Episode Four

1078 Words
She traces her finger while she walks down the walls. There were pictures hanging in every part of the place. She was touring the mansion out of curiosity. She saw a big family portrait. It was a younger version of Greg and Samantha together with their parents. Her mom was smiling sweetly and their dad, keeping a serious expression. ' Now I know where he got that stolid face of his' she wondered as she touched Greg's face. It's been a week since the incident at the lounge happened. Jessy found herself back in her room in the morning. She had no idea who would carry her back to the guest room. After that, she never saw Greg's shadow in the mansion. First she was mad and regretful for what had happened. Sooner she realized it was her fault, being plastered and unaware of the outcome. ' What to expect? He was even eager to kill me at first,' she said before. Both her and Samantha became close. She also gets to talk with Teo - the Dolciano siblings' cousin. She was amused by Teo's levity. The man was full of stupidity. He even tried to flirt with her but it didn't work. She knew Teo was just playing with her. They were out for business, that's what Samantha told her yesterday. Now she was wandering around the mansion to ease the boredom. The guards just let her do what she was doing, maidservants were busy with their chores. The place was very quiet. She was drinking a glass of water in the kitchen when she heard footsteps. 'They're here' she uttered as she placed the empty glass on the sink. She was about to leave when someone pinned her on the wall, locking his body to her. Her back hit the wall, which made her flinch. "What a price. Now I know why Gregore let you live." he spat out his words. He looked at her with disbelief, his eyes were raging. "Let me go." she tried to squish him. The man just chuckled and smiled wickedly. Panick began to creep over her when he touched her thigh. "HAHAHA" madly, he laughed upon touching the healed mark on her. "Let's get to our business,Louis." a familiar cold voice came from the back. Louis stared at her face and let go of her. He walked on like nothing happened. She was panting from the tension when she saw Greg looking at her stolidly. Like she was some stranger, which is that nothing happened to them at the lounge that night. "Baby. Let's go. Samantha and Teo were already in the lounge." a blonde woman wearing a tight red dress walked from the living room. Her boobs were revealed too much, the dress was too short. She clung to Greg's arms while she looked at her with a frowning face. " What's with the tension? " she asks Greg, who looks at her blankly. " Nevermind her. Let's go", he answered plainly and broke his stare at her. They started walking away from the kitchen. She was stunned. She did not understand why she was hurt seeing him with another woman. It was expected to see him being stolid to everyone. But she couldn't help but feel pain, especially when he treated her differently that night in the lounge. She walked faster to the staircase, she entered her room and locked it. Without realizing it, tears were already dripping to her cheeks. She sat on the floor carpet and leaned on the door. She was silent. Freeing herself from what's hurting her. Freeing her tears, her emotions. She had been holding it all for a long time. Now it's all stuck up, wanting to burst out. All of it started to creep. Her parents. Her situation. Her sister. All of them pierced her heart, she started crying silently. Her body became cold and numb. She stays like that till she will be good again to face reality. She left herself vulnerable for a while. What happened in the lounge was nothing to Greg. She scolded herself for expecting he would treat her differently. 'He is merciless and a jerk' she gritted her teeth while murmuring. She wiped her tears with her hands. Standing up, she directed her to the bathroom and took off her clothes. She stood in the shower, cleansing herself of everything. Letting go of what's beyond her control. Copping up the reality. Release herself from what's holding her. The moment she was abducted in this place, she was hopeless, weak. She never had the chance to defend herself. She forgot that she had the spirit to fight back. She forgot she was a fighter and a survivor. In a world where monsters are scattered, be that monster who fights with evil monsters. She was wearing her undies when she heard a knock. Grabbing the robe, she covered her body. She opened the door and Samantha was outside. " I will wait for you in the living room." she said when she saw her wearing a robe. She closed the door and took the navy pants and black sweater from the dresser. She had no idea where Samantha would be taking her. She looked messed upon seeing her reflection in the mirror. She combed her hair and went off to the door. She doesn't care what she looks like. She was not here to please everyone. Samantha was sitting on the couch talking with someone on the phone. She tied her hair into a messy bun and wore a black dress above her knee. She turned off her phone when she saw Jessy coming her way. Staring at her from head to toe. "Yeah. We should go. We need a lot of make-over to do", she grabbed her hands and they walked together to the garage. "Where are we going?" she asked when Samantha started the engine of her Lamborghini Aventador. She smiled at her and began to move the steering wheel. "To have your new look" she winked and focused on driving. Jessy was left confused. She prepared to stay silent and look outside the window. Enjoying herself with the beautiful view of the city. She was far from her hometown. The place was not familiar to her. She looked back at Samantha when she remembered her sister. She was gonna ask but she looked deep in thought. She decided to confront her later after arriving.
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