The Jacq of Spades-30

1901 Words

A few moments later, a knock came at the door. Tony let go of my hand. “Come in.” Four of his men dragged in two men who were bound hands and feet, with hoods on. These men they placed on their knees, and removed the hoods. They were blindfolded and gagged. These men were young, perhaps younger than Tony and I. Both had light skin and brown hair but one was taller and painfully thin. I didn’t know them; with the blindfolds on it was difficult to tell who they were in any case. Tony said, “You betrayed me, of that I’m sure. I don’t wish to turn you and your families over to my father yet, so I will give you a chance to confess. The first one to do so will live.” I immediately saw the error in Tony’s plan, but I thought better of speaking, especially in front of his men. Tony gestured; t

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