
1303 Words
John’s POV I was in my office working on some paperwork when there was a knock on the door. Stephen, my beta walked in looking like he ran the whole way here. “Alpha John, we have a problem.” He was out of breath. He definitely ran here. “What’s going on Stephen?” It must be something important for him to show up this way. Stephen has been my best friend my whole life. We grew up together. The pack used to call us the three musketeers. It was Michael, Stephen and myself. We were inseparable. Michael was the oldest. He was at least 10 years older than me and Stephen, but that didn’t prevent our friendship. In fact, I think it improved it. Michael was older and more mature and he helped me and Stephen see that we needed to be mature as well. He was our older brother and our protector. At least until the day everything changed. Michael was the son of the Alpha and was expected to take over leadership when he grew up. Then he fell in love with the girl from the other side of the tracks. Her father just happened to be the Alpha of our rival pack, the Forest Meadow Pack. When he found out about them being together, he declared war on us. I still remember the day. It was a gorgeous autumn day. It was beautiful outside and we were all hanging out in my backyard. Suddenly, there was yelling. People were screaming all over the place. We had no idea what was going on. We ran out to the street to look around and people were running past us yelling, “Attack! Attack! Run!” That’s when we realized the other pack had come to attack us. They were overwhelming us in numbers and they were fighting everyone in the street. Their Alpha came walking through the crowd towards us. He had a look of pure anger on his face. He locked in on Michael and came stalking towards us. Michael’s father, Alpha Black, stepped in front of him to stop him, but he just threw him aside and kept coming. He came right up to Michael and grabbed him around the throat and started screaming about how he was not allowed anywhere near his daughter. Next thing we knew he was throwing him down the street so hard that he slid on the black top. He started going after Michael again and we tried to stand in the way. He just shoved us aside as if we were leaves on the ground and kept going. When he got to Michael, he grabbed him by the throat and he lifted him up and slammed him back into the street over and over again. At that point a team of our warriors came and surrounded him. They started attacking him from all sides. They got him off of Michael and chased him out of our territory, but by then it was too late. Michael was gone. There was blood everywhere and we could tell there was no way that he survived. That was the day everything changed for us. We no longer had someone to take over as alpha. Our pack was thrown into chaos. Stephen and I grew even closer after that, and we vowed to always protect each other. It was only after our Alpha passed away that it turned out that I would be the new Alpha. My wolf was the strongest one in the pack, so I became the new leader. I grew up my whole life thinking my best friend was going to be our Alpha, and instead I am now in his place. Stephen was looking at me with fear in his eyes. “John, we have an intruder. I’m not sure who she is. I have never seen her before, but she smells like an Alpha. Someone noticed her coming into our territory and ran to get me. Everyone is scared out of their mind. Where did this girl come from and how is she an alpha when she’s a female? No one knows what to think, so I came straight to get you.” “You said it’s a female and she’s an alpha? How is that even possible? What is she doing in my territory?” I stand up and I pound my fists on my desk. This isn’t possible. There are no alphas anywhere near here and everyone knows to stay out of my territory. I have made sure of that. It looks like we have someone new around and she’s going to have to learn her manners. This is my pack and my territory. I cannot sit by and let someone come in without punishment. I stalk out of my house and towards where Stephen told me she was last seen. She’s heading the opposite direction, so she doesn’t see me coming. The closer I get, the more I get this overwhelming smell. She smells amazing, like roses in the springtime. She whips around and faces me, and I freeze. I get sucked into her gorgeous brown eyes and that smell of roses that is so sweet. I don’t know what has come over me, but I can’t seem to move. Finally, I stalk forward and I start yelling at her. I told her she needed to learn her lesson and stay out of my territory. I scare her off and she starts heading away. She calls me “Sir” on her way out. I hate being called Sir, and for some reason I wanted her to know my name. So I called after her telling her that I was John, Alpha John. I have no idea why she had to know my name, but I just felt that there was no other way. I only wish I knew hers. Who is she and why is she so captivating? She’s so gorgeous and she smells so amazing. Plus, she’s also an alpha. I don’t even know how that’s possible. After she runs away, I just stand there staring after her. I can’t seem to get her out of my mind and I really hope she disobeys and comes back again. I feel like I need to meet her again. Stephen comes walking up behind me. “Who was that?” I turn and look at him, “I don’t know. I probably should have asked but I froze. What’s wrong with me?” He looks at me with concern and reaches out to put a hand on my shoulder. “How do you feel?” “Honestly? Confused. I'm not sure what's going on. I feel like I know her. More precise, I feel like I NEED to know her.” I look at him and see sympathy on his face. Avoiding that look, I turn away and face back the direction she went. “I want to protect our territory. I need to protect our territory. But I also need to see her again. I don’t know who she is and I need to find out.” Stephen walks in front of me and looks me in my face. “Dude I think you just found your mate.” “That’s not possible. I would know if she was my mate. I've heard the stories. I saw when you met Rachel. This is different.” “Well maybe it has something to do with her being an Alpha. I mean that’s never happened before so who knows. But that definitely sounds like the mate bond.” He chuckles and starts walking back to his place. “Yeah, maybe.” I whisper to myself. Either way, I’m going to see her again. I will find out who she is.
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