Chapter 3- Hidden Agendas

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EMILY Having a college degree feels like the first major accomplishment of my life. Not that I'm done with my purpose or that I expect life to be a cakewalk now that I've conquered the horrors of studying, projects, deadlines, and those never-ending lectures. It's more about feeling ready to take on the real world, like I'm gearing up for what's to come. I feel like a bolder and more prepared version of Emily Maxwell now. Graduation is just a week away, and it all feels so surreal. I've never been this happy and content before. Xander has been incredibly supportive and patient with me, and I can't thank him enough. He's not just insanely good-looking, but also surprisingly brilliant. Like, genius-level smart. He's been a huge help with our thesis and my studies in general. I guess all the heartbreak and confusion he caused me in the past were worth it after all... Hunny, this is just the beginning. Don't get too cocky, mmkay? I don't know if my subconscious is trying to warn me, but her blush is seriously scandalously red today. It's like she got slapped by The Hulk from The Avengers. I know, I sound crazy for giving her an actual appearance. Xander and I have been spending weekends together at the beach house. It's just a few kilometers away from school. During the weekdays, I stay with my family while he stays in his pad. Just a few minutes ago, he went to the hospital for an urgent appointment with Natalie Summers, one of his ex-flings who tried to sue him before. I can't help but feel bothered by it. An hour ago... "What do you think is her problem?" I ask Xander, nervously fidgeting with my fingers. There's a brief silence before he speaks again. *Cue dramatic drum roll. * "Maybe she's... pregnant with my child," he says with a deadpan expression, and my heart almost jumps out of my innocent ribcage. I'm speechless. "Xander, I swear to God, that joke isn’t funny," He shrugs casually and locks his gaze with mine. I feel like someone just poured boiling mushroom soup all over my face, and the thought of Natalie cradling a mini Xander who's just as good-looking makes me want to cry. “Jesus, your lips are trembling! Of course It’s just a joke and like what you said, it’s not funny.” He grabs my hand and pulls me into a hug, chuckling heartily. I love leaning against his strong, warm chest. He then pulls away and cups my face. "You’re so f*****g cute when you’re sulking." "It’s not amusing," I tap his chest playfully and roll my eyes. Before I can walk away, he surprises me by hugging me tightly from behind and whispering in my ear, "I don't want anyone else spreading my genes. Just remember that, kitten." Just thinking about what he said moments ago fills me with pure happiness. Sighing with contentment, I continue wandering around the school campus, looking for Curt. I think I've lost him. He called me this morning and said he's picking up his graduation gown. He suggested that I come along, probably with Maddie too. I really miss that geek. Ever since he got into a serious relationship with Maddison last year, we don't hang out as much. He's always wrapped up in Maddie, and I've become the third wheel at school. I wonder where he is now. I also wonder what's going on with Xander and Natalie right now… It's been an hour since he went to see her, and he must be done by now. I'm planning to swing by our house later, so I should call him and tell him to meet me there. Every time he visits my family, he turns into a different person. He flirts with my mom, plays video games with Lance, and drinks with my dad. I don't know if I should be worried or not. Everything in my life right now feels too good to be true. It's perfect and it's making me anxious, like something bad is lurking around the corner. There are homeless people with no family and nothing to eat, and some women are still single and virgins at 30. So, can we just be grateful and focus on finding your best friend instead? Fine. Whatever. While grabbing my phone from my bag, I finally spot Curt inside the Student Center. I roll my eyes, my usual reaction around him, when I see him hunched over on one of the couches, completely absorbed in his phone. I bet he's watching porn again. And this time, I can't say I relate to the scenes, but I can definitely vouch for how good it feels... Or maybe it's because Xander has always had this mind-blowing performance. I push the glass doors open and call out to him, my voice echoing through the center. "Curt! I've been looking all over for you. Why aren't you answering my calls?" He lifts his face from the screen