chapter 3 - IT WAS

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The view he doesn't have witnessed before it was breath taking one It possesses a rich and resonant tone, with a wide vocal range that can effortlessly hit both high and low notes. The voice is expressive, conveying deep emotions and connecting with the deep of soul.Steven slowly moved to the direction that he had got the voice he slowly reached there .There's a girl lying on the rock near the river and she was deep her song . He addressed himself as Steven the king of near kingdom and he came to know that she was the girl they targeted .But he had a feeling different but he try to recall his aim .He stuck up in his thoughts between that he hear a sweet voice asking “why r u here”? He paused for a moment and then replied that iam searching for a perfect partner for me but I think my search end here .she got blush .He asked her about her kingdom and she answered what ever he asked slowly it progress into friendship. she invite him to her palace and he refused and said not today but it has perfect time I will be there with your permission can I kiss you?she shocked for a moment she never heard a word before but unconsciously she nodded and he picks up her lips and it taste like a sweet candy .she ran into her horse and she got red tomato in her cheeks .He went back to his place .The other monsters waited for him to know their plans getting successful or not .He completely explained everything he done they jumped into happiness and appreciate him .But he feels different ,his revenge mode gone give up he feels that he is going to fall in love soon. He went to sleep dreaming about beautiful kiss he had and the beautiful face he met .In his dream entirely she never leave .Queen Isa she couldn't get it to sleep .She woke up and sat near her couch near the window and thinking about the incident that happened today .she never had such experience before .she got sleep in the couch and deep into the beautiful dream . “And when his lips met mine, I knew that I could live to be a hundred and visit every country in the world, but nothing would ever compare to that single moment when I first kissed the boy of my dreams and knew that my love would last forever.”she was muttering in her dream . The early risers chirping, morning sun beams peeking through the clouds, birds about their morning rituals, a gentle cool breeze, golden light everywhere, covering natural and man-made creations, full of beauty and magic, filled with the promise of a new beginning.she was literally want to meet him .she get ready and bring her horse and reached her favorite spot that she had met him for the first time .She waited for long at last he arrives and meet her .They walked together and talked a lot after some of time she got an illusion that something is going to wrong she going to have a danger and it is from her favourite one at the same time he couldn't get eyes of her and he never want to cheat her so he try to tell her all the truth that he is hiding.But he couldn't he doesn't have an courage to tell her . Time skipped it's about to say goodbye and they went back to their places .Their visits continue and others got know that she have an affair her parents asked about that she answered to every question.finally she got an approval to marry him.she waited till the morning to share the happy news to Steven that they are going to unite their love .she couldn't get a sleep with excitement. Your love is a beacon of hope that guides me through the darkest of storms. With you by my side, I feel invincible, and I know that together, we can conquer anything life throws our way. You are my strength, my inspiration, and my greatest love, and I cherish the moments we've shared and the ones still to come.she quoted in her diary.she finally got some peace and get into sleep. He was so nervous to share his feeling but finally he ready to take the risk .He never want to leave her she was his first and last breath of love and he said that “its going to be a great battle but at final I will got an answer”. Sweetheart, I wanted to write you a love letter. I know it’s a little silly, but I’d try anyway. It’s just that I feel so much when I’m with you that I try to put it in words so that you know how I feel about you. You are such a gift to me. Having you in my life is such a blessing. You are my happiness, my heart’s desire, my everlasting flame, the one that makes my heart beat fast. My love, my queen, I cannot think for a second without you in my mind. I cherish you, princess of beauty.He scripted these words in his door of heart. Love is something that excites us because of the affection that we feel when we love or when we are loved. Love is something that can lead an individual to positivity in life which makes us feel the joy and happiness of what this world can offer. It is factor that influences people to do something good with pure intentions to express their strong feeling of love. People get hurt because they understand love only in its physicality. People expect something in their investments, and they only do things to be loved back. People exert efforts expecting that their partner will do the same, but true love goes beyond these plain understanding. Steven and Isa deep for fall in love and this is the true love they searched finally they got.More exited to their romantic days .
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