
Victor's Reality

small town

The story follows the thoughts, action and life of a devil also known as Victor. Victor is a twisted individual with a dark secrets kept underneath. His interests started out as creepy but not horrible but they slowly progressed into a hellish nightmare.

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Dear Roseline
Dear Roseline, 11/20/2008 Some may say I was born troubled. That I was already acquainted with demons from the beginning of my thoughts.The demons just lingered talking but without sound. They talked through thoughts and feelings, from the beginning of the existence of my life they were a part of my mind.With each second of each day,each beat of my heart, each breath that my lungs inhaled, and each formation of my mind, they were there inside my head. They’re real but not real at the same time. They have no name,no face,no voice, just a presence, a mental existence and that was they needed.Names,Voices,Faces, all were nothing compared to what the little identity their existence had given them. There is no exact moment in which I snapped. I walked further and further down this path. I stay in isolation to hide my madness from the world, but you darling are an exception. You are the key to my cage. You are the only one who can save me. Please set me free I beg of you my darling. I am willing to show you all that I am. You can have all of me. I will keep no secrets from my most cherished possession. If it wasn’t for you I’d be lost. Everything can be perfect now expect for the fact the he is keeping you away. Deep down inside you would rather be with me. I know so because I can read your mind like a book. I know you better than everyone including yourself. You and I are connected. Some day you will be mine. Oh my sweet Roseline, you are so foolish. Why can’t you just accept reality and be with me? I know it’s what you really want. It seems that I’m the only one who is truly real. Come and be in the reality of our love with me cause one way or another you will be mine. Sincerely:Victor Linder Journal Entry 1 Date and Time: 11/20/2008, 1:37 pm Subject Matter: Roseline I wrote to Roseline again. I just want to be free and at peace. She is so f*****g frustrating. I hate her so much that I want to use her in my project but at the same time I love her and want to cherish her. I guess it will depend on what she chooses. If she accepts our reality and confesses that I am hers and she is mine, I will cherish and protect her and she will be my rose. If not I will use her as part of my next project and will be my “Black Dahlia”. I know she wants me maybe she’s resisting because she secretly wants to be my black dahlia instead of my red rose. That must be it and I will fulfill her wish. I know how about I make her both, my red rose at day and my black dahlia at night when no one is awake. Ha, just the thought makes me so jolly. Her love will set me free and her “pain” will bring peace. If you are reading this I’m probably dead or in prison. You see, the law doesn’t quite understand me and my projects. You probably wouldn’t understand either. I hope they publish this journal and any letters found when I meet my fate, so that the whole world can know how beautiful my mind is. I’ll be honest my demons may play a part in this but they didn’t make me the way I am. I choose to be what the world calls sick. I could have chosen to follow morality and not harm anyone but I didn’t. I chose this reality and nothing can change me. Journal Entry 2 Date and Time: 11/20/2008, 4:00 am Subject Matter : Just thoughts I’m not a monster. I’m not a monster. I’m not a monster.I’m not a monster.I’m not a monster. There is nothing wrong with me. Nothing, nothing, nothing wrong with me. This is just my reality. ____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Diary, 11/23/2008 I’ve never been more scared than I am now. He wrote to me again. How did he find out where I now live? I’ve already tried going to the police long ago when it first got bad. It was useless. They said he’s not a real threat and to ignore him. That was a lie. Honesty I don’t think they even believed and just told me that to get me to go away. He’s dangerous, very dangerous and now he’s going to kill me. I know it. I just know it. Even worse I know that he will do more than kill me. He’s not human, no he’s a monster. I just want to be free and at peace; free from the fear and trauma that he has left me with and at peace with myself and the past. I survived twice but barely both times. He’s smart, he won’t make the same mistake. When I escaped, I went to the police again and found that my case was covered up and shortly after I was prey once again. That’s when I realized that they were on his side. The second time I escaped, I moved far away but still he has now found me. Every time I look in the mirror and see that awful scar, I cry. God please help me. I am going to leave at dawn tomorrow. I don’t know exactly where I’m going, just that it will be far away. Hopefully he won’t catch me. If this diary is ever read know that I tried, I tried to survive. Victor Linder is my killer. No one believed me and my life was the price. Journal Entry 3 Date and Time: 11/23/2008, 3:00 am Subject Matter: Black Dahlia It’s time to pick the flower. She’s predictable and foolish. She’s foolish because she keeps resisting me and predictable because I