The Jacq of Spades-31

1936 Words

“Duck’s Ma and Pa don’t care about him,” Crab said, “only one who’d care is his brother, and he’s too young to come here.” After dinner, Tony and I retired to our rooms, and spent many hours talking. It felt exhilarating to help in such a practical way with the Business, and I wondered if this was what Roy meant for me to do all those long years ago. The Preparation That night went no differently than any other, and I woke at Honor’s knock feeling drained and weary. One more day — and one more night — to endure before I could try finding David Bryce. I sat numbly sipping my tea, watching the rain fall outside as servants, horses, and dogs trudged in the mud. What was I doing? Was this worth it? Perhaps I shouldn’t trust Morton at all. Perhaps it was wiser not to go out tomorrow, to fi

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