with his trademark sad expression—eyebrows raised to the heavens, puppy dog eyes that make you want to give him the whole candy store, and his lower lip slightly pouting. Hmm, someone's definitely got some issues. "Whoa, you're not actually watching porn, are you?" I shake my head slowly as I walk towards him, smiling because I realize how much I've missed him. "What's porn?" he bites his pinky finger. "Where's Maddie?" I ask as I sit beside him, ignoring his random antics. He shrugs apathetically and returns his gaze to his phone. My eyes follow and light up with intrigue when I see that he's checking out Justin Rockhard's i********: profile. "Is he really attractive?" he blurts out, almost shoving the pictures in my face. Justin is one of the hottest guys on campus, looking like Patrick Schwarzenegger's long-lost twin, and I can't lie to my best friend about that. "Curt, hate to say it, but you're cute." He's been hitting the gym for a few months now, so he's not as scrawny anymore. His face lights up like a beaming child. "Wow, really?" "Yeah, but Justin is hot..." I give him a mischievous grin, which quickly fades when I realize something. "Wait, why are you checking his pictures out?" He looks away and puts his phone down. "Oh my god, don't tell me you're..." "Yes, I'm gay," he cuts me off with a deadpan expression. "I was about to say insecure..." I lean in closer to him. "Seriously, Curt?" I've been so caught up with Xander that I had no idea my best friend decided to switch teams. No wonder he's not with Maddie anymore. Maybe they broke up? To my surprise, he bursts into uncontrollable laughter, snorting in between. "Damn, you look like a freaking anaconda just bit your neck!" He continues laughing hysterically, and I can't help but shove him. He nearly topples over from his seat. "Get it together, buddy," I scold him. "Alright, alright!" He composes himself and fixes his clothes. "He's Maddie's ex, and they've been hanging out lately." Oh no. "What do you mean hanging out? You're still together, right?" He gives me a sad smile, and I feel the urge to give him a hug, which I do. "I'm so sorry, Curt. I'm not used to seeing you with a broken heart." He pulls away from the hug and stares intently into my eyes. "Oh really?" I'm not sure if there's a hidden meaning behind his words, but my freshly painted nails are sensing some vibes. "Okay, so you're jealous, right?" I change the topic. "Of course I am!" He dramatically throws his arms up. "I saw her talking to Justin, and I was green with envy as they were laughing and all." Wow, Curt is really in love. "Maybe she misses him, you know. There must be a reason why his last name is Rockhard." He glances at me with wide eyes, full of drama. I playfully mess with his blond hair. "Just kidding, Gollum." "Jeez, cut it out. You're not helping," he taps my hand away. "So what happened next? Did you guys have the catfight of the century because of Justin?" "No, she just told me he was asking about some school stuff." "So what’s with all the drama? Are you guys not okay?" "Yeah, because she wanted a burger yesterday, and I didn't have enough cash, so I got her nuggets instead. Now she's mad at me and ignoring me." I bite my lip to hold back my laughter. "I don't know what to do, Em. Sometimes, she says the opposite of what she really wants me to do." I sigh and start rubbing his back. "Curt, just buy her a freaking burger, like right now, A-S-A-P and oh, don’t forget to apologize. Trust me, she must be on her period. Some girls are like that." "I already did, and she said she prefers nuggets." I seriously want to pull my hair out right now. "Then buy her the entire freaking supermarket!" I flare my nostrils. I never thought I'd be stressed out by Curt's dating life. "You know I can't afford that." I roll my eyes even harder this time. "Where is she anyway?" "She's in her dorm right now, and I can feel the 'don't come near me' vibes radiating from her." "That sucks. Wanna chill at our house for a bit? Then later, you can get her a burger, fries, nuggets, pizza, sala—" "It's cool, I'll grab some stuff from the dorm and head home." "Oh, alright then." It feels weird for him to turn down my invite. He used to jump at any opportunity to hang at our place. "Did you pick up your gown already?" "Yeah. I—" He suddenly stops mid-sentence and jumps to his feet. "There she is!" He points outside the center. The glass walls give us a clear view of everything outside. I spin around and spot Maddie in the distance, chatting with some girls. "Go get her, you goofball." I give him a push towards the door. "Of course, but can I borrow a few bucks? You