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Victor stared back at officer Hickman as the interview begin. Hickman already felt creeped out by him. Hickman: Hello Mr. Linder, Im uere to ask you some questions. Can you elaborate on what you mean by projects? Linder: They are what the are. Hickman: and what exactly are they? Linder: You’ll find all the information you need under the stairs where you found Roseline. There’s another room hidden down there. Hickman: Is Marriane your only victim? Linder: I have no victims. Hickman: Enough with that, Victor I know what you did. Victor: I have no victims! Victor refused to speak after that. He just stared at the ceiling. He mumbled something to himself but when asked what he said he just started laughing. Officers went back to his house and searched for anything else. Eventually they found it, the other room. There was a table which held 13 files. Each were labeled project and then a number. Some had names as well. They contained detailed descriptions and photos. Marianne appeared in projects 9, 11, 13. The files seemed to be pre made plans that where updated as the projects continued. Victor liked to test how much has to be done before someone becomes numb and stops fighting. He wanted to see if he could break someone so badly that they become unbreakable. At least that’s what he claimed when writing out his ideas. Even more disturbing was upon further investigation about, it was discovered that he was a detective. That explains how he was able to go so long without getting caught and Marianne’s belief that the authorities were on his side. The entire department that Victor worked for is under investigation now. It is currently undetermined whether or not they knew of and aided in Victor’s crimes. His house was searched further and human remains where eventually found. A few were buried, some were in his room and horrifylingly some were in a freezer labled "Subject Feed". Hickman: Marianne it says in your diary that you escaped twice before. Can you tell us a bit more about that? Marianne: It’s hard to remember. I need a moment. Hickman: That’s ok, take your time. Marianne: I first met Victor while attending a class. I don't remember what it was. He started talking to me and I suspected nothing. He looked completely normal. Until one day he started acting strange and obsessive. He was always watching me and I felt uncomfortable but brushed it off that he’s just weird. But then he followed me home and knocked me out but did not tie me up. I woke up in the trunk of a car and escaped through the release lever in the trunk. After falling out onto the road I just ran. I have no living relatives so I had to stay in a shelter. He wasn’t arrested for some reason, which allowed him to come after me again. Even worse, I believe the authorities gave him my location. The second time I was taken to a room under the stairs. He asked me to smile and when I didn't he cut my cheek and gave me this scar. I was there for a month until he got careless and left a scalpel on the ground next to me. I stabbed him in the neck. He collapsed and I took his keys and escaped. I thought he was dead but I guess I was wrong. I wasted no time in moving far away from that awful town. Hickman: Do you have any idea as to why he was so obsessed with you? Mariane: He said I looked like his wife and would call me by her name. Hickman: Are you willing to testify against him in court? Mariane: Absolutely. I want him locked up and never let out. There’s not much else I have to say. Can I go now, I don't like talking about this. Hickman: Yes. Ma’am, thank you for your cooperation. 09/07/2010 They took away my journals but I got some paper. I am in prison but have never been more free. She isn’t real. She’s gone and has been for a long time. She’s a myth that I have to believe in. All I need to make it real is a reason but I no longer have the ability to create reasons. I am stuck here and I can’t continue my projects. A part of me is mad while another part of me is glad, because I’m stuck here I can no longer chase my reality. I am now free and at peace solely cause I’m forced to be. I'm just kidding. Did you really think that I, the great Victor Linder , would change so easily. I chose this reality and I will get out of here. I know what I did and I did it consciously. I don’t regret it either. I'm ill but my illness alone doesn't make me do this. Just you wait I will escaped. Once I do I'll show the world what I'm capable of. It will be beautiful. I can't believe they think this is all because of my late wife. They have no idea what really happened to her. Her body was never found. My dear Roseline, my sweet lovely Roseline, suffered a horrible accident. It was truly a tragic day. I did love her. I really really loved her. I loved her enough to do anything for her. Things did not go as planned unfortunately and I had to take care of business. That night is a night I'll never forget. The night I prepared so carefully for. I managed to keep a part of her though. I hope they find it. I hope it remains as I made it. I worked so hard on it. Crafting and molding it into exactly what I wanted it. I will get it and my replacement Roseline back and together we will rule the world. One way or another she will submit and join me in my reality. The note was found in Victor’s cell but Victor himself was no where to be found. The guards searched the prison for him only to find nothing. Victor had escaped just like he promised.

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