In the air

2160 Words
*Ava* I'm rushing to the conference room, trying not to be late for the Alpha meeting. I've been trying to be the supportive Beta and sister in law as much as possible, but the anxiety of not knowing where my sister is, is starting to drive me a little crazy... I'm nearing the brink of insanity. I can't feel her. I can't feel her emotions. I can't feel our bond. This is the first time in 21 years that I haven't been able to tap into my sister at will.... or still been able to feel her emotions, even when I didn't want to.  I know she's alive. I can tell, as I know I would be able to feel it if she weren't, but that doesn't bring me much comfort. Is she safe? Is she hurt? Is she hungry? Where is she? What is their motive? These are all questions bouncing through my mind. All questions I have no answers to and I have no idea when I will.  I enter the conference room in time to see Luna Amorah greet everyone and then take a seat. I nod my head at everyone "Alpha's, Luna." I say in greeting. The Alpha's are all being cordial and talking but there is a tension in the room. I kiss my mate and then sit beside him, scanning everyone around me. I don't see anything concerning. There aren't any negative auras, but I still feel as though something is amiss. I look around me, trying to pinpoint where the source of tension is coming from.  Then I notice the uncomfortable expression on Luna Amorah's face... she's desperately trying to avoid someone's eyes, looking away repeatedly. I look around the table, searching for the source of conflict. I smirk as I spot Matthew, staring in wonder at Luna Amorah, with conflicting expressions going across his face... surprise, anger, denial, happiness... it's all a blur of emotions, crossing his face almost too quickly to detect. Almost. The vibes coming from him are intense.  I wonder what that is about and decide to keep an eye on the situation. Something is off there. Maybe I should mind my own business, as I know it's not anything threatening... but Matthew is like family now so I consider his business mine as well. That's what happens when you inherit nosey family members, especially right now. I can't do nearly as much about my sister as I want to, but I can make sure that Matthew is alright. I always wanted brothers growing up and now I have three, even though I have yet to meet one of them... the elusive Levi. And I have no problem being the nosey little sister that they never wanted. In fact, I strive to be.  The last two Alpha's arrive a moment later, with James giving the indication that its time to start the meeting shortly after.  "Ok" he says, rolling over a huge dry erase board on wheels and picking up a marker.  He draws a circle where we are now and then draws the surrounding packs, indicating each one with the Alpha's initials.  "Everyone here's pack lands have been searched. The woods have been searched, the human towns over here and here..." he continues, drawing more areas on the board. "have all been searched and nothing has been found.... so the question is, what am I missing? Something isn't adding up here."  Once again, the note gets called into question. "And your sure the note wasn't valid... that she didn't leave on her own? She disappeared without a trace. That's not something that's going to be easy for a wolf to pull off unless they are leaving on their own or willingly leaving with someone else. Abbi knew the layout of the pack house better then anyone else... so if she wanted to get out without being seen, then I'm going to assume she could figure out the best way to do so."  James growled, throwing down the marker in frustration. "Abbi didn't leave willingly. I know that better then anything. That's the only thing I do know for sure right now. I have no questions about my mate's love for me."  "I'm just saying, Alpha James. The note was in her handwriting." another Alpha speaks up, throwing in his two cents as well.  "Hmmmm" Luna Amorah speaks up. "I don't believe it."  James turns and looks at her "You don't believe what?" he questions.  "I don't believe that she left on her own... but I also don't believe that we are anywhere close to figuring this out or even heading in the right direction."  "What?" I asked, dumb founded. What is she talking about? We have searched everywhere in a two hour vicinity of our pack, including human towns... what else are we supposed to do?  *Amorah* I feel all eyes turn to me, waiting to hear my explanation. Normally that wouldn't bother me in the least. As a Luna, I'm used to being the center of attention, but the feel of those deep blue eyes on me sends a rush of heat to my face and I know I'm blushing.  I stand up abruptly, walking to the end of the conference room and pacing back and forth as I'm thinking. I'm looking for the best way to put my thoughts into words.  "There are quite a few things here that don't make sense." I reveal, organizing my thoughts and getting started. "For one, as Alpha Jet said, it wouldn't be an easy thing for a wolf to pull off... kidnapping an Alpha right after an Alpha Ceremony? With hundreds of wolves still outside? How did they get in and out without being seen? What are we missing here? That's a huge part of the puzzle but that's just part one... and part two... the note? Is it merely a distraction technique? Abbi doesn't seem like the type to just up and disappear, leaving her entire family wondering where she is... you think if that were the case, wouldn't she have at least contacted someone... anyone... and let them know she was ok? The fact that she hasn't speaks volumes to me. I think the note was meant to throw everyone off. I don't know how it was in her hand writing... I admit that does seem off but her leaving on her own doesn't seem legitimate to me... and unless you have a mate or know a decent bit about the mate bond... like wolves typically do... you might underestimate the mate bond and think that the note is believable. But wolves would know better. We know how intense the mate bond is, especially between Alpha wolves. What kind of self respecting Alpha is just going to let their mate disappear without looking for them? Whether they left willingly or not, but creatures that don't understand the bind won't think about that. That's another reason why I don't think it was wolves... and if I'm wrong and it was, it definitely wasn't one that has a mate"  "I agree" I hear a silky smooth voice say, a voice that sends a slight shudder through me and I know without even looking up who it is.  "There's also the fact..." I continue "that no one could pick up on her scent to track her... like she just disappeared... how?"  "Good question..." Ava says, her voice trailing off.  I look up, meeting her emerald green eyes as they light up and she smacks her hand off the table as a thought occurs to her "like witches can. Poof, one minute they are there and the next minute there gone"  James closes his eyes, collapsing into his chair and covering his face with his hands "the witch coven?"  "It's hard to say for sure but I think it makes sense" I reply "How else did she just up and disappear? Without a trace?"  James sighs "I guess it's not too far fetched." Alpha Jet speaks up again "but even that doesn't prove anything. Abbi is part witch isn't she?" "But she can't teleport" James replies, clearly exasperated.  "Whose to say she can't?" Alpha Jet counters, obviously trying to get under James' skin and making me want to slap him myself.  "She can't" Ava spoke up firmly, leaving little room for debate "I know my sister can't teleport. We just started coming into our powers. She doesn't know how to do any of that yet and honestly learning wasn't the priority at the time."  "We still can't say for sure either way. We have no way of knowing so this is just another guessing game in reality." Alpha G added.  "Well, there's a way we may be able to find out. Or at least get a general direction of where she may be at" Ava says, folding her hands together and leaning on the table.  James turns and looks at her, an eyebrow raised. "How's that?"  Ava looks back at him and smirks "Whether the witches are involved or not, that doesn't mean we can't involve one ourselves"  James looks at her confused "Care to elaborate?" he asks "We need to find a witch, James. One that can do a locator spell and at least point us in a direction. Whether it's a pack or a coven, we have to find Abbi somehow. We haven't had any luck so far so we are going to have to up our game." she says, smiling at James with a challenge written on her face.  "If only it were that easy, Ava. We couldn't find a witch outside of the Andreski coven to train you and Abbi, so how are we going to find one that can find her? We can't trust any of the witches in that coven. That's not even a thought.. especially if one of them does have her. Witches are sisters, they stick together." he responds, looking dejected.  I smile triumphantly "I might know one"  Ava and James both look up at me, hopeful expressions on their faces. James rushing to reassure me "We would be happy for any help you can provide, Amorah." I look beside him, unable to keep my eyes from my mate... Matthew... before glancing away again. I don't have time to worry about that right now I remind myself, while thinking. It's a struggle to keep my mind on the topic at hand when all I really want to do is stare at that sexy man. I can't let myself do that, though. I have too many other things in my life to worry about right now.  I nod my head, acknowledging James' words, feeling a sudden and intense need to please. Which is something I'm definitely not used to and I don't like the feeling but I do want to please him.... not James... but my... Matthew. I don't want to call him my mate. My mind is still slightly blown and I don't even know how to feel about having another one of those.  I force my attention back to the task at hand. "Before my family moved to this area, generations ago, different members of my family were very good friends with a witch coven. Even after they moved, they remained that way and I know their coven owes my family a favor from a long time ago. The favor was never returned but the coven has passed the debt down through the generations and made it clear that we can collect on it if... or when.. needed. I'll need to talk to my parents and my grandmother but maybe I can use that favor and get one of the witches from that coven to help us locate Abbi."  James and Ava glance at each other, smiles lighting up their faces. Ava turns to me "Anything that you can do Amorah would be greatly appreciated. More then you know. And believe that we will be in your debt as well and happily return the favor if you are able to help us"  James nods his head, confirming Ava's words "Anything you need, we will do it. I'll do anything to get my mate back"  I smile "I'll make some calls as soon as I get back to my pack and see what I can do."  Ava gets up, walking around the table and wrapping her arms around me "Thank you" she exclaims and then leans in, whispering in my ear "Matthew is a good man, Amorah. Just think about it." before moving back and meeting my shocked eyes with hers. I see the twinkle in her eyes and hold back a gasp. She knows...   
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