have found her yet again. She is going to leave at dawn on the 24th. Im not sure how I know this but that’s what my instinct is telling me. She’ll take the first bus at 6:00 am meaning she’ll most likely leave her house at 5:00 am and arrive at the bus stop at 5:35 am. She probably thinks that I won’t be awake at those times. That I won’t know she left till she’s a few hours away. Tomorrow at 3:27 am I’ll break in. I’ll be wearing over sized boots, gloves and a hair net in order to decrease the chance of leaving traces. Then at 4:55:am I’ll be waiting by her bedroom door. As soon as she gets up I will strike. I’ll knock her out with a bat, and bind her arms behind her back with duct tape from wrist to elbow. Then I will bind her legs with rope from ankle to knee. Amazing sure to erased any evidence. I’ll place her in a box and carry her out the back door and to the alley where my car is parked. I’ll place her in my back seat . Once home I’ll take her down to the room hidden under the stairs. I’ll then take her out of the box and untie her. The room has two parts separated by a locked door. One is delightful and decorated like a master bedroom, perfect for a red rose. The other is plain and bare concrete equipped with all the things suited for a black dahlia. It’s been in the making for five years. I started it when she ran away. Everything is in place all I need to do is catch her. After she is secure I'll go back to her house and move her car to a isolated and discreet location. This time I will not fail. ______________________________________________________________________________ Journal Entry 4 Date and Time: 11/24/2008, 9:01 pm Subject Matter : Black Dahlia I have her now. I was right about all my predictions. I love how easy it is to get into the minds of others. People like to do what's logical without realizing that logical and a “normal” thing to do is predictable. That's one of the reasons why I reject their reality. Tomorrow is the start of the project. ____________________________________________________________________________ Journal Entry 5 Day 1 of project 0013 Black Dahlia She’s stronger than I thought. She seems to not have changed much and was rather unphased by the first test. She doesn't flinch as much as the others I've tried with. I think this will be a success. Finally I’ll have one make it to the end, and even better that it’s her of all people. Journal Entry 20 Day 15 of project 0013 Black Dahlia Today I let her rest from yesterday’s experiment. I’m pleasantly. surprised she’s still after it. Though I planned things carefully my past failures made me fear that she wouldn’t make. None have made it this and yesterday’s experiment was one of the most intense one’s I’ve done. So far things are going alright. She still hasn’t accepted our love but the project is going as expected. She’s still alive so thats a plus. The last one died only three days in. There’s just one problem. She’s not eating well. The others ate but they were dumber than her. I think she knows that what I feed to my subjects isn’t normal. It’s going to be ok though. I’ll find a way to make her eat it. The feed is part of the project. Though I prefer not to I might just have to resort to force feeding. Journal Entry 21 Day 16 of project 0013 Black Dahlia I’m mad. I had to punish her. Luckily she’s still alive. I was so angry I almost killed her. She bit me when I tried to make her eat. Good subjects do not bite. Officer Hickman put the journal down. That was enough for now. Victor Linder was undoubtedly the sickest monster he’s ever met. Not only is he beyond delusional but he committed unspeakable acts. The letters showed this very clearly. What was even more disturbing is that Victor seems to genuinely believe this story that he created. Another journal was found in Linder’s possession. It wasn’t as formally documented at first. All it had were dates and content. It is clear that he is beyond help. 06/07/1998 I lost my beloved wife, my dear Roseline, last week. She was my yellow rose, not only was she beautiful but also radiant and joyous. She diligently took care of our home and I always came home to her happy face and loving embrace. Unlike me she was loyal and caring. Her love always showed and her faith never faltered even in the darkest moments. She was the perfect wife that any man would be lucky to have. Only a fool like me would make the mistake of taking her for granted and on top of that failing to protect her. She ran away when she found out about project one. She ran away from me and right into the grasps of a real monster. By the time she was found it was too late. I just want to be free from this pain. What if I could make some who survive the unthinkable? Someone who won’t die on me like Roseline. Someone who won’t ever run away. I am going to create a new reality, my reality. Marianne’s diary and Victor’s letter to her were found after one of her coworkers came to check on her. She had hidden security cameras in her house and what the police saw on the footage was enough to get a search warrant. It is suspected that Victor saw his deceased wife in her. What struck Hickman was Victor’s mention of “projects”. They were very vague descriptions. There had to be something else hidden. Hickman had to interview Victor Linder the next day and hoped to find answers.

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