I miss them so much

1603 Words

Howard POV. After learning that the town had burned down, Kayla locked herself in her room for an entire week. To make sure she was stable and wouldn't do anything stupid to hurt herself, I showed up promptly at mealtime each day and brought her a glass of blood. She sat by the window sill every day, staring out the window, so quiet that it was as if she didn't even exist. I could guess what she was thinking. She must be thinking of Lauren, Monica, and all the people in town that she knows so well. I know exactly how much they mean to Kayla. I know this is the most painful time for Kayla, and many times I almost couldn't resist telling her the truth. But I couldn't do that yet, at least not until Kayla became strong. That day was the eighth day Kayla had locked herself in her room.

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