
2019 Words
THREE YEARS LATER Luna’s PoV Three years have passed, and I am now eighteen years old. Looking at my reflection in the mirror had me thinking- about what sort of future I’m aiming for. Last year Gunther was involved in an accident that caused him to be paraplegic. Since then, Juliet has been working hard to provide for the family. Since I am now eligible for a full-time job, I decided to work at the restaurant full-time. It may not pay well, but at least I could ease Juliet’s burden by providing some money into the family’s fund. Juliet has been telling me that I shouldn’t work so hard and think about what sort of future I want, but how could I leave them after years of living together? Dreams can wait. “Luna, breakfast is ready.” I heard Gunther’s voice from my bedroom door. After giving myself some pep talk, I walked out of my room and smiled at Gunther, sitting in a wheelchair. With the money I received from my work, I went to the craftsman's shop and asked for a custom-made chair that would ease Gunther’s way of going around. Grace said that his legs would be healed, but it took time. Even if I used my healing or regenerative spell, it couldn’t fix Gunther’s legs since it was caused by magic. A year had passed, and we never managed to catch the culprit who played such dirty pranks on Gunther. Every time I think about it, it just makes me go mad. “Luna, will you be working the whole shift today?” I nodded while pushing Gunther’s wheelchair towards the dining area. “Are you okay? You’ve been working like so for a whole week now. Aren’t you tired?” I shake my head no. “Of course not, dad. Are you worried about me? Don’t be. The owner has been kind to me, and I was chosen to work as a server on a noble occasion next week. I could get extra pay if I did a good job.” Gunther smiled. “I’m sorry, Luna. If only I’m not stupid enough to let myself get hurt, you and your mother wouldn’t have to work twice as hard like this. I’m sorry.” I smiled at Gunther. “Dad, why do you have to be sorry? It’s not your fault. Besides, I am an adult now. I should be working and helping mom.” I know Gunther feels useless now that he cannot do anything. I heard him complaining to his wife about how useless and a burden he is to her and his daughter. But Juliet knows exactly what to say to make him feel better in seconds. “Honey, that’s enough. I'm not too fond of it when you keep on blaming yourself for the accident. You’ve done so much for our daughter and me.” I nodded my head while patting Gunther’s shoulder. “It’s time for me to take care of you and mom. And mom, you shouldn’t work so hard on the field. Have some good rest today, alright?” Juliet smiled. “I will.” It’s the least I can do to bring me to this world. Both Juliet and Gunther raised me perfectly without any mistreatment. I’m too lucky for someone who faced an atonement for my past. While enjoying my breakfast, I heard someone knocking on the front door. Juliet got up to see who it was. To my surprise, the goddess walks into my home with a smile on her face. “Grace- I told you I would pick up the medicine myself today. You don’t have to send it to us yourself.” Grace smiled at Juliet. “Oh, I know, but I thought I could meet Luna if I went to your house. I have something urgent to discuss with her.” Huh? Why would the goddess want to see me? Normally she would just come to my dream and converse with me. “I see. Luna, Grace wanted to see you.” I smiled at Juliet before wiping my mouth. “Alright. Is it alright for us to discuss while on my way to my workplace?” Grace nodded with a smile. I bud my goodbyes to Juliet and Gunther before meeting the goddess outside. We exchanged looks before walking alongside together. “Am I in trouble?“ I asked without making her contact. Grace shook her head no. “Why? Do you think you made some mistake?” I shrugged my shoulder since I don’t think I did anything that caused any turmoil. “You almost kill a bunch of people. Not only that, you manage to gain unnecessary attention from the royal family. I’m sure you knew the secret that both Juliet and Gunther are trying hard to hide.” I see. “I didn’t know my brother married anyone. I was utterly shocked when Juliet revealed herself as part of the Avon family.” Grace chuckled. “Your brother was never married. But to continue the family legacy, he consummates with various women from different backgrounds. You’ll be surprised how vast the ancient royal family bloodline is.” I see- in other words, my brother was a player. “Do I need to know all of these? Most importantly, what happened to Ophelia? I want to know if she was ever reincarnated.” Grace shrugged her shoulder. I sighed. There’s a chance that Ophelia was never reincarnated since she had done many good deeds after my death. “If you’re that curious. Why don’t you try to find Ophelia in the capital back then? Huh? The capital? “What are you implying?” Grace smiled. “We’re finally here. Good luck.” I watched as Grace walked towards her shop. What does she mean by looking for Ophelia in the capital? Is she trying to say that Ophelia was reincarnated and she’s