know, for the whole supermarket." He grins mischievously. I roll my eyes as I open my wallet and hand him my last twenty-dollar bill. "I can't believe I'm financing my best friend's girlfriend's food." "Well, that's what friends are for, right?" I give him a genuine smile before saying, "Whatever." He gives me a quick hug and heads out of the center. I start walking towards our house, deciding to wait for Xander there instead. Suddenly, a black Ford F-150 comes racing towards me. I quickly sprint to the sidewalk to avoid getting hit. In the next moment, I catch a glimpse of the driver's face, and a light bulb goes off in my head as I recognize her. Where have I seen that girl before? Let me give you a hint, hun. Three words: Virgin Killer. Three words? There are only two words... The spray painter girl! She's giving me a death stare as if I just wiped out her entire squad. Without warning, she swerves left and the car is now hurtling towards me on the sidewalk. Oh my God! Is she seriously trying to run me over? Without wasting a second, I turn and sprint back to the school as fast as my legs can carry me. I find a safe spot inside the nearest building and glance back one last time. Her car is already parked nearby. With my heart racing, I immediately call Xander and beg him to come and rescue me before she could spray paint me to death. **** "Emi, just give me fifteen more minutes and I'll be there," Xander replies on the phone. "Alright, I'm just chilling in the admin building lobby." I respond. I wait in the lobby, my neck craning as I scan outside the window for that woman's car. She's really on the lookout for me. It's been almost half an hour and Xander still hasn't shown up. I want to call Curt, but I don't want to interrupt his time with Maddie. I sneak a glance at the spot where that psycho's car is parked, and she's still there. Our eyes lock from a distance, and her stare feels dangerously intense. What the heck does she want? Hmm, I'm pretty sure it's not you, darling, since she's apparently into the opposite team. Maybe she's after your boyfriend? Just a super wild guess. I try calling him one last time, but he doesn't answer this time. What on earth is keeping him so long??? XANDER "Forgot something?" I inquire to Natalie, just as the elevator doors close and I'm stuck waiting for it to come back up to my floor. "Yeah, I actually have something important to tell you," she responds, her expression serious and unwavering. "Sorry, Natalie, but can you just say it right now? Like, right this instant?" I impatiently urge her on, my mind racing due to Emily's distressing call. If only I had the power to fly, I'd have zoomed out of the window and soared my way to Northeastern University. I don't understand why she suddenly looks so pissed. Did I do something really majorly wrong? "I thought you had changed..." Her disappointment is written all over her face, and I'm utterly clueless about what the hell she's blabbering about. "I'm sorry, what?" I shift my weight to my other foot, tilting my head in confusion. "Seriously? On top of taking pictures of women without their consent, you also have a thing for secretly filming videos?" Videos? I don't recall shooting anything other than Emily and me during our escapades together. I shake my head in bewilderment. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Natalie. Sorry, but I gotta go." I turn around and press the DOWN button next to the elevator doors. "Girls are undressing during your exams, you know." And? Should I be shocked? She raises her hand, revealing what she's holding. It's some USB-looking device with a camera—Oh wait. I squint my eyes at the thing as a sudden realization hits me. "Where did you find that? I don't have any hidden cameras in my office." "I was about to change when I spotted this little sneaky spy cam stuck somewhere on that ultrasound machine." Seriously? How the heck did I never notice that before? It's too damn tiny to be detected...My phone starts ringing again, and my heart skips a beat as I see Emily's name on the screen. I answer it immediately. "Emi, just give me fifteen more minutes and I'll be right there." I turn to Natalie, who twirls the camera between her fingers as she waits for my response. "You know what, just hit me up later. I think Emily's in deep trouble. I gotta rush to her side." "You need to delete my footage, Alexander." "I honestly have no clue about that, Natalie. I'll give you a call." The elevator door opens, and I swiftly step inside. She tries to follow, but the door shuts right in her face. I close my eyes and lean back against the wall, trying to process what Natalie