly creeping on his lips “Would you like to share?” I asked He pulled himself off his desk, coming over to me and rested his hand on my desk, looking at me. “Trust me it is better that I don’t. I could get us both in trouble.” He said huskily I gulped, struggling to deal with the way he was looking at me. He was thinking about me? Why? I thought we had made things clear, he and I need to stay away from each other? “And we can’t have that can we?” I managed to finally stutter out “Well…” he started but never got to finish because other students started coming on, Joe quick to pull away from my desk and go back to his own, saying good morning to everyone. I really wanted to know what he was going to say, he has got me intrigued, probably never going to find out now, that moment has sort of passed. Once everyone was seated, he took a seat on the edge of his desk again, telling everyone to get their things out. I sat there since I had already did it. I felt his eyes on me, making me look at him. He done a quick scan around the room before coming back to me, throwing a quick wink my way. Was he flirting with me? I feel my cheeks heat up, turning away from, in return Joe chuckled. I think he was enjoying this. **** The class was coming to an end, something I was glad off because he had spent a lot of it winking and smirking at me, coming to check if I needed help, getting closed than he needed, so close the scent of his aftershave tickled my nose…he smelt so good. I honestly don’t know what he was doing…don’t know if he knew what he was doing either but one thing I did know I couldn’t handle it. I couldn’t handle being this attracted to him, it was not good for my sanity, he was my PROFESSOR! I can’t go down that road. “Well that is all for now…I will be seeing most of you again in a couple of hours.” he said As soon as those words came from his mouth I quickly gathered my things, stuffing them in my bag and making sure I was the first one out. When I got away from his class I let out a loud breath that I was apparently holding in. I am beginning to think he is after trouble, even though he said it is best we keep a distance and just stick to the Professor/Student thing. I think maybe we were both in trouble.
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