That's mine

1865 Words

*Amorah* I head into my packhouse, taking deep breaths along the way to calm my nerves. I know I’m doing the right thing. There’s no way I can let Matthew walk into danger without me by his side, but at the same time my motherly instincts are screaming at me. I have a son. Matthew was right about one thing. I do have to worry about the fact that he could be left motherless if things don’t go our way. But can I let that fear stop me? Or use it as motivation to make sure I bring my ass back home where I belong? I have too much to lose to go down without a hell of a fight. “What do you need to talk to me about, Amorah?” My mother asks, as she watches me step into the kitchen. I mind linked her on my way home to let her know that I needed to discuss something important with her. “I’m just

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