
2039 Words

*James* "What's this?" I ask, smacking Michael on the neck. He tilts his head and bares his neck, proudly showing off his mark. I lean closer and inspect it, letting out a chuckle, as Matthew and Amorah join us. "What's so funny?" Matthew asks, as him and Amorah examine Michael's neck too. "The Moon Goddess definitely has a sense of humor" I reply. Michael's mark features Ava's wolf, standing proudly with her markings clearly detailed. There is a cauldron by her feet with red hearts bubbling from the top of it. It's cute and resembles a tattoo. I step back and then reach over to Ava, tilting her face to the side. Her mark has Michael's wolf, howling at the moon, with two little red hearts that look like they are dancing around his front paws. I love both marks but they send a

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