Episode Six

1129 Words
The navy blue ceiling was the first thing that greeted her vision. Her shoulder was stinging, instinctively she looked around and realized she wasn't in her room. Then she noticed the bandages covered her right shoulder and it hit her, 'Damn, I nearly killed myself.' Recalling what happened at the party, she remembered everything. It was the first time she'd encountered such a dangerous event, not to mention that she nearly got killed. 'I got a feeling it won't be the last time it happens.' She chuckled out from the slack she was wearing, it was pitch-black and silky. And paired with a white sando, which exposed her unwell right shoulder. 'Great,' she muttered playfully after managing to tie her messy hair with one hand. The slack crisscross sounds were the only thing she could hear while she walked quietly on the cold floor, barefoot. There are no slippers in the room she had rested, she'll take one to her room afterwards. Her stomach was rumbling with hunger. Filling it first was the first thing she could think of. Part of her was wondering where Samantha was and the two males. The whole place was in silence, literally quiet. Her intrepid brain was giving her some ways and plans to escape, but she had ignored it. The moment she took Samantha's offer she'd know there was no revoking to happen. It was like she had willingly given her impecunious life. Her only hope was that her sister Jerra would always be safe. She doesn't care if her life is in danger, trouble will always find ways to reach her. To survive is the only option she can. The two glasses of water ran down to her dried throat, enough to slake her thirstiness. Her heterochromic eyes traveled to the column refrigerator on the right side of the sink. 'Thanks Gracia, I may not be lucky with money, but I'm already blessed enough to stand in front of this refrigerator filled with mouth-watering foods.' She let herself free to taste the food which caught her attention. Causing her to be incognizant of the atmosphere. "The documents must have been stolen, they won't just create such a menacing scene if they already have them." Jessy was sure it was Teo's baritone voice. It came from the living room. She'd spent almost a week living on the same roof with the Dolciano, familiarizing their voices wasn't that difficult. Without having a doubt, her legs automatically walk and follow where the conversation came from. Then, there was Greg and his cousin seriously talking. She was chewing the green apple quietly, not wanting to disturb their chat. Until now, she couldn't believe that something had happened between her and Greg. The man she had given her virginity didn't even care, his stolid treatment made her forget what had happened. "There's a chance. But we should not be at ease, someone might be behind this." 'Documents?' she obliviously threw the remaining pieces of fruit without realizing. Her mind was digging into something suspicious that happened at the party last time. "There you are, Lady Jes. Feeling better,?" As expected, it was Teo who greeted her. She wasn't expecting anything from the next person he was with also. Her lips playfully formed into a smile, which reached her astounding eyes. "Yeah. Samantha was not with you?" She cast away the awkwardness and walked calmly towards them. Greg just looked at her perfunctory, causing her to nearly roll her eyeballs. "Nah. She's out of town. Probably be back without you noticing it." There were photos scattered on the glass table with them, her eyes directly scanned into them. But those were stolen pictures of strangers she didn't know about. 'Right, Dang it. I need to check something." "I see. What happened to the venue, by the way?" She referred to the recent party where she injured herself. Her guts were telling her to go back and look for something. She had always trusted her instinct, sometimes it led her to some surprising things. Like last time, she had picked up the suitcase in the road and it led her unexpectedly to where she was now. Dealing with tremulous and petulant people. 'Especially with him,' her thoughts added while she gazed at his plain expression. "Well, it's all cleaned up now. Planning on going back?" If Teo was smart enough to guess her, how come more to the man who looked at her with arc brows now. "Sort of. Samantha's car was left in there. I need to take it back." Part of it was true, she was planning to get it back. It was the first car which was given to her. But there's one thing to do also. "With your broken shoulder?," Stern and plainly, Greg spoke out of unexpectedness. She then stared at him astutely, her fears had gone away after she was shot last time. Dealing with him now will be more exciting, but at the same time spine-chilling. "Are you starting to get worried, now?" It wasn't a fact, more just annoying. She knew how to handle his irascible mood. "Don't expect anything, if you want to go suit yourself. Don't forget that escaping is useless." After that, he walked out. Leaving her with a victory smirk together with Teo, who was chuckling playfully. "I didn't know you had that spirit, Lady. But keep it up, I will enjoy how it goes. See ya around." He winked at her before exiting the living room. Jessy shook her head, she started to walk away after grabbing the leader jacket on the couch. 'Just be mad later, I look weird going outside with my current situation.' The scent explained who it was, she had already memorized it. Greg's alluring scent didn't leave her nostrils since they had spent the night in the lounge room together. "I guess I need to walk for about 10 minutes before I can reach the main road." She spoke while sighing, the residents she was with were kinda far from the main road. Fortunately, it's already afternoon. The sun's light wasn't that hot, but it was enough to warm her body. " Get inside." Her head suddenly looked back and saw Greg, holding his car's steering wheel. She couldn't help but to smile playfully again. Somehow she started to like how to piss him. " Sweet, I won't say no. The road is far from here." After that, she didn't hear him responding. But his thick brows were arching after hearing her words. She decided to stay silent. Later, she gets inside, annoying him more might trigger him to throw her out of his car. Her main goal for the moment was to get back her car, probably Samantha's car.
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