living in the capital? “Luna? What are you doing standing outside?” The restaurant owner called out to me. “I was looking for something.” The owner looks around the ground and wonders what I’ve been searching for. I smiled at her and walked into the restaurant. “Did you tell your parents that you have to go to the capital for the job? It won’t be long. Only for a week or so.” I nodded. This job is a perfect chance for me to investigate the meaning of Grace’s words. But am I ready to meet Ophelia again? What if she’s married to someone by now? Will I be able to accept that fact? A FEW DAYS LATER, Before going to the capital, I decided to buy some new clothes and other necessities with Gaia at the market. “I’m going to miss you, Luna.” I smiled at Gaia. “Really? I thought you would take this opportunity to have a proper date with your fiancé finally.” Gaia blushed. In the end, Gaia decided to be engaged with the chief’s son after getting to know him better. In truth, the man does not follow his father’s attributes. He’s quite a gentleman. “Don’t say that.” I chuckled. Look at that- I never thought I would see Gaia smitten with someone. “You’re blushing again. I didn’t know you were happy to know that I won’t be a third wheel whenever you go out. But please remember, Gaia. Please do not give him the chance to do anything to you. At least wait until you two are married to each other. It won’t be long, right? Only for a few months.” Gaia smiled. “I know. You sound like my mother, just them. Gosh, Luna.” Well, how couldn’t I not? They’re in love, and they’re willing to do everything for each other. I was once in love too. I know how it goes. “Gaia, Luna!“ Speak of the devil. And what is this man doing here? Gaia told me that he has some guard duty at the border. So, why is her fiancé suddenly shoe himself here? “You don’t look happy to see me, Luna.” I smiled at the man. “I’m worried about leaving my friend in your hands, chief’s son.” The man chuckled. “So you decided to call me with that name instead of my own? Is it that hard to say, Hermes?” Oh, it’s not, but I rather call him anything else except for his name. “Don’t mind her. What are you doing here? I thought you were on guard duty.” Hermes explained what had happened this morning and how he was told to be at the border by tomorrow instead. I wonder what’s the- “Hey Luna, I heard you declined the offer to go to the Military Academy. Why would you do that? If given a chance, you could defeat every royal knight in the empire. Besides, being a student at the academy would help your future and your family’s too.” I don’t need a child to tell me what to do. “I need to take care of my father and mother. If I went to the capital, who would take care of them? I love my parents.” Gaia placed her hand on Hermes’s shoulder before shaking her head no. “I don’t think I need to explain myself to you.” I decided to leave Gaia and her fiancé alone before my fist landed on his face for being annoying. Words couldn’t describe how I feel whenever I see that man. Also, why does everyone tend to ask me about the military academy? Even Juliet and Gunther don’t say anything when I decline Mariana’s offer. So why do my neighbors, my boss, and even my former classmates tend to get nosy selves into my affair? “Luna! Please forgive me. I didn’t mean to offend you!” I heard Hermes’s voice, but is there even a reason for me to give him my mercy? I don’t know why but I don’t think I can get along with that man just because he’s going to marry Gaia. Juliet told me that I might be jealous that someone else is getting all of Gaia’s attention, but I don’t think I’m jealous. Or am I? I don’t know, but I don’t think I mind if Gaia married someone. Just maybe not with him. Since Gaia is with her fiancé, I shouldn’t be worried too much. I should continue with my shopping and go home as soon as I can. I haven’t packed any of my things, and I have to leave the day after tomorrow. I heard from the owner that the noble family from the capital would give us the use of their teleportation portal, so it’s easier for us to travel back and forth. If that’s so, why do we have to stay in the capital? We could stay in the comfort of our home and only go to the capital when we needed to. But the owner explained that the portal has limited use, and it won’t be enough for us if we go back and forth. Besides, the noble family even provided us with a place to stay. So everything should be alright. One thing I don’t understand is how did the noble family know the owner? I heard from the other work that the owner used to open a restaurant chain in the capital. And the noble was a loyal patronage which is why the owner has to cater for the noble’s party. Well, as long as I get paid, everything should be alright. “Luna, it’s rare for me to see you without Gaia. Is she with her fiancé?” I smiled at the baker. Do I need to explain myself whenever I’m going out alone now? “Yes. I would like a load of bread and some cream puffs.” The baker smiled. “On it.” This town pretty much know me by now.
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