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Lexi’s POV I run as fast as I can until I’m finally back in my own neighborhood. I’m near the park so I just keep heading there. When I reach the park, I go into the hedge maze. I collapse on the ground near the apple tree. That was probably the scariest thing of my life. Yet I’m confused about it. That guy was surely scary and very angry. But he was also captivating. I can’t get the color of his eyes out of my head. If he didn’t want me in his territory or to have anything to do with him, why would he tell me his name as I was leaving? John. Alpha John. I keep seeing him in my mind. He was absolutely gorgeous. Those beautiful green eyes. That dark hair framing his face. And the muscles under his shirt. I was able to see them rippling as he came walking towards me. I know it was my fault for ending up in his territory. So I can understand his anger, especially with what my grandparents did to their pack. From what I can tell, something is severely broken in that pack. And it’s my family’s fault. I want to see him again. But how can I do that without making him angry? I know I don’t belong over there. So what can I do? I need to see him again. I can feel Sasha leaping in my head. Something has her very excited. “What’s going on Sasha?” I ask. “You’re staring to give me a headache.” She stops leaping around for a moment.. “I don’t know how to tell you this, but I think he is our mate.” She yips back at me. I sit up in surprise. “What do you mean he’s our mate? That’s not possible. He is the alpha of the rival pack. And I’m supposed to take over our pack. There’s no way he can be our mate.” “And why not?” Sasha asks. “We can join our packs together and make them stronger.” I can feel her confidence. She is excited over the prospect of not only being with him but expanding our pack as well. “You know no one will like that. The rivalry is too deep. For crying out loud, my grandparents killed the alpha’s son. I’m pretty sure the pack thinks that I should choose Chad anyways.” There’s nothing wrong with that, I guess. Chad is very handsome as well. But I just can’t see myself with him. The only one I can see myself with is John. What am I going to do? My mom fell in love with someone from their pack and it led to a war with death. I can’t let that happen. I need to stay away from him. I can hear Sasha whine in despair. She does not like that thought. She really wants to see him again, and so do I. But we can’t. I know we haven’t met the entire pack, but I can feel a connection and I know it is my job to take care of them. Why do I need a mate anyways? I’m plenty strong enough. I’m just going to have to show them that I can do it by myself. I don’t need a man by my side. “You got that right, Sister.” Sasha says. “We are strong and independent. We don’t need anyone to do it for us.” I get up and I start walking towards home. I know I’ve been gone for way too long and my mother will be worried. But I have a lot to process. We have the funeral tomorrow. Which means the party at our house. I’m going to finally meet the whole pack. And they are going to meet me. I am going to show them the strong side of me. The side that doesn’t need a mate. I’m going to make sure they know that it is me or nothing. If they need someone to run the pack and they need that someone to be a male, then I do not need to be part of this pack. “In that case, we can just go live with John.” I can hear her excitement. “Nice try Sasha.” She curls up with her tail tucked under her. I just chuckle. As I walk up to my front door, the door swings open and my mom comes running out. “Lexi, I was so worried about you. What happened? You’ve been gone for hours.” I can hear the worry in her voice. “Sorry Mom, I just got caught up.” I walked past her and into the house. The smell of prime rib hits me in the face. It smells delicious and I realized I am ravished. I haven’t eaten since yesterday. Walking into the kitchen, I see the roast and baked potatoes and corn. My mom made us a feast. “I figured you were probably hungry. The first shift takes a lot out of you.” She walked over to the cupboard and took some plates out. “Thanks mom. I really am starving and didn’t realize it until now.” I walk over and grab a plate and start loading the food onto it. When my plate is as full as it can get it, I go and I sit at the Counter. My mom is staring at me with that look again. The look that says she knows something happened and she wants to know what happened, but she won’t push about it. I sigh. “Look, Mom, it’s been a long day. No, it’s been a long couple of days.” “I know honey it’s OK, I just worry about you and I want to let you know that I am here for you.” “Thanks Mom, I’m going to need that. I officially meet the rest of the pack tomorrow and I don’t know what’s going to happen. I’m not sure what they expect from me, but I can tell you right now I am not going to pick a mate just to run the pack. If they want me to lead, then that’s what they will get. Me.” “Oh, I know sweetie and they will try and pressure you but I raised you to be strong and independent. If they won’t accept you, we can just leave again.” She has a look of pure resolve in her eyes. “Yeah, but where would we go? I mean I can’t live in the big city now. I guess we can always move to the other pack.” I say quietly, hoping she didn’t hear it. My mom stares at me with shock. Her eyes widened her mouth partially open. “What are you talking about? Move in with the other pack? We have been rivals for as long as I am aware. Last time I mingled with their pack my dad declared war.” “I know Mom, it was just a thought.” She sits on the stool next to me and looks at me. “And where exactly did the thought come from?” She asks. “There has to be some reason you came up with moving in with the other pack.” “Well, I kind of met their Alpha today.” Her hand flies up to cover her mouth to try and smother the gasp that comes out. “Oh no, what happened?” “It was nothing. I just started running and lost track of where I was. Next thing I knew I was in their territory and the alpha was coming after me.” I smile as I replay the confrontation between us. Sasha yips my head. “Honey, what’s going on?” She asks. “Honestly, Mom, I’m not sure. I can’t stop thinking about him. He’s so gorgeous and his eyes the most beautiful green.” “Not possible, this cannot be happening. You can never see him again. Lexi, you know that. There is no way the pack will survive another war between us.” “I know mom. I promise I won’t see him again. I may not have met the pack and I may not be their official leader, but I can feel the bonds to the pack. I know it is my job to take care of them. And if that means never seeing him again, then so be it.” We finish our meal in silence. And I head downstairs to take a shower. As I’m washing my hair. The image of his face pops into my head again. I dunk my head under some cold water to try and forget about him. I get out of the shower and pull on some nice soft pajamas. “OK Sasha, we need to get some sleep to prepare for tomorrow. Tomorrow we meet the pack. Tomorrow may be the day our fate is decided.” “Don’t worry, Lexi, I’m here for you.” “I know Sasha, I couldn’t do this without you.” I curled up on my bed and fell asleep. Dreaming of John.
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