chapter 5 -Tell the truth.

450 Words
Steven pov The howling of the wind brought my eyes to open. Where was I? Focusing in the dark of night, confusion washed over me as I came to realize I was in the desert. Distant landscapes of dry and worn rock surrounded me, and beneath my bare feet I felt the gritty sand caught between my toes. I was surrounded by those rocky hills and yet as I scanned the desolate desert it seemed never ending. The irony of the nighttime desert suddenly set into my body; that ghastly wind moving right through me and chilling my bones to that of splintering ice. The need to move started me forward though, and I felt a sharp ache all over, my body trying to fight against change. Was I lost? My heart began pounding fast in my chest, the blood pumping through my veins. I can't wait to see Isa I think it was the perfect time to tell the truth.But still iam confused how she will take it ???will she leave me and I don't know how can I face my buddies,I don't want to kill her but when ever they know about this I will end my powers will gone .But it was my final decision. Isa pov why iam feeling so tired ,I just want to hug Steven with whole heart.I want him badly.i think I must see him immediately.I took my white horse Kiana and ran towards him.And I saw Steven sitting on a rock that we visit every time .When he saw me he ran towards me and hugged and cried a lot .I didn't know why he was crying,did I come wrong time? Steven pov:- Isa I want to talk to you ,you didn't know who iam .Iam the black monster of the sea and we are gathered here to destroy you but when I met you my whole plan changed,I felt that I met my true love.But I afraid that I will lose you ,this was the truth please don't leave me because I loved you from the bottom of my heart. Isa pov I was shocked what I just heard?did he said that.I loved one who want to kill me and threat to my dynasty .what can I do ? whether I say yes or no ?can I hate him but for what? should I forgive him ? is it safe to my dynasty?or else is this his new plan?? she moved silently and she didn't show any hate she had no emotions for a moment,she slowly moved to her horse Kiana.Her heart was so confused and don't know .she reached into her mansion. don't know what next but she decides something.
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