The sealed gemstone reacted to Kayla's touch!

1757 Words

Kayla POV. Howard stopped me from drinking vervain and thought I was crazy. It's true; vervain is poison to vampires, and it's the most deadly kind. And I would secretly drink a little every day, so I could make myself immune to the poison. Of course, drinking water laced with vervain juice is self-abuse in Howard's eyes, a very crazy act. But I had no other choice. As a vampire, I was just a newborn. The strength of vampires is based mainly on age. Howard has survived for five hundred years, and he is very powerful; the average vampire simply can not defeat him. But such a powerful Howard was defeated by Ryan. I couldn't imagine Ryan's real strength. At least for a newborn like me, this is an unimaginable thing. I wanted to seek revenge on Ryan, wanted to pull out his heart wit

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