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Luna’s PoV It’s finally the day of the party, and I couldn’t help but get nervous about meeting the noble family for the first time. What if they noticed my resemblance with the ancient empress and told the Avon family about me? Or, what if someone from the Avon family also attends the party? Even if I used a spell to change my appearance, these nobles would know and see me as a threat. After shaking the thoughts away, I looked at myself in the mirror and gave myself some pep talk before joining the others. I started by ensuring everything was in order and greeted the first guest of the party. The process continues until one of the guests looks at me as if I am a ghost. “May I help you?” I asked the noble. This man looks at me up and down until he leaves to be with his group. I know people kept on staring and talking behind my back, but I tried my best to ignore them and do my job. Are they staring because of my hair or because I look like the ancient empress? I. In my previous life, having white hair was a privilege for the royals, and the nobles believed that only certain people were blessed to have them. It’s no wonder that they are staring at me. I’m sure they’re wondering about my background. What if they knew I was the daughter of Juliet Avon, the youngest daughter of the Avon family? Why did the goddess choose to make me a noble again in this life? “Luna, you’re so popular. Those noblemen have been looking at you since they entered the ballroom.” If only my coworker knew why the nobles were staring at me, she would laugh at me. “I think the reason why they’re staring is that I made some mistake. I hope the owner doesn’t fire me.” My coworker waves her hand. “You’ve done a perfect job, Luna. I’m sure they’re staring at you because you look beautiful. Back in the village, guys swoon over your beauty. Even the girls tend to do the same too.” My coworker chuckled before we both continued to do our job. I’m excited to meet the lady at the party. As I walked around the ballroom, I couldn’t help but listen to the nobles talking about the lady. And everyone seems to be looking forward to meeting the lady of the house since they have never seen her at any party hosted by the other nobles or the royal family. “Luna- what’s wrong?” I shook my head as I took the tray and walked around, offering the nobles some drinks. “Servant, do you have anything other than alcoholic drinks? Perhaps some juice?” I smiled at the lady and went to the bar to get juice. When I came back, the lady blushed as she saw me. Did I do something? As time passes, it’s finally time for the start of the party to show herself. And as the star descends the stairs, I could hear the nobles gasping around me. Of course, as a human, I would also turn to and see the fuss. The moment I saw the noble lady walking down the stairs, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I try to walk as close as possible to ensure I’m not dreaming or hallucinating. I froze the moment we made eye contact. I know that that lady is shocked to see me too. I took a step back as the lady made her way toward me. I- I don’t know if I can handle this. “CELESTIA!” For the lady to call that name, I know that Ophelia was reincarnated just like I am. But from the looks of things, Ophelia was blessed with a great life. I’m glad that she is. I smiled at the lady before I disappeared through the crowd. I- I can’t let her see me in this state. MEANWHILE, Ophelia’s PoV It can’t be. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw Celestia. But why did she run away from me? Also, was the empress wearing the servant’s uniform? Why would someone like Celestia be wearing such clothes? She’s the empress! Hold on, that person told me that if I met someone who I knew from my previous life, it doesn’t mean they will remember who I am or who they were before being reborn. But, if Celestia doesn't remember me, she won’t turn around when I call out her name. Or perhaps she’s trying to hide from the other nobles. I need to know more about that woman who looks like Celestia. “Ophelia- it’s time for you to meet the guests. What’s wrong, sweetheart?” I smiled at the woman who gave birth to me in this current life. “I- I thought I saw a friend. I’m sorry.” The woman smiled. “A friend? Honey, I didn’t know you had a friend other than the maids here. Who is it? Introduce us.” The woman looks around to find that friend. “It’s okay, mother. She’s not here anymore. Let us meet the guests now. Father seems to be waiting for us now.” I followed the marchioness around as she introduced me to her friends. Even so, I couldn’t get my mind off that woman from earlier. That server knows who I am! I know she does. I should talk with the person hiring her after this party is over. “It’s a pleasure to see the princess of the Fleming family finally. And of course, it’s a pleasure for me to meet marchioness Caroline as well. Mama sends her regards. She apologizes for not being able to attend the party, for she has some matters to attend.” This man- I don’t like him at all. Although Caroline likes him for his family background, I don’t, I heard many stories about him from the servants, and I know this man doesn’t respect anyone. “Ophelia? What’s wrong? The gentleman is asking you a question.” Oh- “I’m sorry.” The man chuckled. “It’s okay. Ophelia is probably dreaming about me. Would you finally enroll in the military academy now that you are finally of age? As a member of the Fleming family, you would want to follow in your brother and sister’s footsteps. But of course, as someone who has an affinity for the holy power, you would think of joining the high church instead.” I smiled at the nobleman. “I will be enrolling into the military academy. I’ve heard stories from my brother and sister who entered the academy, and I want to experience the same thing they had when they were students there. Will you be going too, lord Oscar?” Oscar nodded his head. What kind of question was that, Ophelia? Of course, he would enroll in the academy. His father is the general, and everyone believes that he will be the one to take over his father’s place after he graduates. “That’s great! I’m so glad to hear that. Marchioness, you’ve made the best decision to let Ophelia into the academy. How do you expect Ophelia to care for herself after you and the marquee die? You should teach her how to survive.” Excuse me?! How dare this man talk to Caroline like that! Caroline grabbed my hand before I said something to Oscar. “Lord Oscar, I appreciate it if you would learn how to talk to your elders. I understand you’re a military man, but please, a noble should know how to carry himself. Now, if you would excuse me, Ophelia has other people to meet.” Caroline pulled me away as we met Gregory, my father. “What happened? I rarely heard you raise your voice, my wife.” The marquee truly loves his wife, and I admire that. Their relationship reminded me of my own in the previous life. Celestia was willing to sacrifice herself to protect me from a blade, and I let her die. I couldn’t save her from her wound, and I still blamed myself for what happened. But when I saw that woman earlier, my heart skipped a beat, and I knew the empress was reborn. The resemblance was uncanny, and she even possessed the hair of the ancient royal. “Ophelia, are you tired? You seem to be looking for someone.” Should I ask Gregory? He was the one who arranged this party. Perhaps he knows something. “Are you close to the restaurant owner, father?” Gregory nodded. “Why? Is there something wrong with the food?” I shake my head no. “I’m looking for someone. That woman has white hair. I’m sure it’s not that hard to find her. I want to meet her father. Is it possible?” Gregory seems surprised by my request. “Did the server do something?” I shake my head no yet again. “I want to see her. Is it possible, daddy?” Gregory’s widened when I used the daddy card. Gregory may look like your typical noble who cares about the family's reputation, but he is a softy regarding his daughter. “Consider it done, my dear.”
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