just dropped on me. I search my hippocampus for any memory of installing a hidden camera in my office, but I genuinely draw a blank. Who the hell could have planted it there? I make a mental note to interrogate the nurses tomorrow. When I arrive at the university, I make a beeline for the building where Emily is currently staying. My heart sinks as I spot her sitting on one of the benches in the admin building, looking lost and distressed. The place is deserted, except for the blonde receptionist at the front desk, who's engrossed in some phone calls. I quicken my pace towards my girl and take a seat beside her on the blue bench. Her face lights up as she stands. "Xander!" "What happened? Are you okay? I was so worried about you. I'm sorry I'm a little late, but I rushed here as fast as I could." I pull her into a tight hug and plant a kiss on the top of her head. She hugs me back just as tightly. "She already left..." she whispers, almost inaudibly. "Who's she?" "I-I don't know how to say this, but that crazy woman from before...the one who spray-painted your car...." Her voice trails off. My face contorts into an angry expression. "Did she pull some stupid s**t again?" "She-she literally followed me and tried to run me over with her car." "That b***h!" I growl under my breath, clenching my fist. What is she playing at this time? "Who is she, Xander? You never mentioned her before." Curiosity fills her eyes. I gently push her back to sit and let out a deep sigh before speaking again. "She's...Brianna. She used to be my patient. She was the fifteenth flower tattoo..." "Go on, I'm listening," she says, fixated on my every word. "We only had one night together, a wild night at my place, and the next day, she wouldn't leave. She even showed up at my office for unnecessary follow-up appointments, throwing herself at me. It happened not just once, but three damn times. After that, I told my nurses to stop giving her appointments. I didn't see her again until a month ago, and that's when the store incident happened." "Oh my God, women really go crazy over you, like literally." I'm not sure if she's trying to lighten the mood with a nervous chuckle, but it only darkens my expression. "It's not funny, Emi." That woman has put her life on the line, for f**k's sake. "Okay, I'm sorry. But these women are just..." She trails off and shakes her head in disappointment. I turn to her, taking her hands in mine, my intense gaze locked on her face. "I won't let my past haunt you." "She probably wants to spray paint some weird stuff on my face this time." "I'll make sure she never lays a finger on this beautiful face..." I lightly brush the back of my fingers against her cheek, my gaze fixated on her. She gives me a small smile before hugging me once again. "I just want to go home. I'm exhausted." I help her to her feet and carefully lead her to my car, scanning the surroundings for that woman, but she's nowhere to be found this time. I've already warned her to leave me alone, but it seems she's in the mood for more games. **** I couldn't get a wink of sleep last night. My mind was racing with a million thoughts. I turn to Emily, who's facing the other way. I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer, burying my nose in the back of her neck, taking in her scent. As I do, I can't help but think about getting a restraining order against Brianna if she keeps bothering us. That crazy b***h actually tried to hit Emily, and it's ignited this fierce need in me to protect my girl. And then there's Natalie's bombshell this morning, buzzing in my head like a swarm of annoying bugs. The hidden camera she mentioned, lurking somewhere in the ultrasound machine. How long has it been there? And who the hell installed it? I've been debating whether or not to call Natalie, but a big part of me is telling me to deal with it tomorrow. A notification sound snaps me back to reality. I open my eyes and realize it's already 6 in the morning. My temples throb from lack of sleep. I have no clue what time I finally passed out last night—I mean, a few hours ago. I check my phone and my eyes widen at the sight of our hospital administrator's name on the screen. "Dr. Greene. Please come to my office today at 8 am." Nervousness hits me like a slap in the face, adrenaline coursing through my veins. I jump out of bed, my mind racing. I run my fingers through my hair in frustration as I pace around the room. I've never screwed any patients in my office...except one. I glance worriedly at Emily, still peacefully sleeping on the bed, and let out a sigh of impending doom.
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