Chapter 2- A Lumpy Afternoon

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XANDER It's a sunny morning, and here I am, unexpectedly heading to the hospital. I could've been cozying up with Emily at the dining table or Netflix and chilling with her right now, but this last-minute on-call appointment had me leaving the beach house right after breakfast. The image of Emily pouting like a scolded little girl as I walked out makes me want to Hulk-smash a rock into smithereens. "Pleasant morning, our dear Dr. Greene!" Sasha greets me with her usual cheery tone as I arrive at the nurse's station. "Morning, Sasha. Where's the patient?" I slip on my lab coat and snatch the chart. "She's been waiting for you in your office." "Great, let's go." I motion for her to lead the way. "As much as I'd love to assist, girlie specifically requested to be alone with you, unless I'm really needed. But I totally get her, love.” She gives me a playful wink. Sasha always brings the enthusiasm, no matter who the patient is, and that's one of the things I appreciate about her. Nina, on the other hand, seems to despise almost all my patients, especially the good-looking ones. I wonder what that b***h is up to now... "Alright, I'll give you a call if I need you," I reply. "Just scream my name and I’ll be right there in a jiffy!" During gynecological visits, it's standard to have a nurse in the room, especially since I'm a guy. But most of my patients insist on having some one-on-one time with me, for whatever reason. I'll just call in a nurse if there's a minor procedure that requires an extra set of hands. I reminisce about the first time Emily came into my office. Nina warned me that she was too shy to undress unless absolutely necessary. I thought it was just an excuse, but boy, was I mistaken. Her innocence completely bewitched me. I skim through Natalie's chart. It's been a while since I last saw this model who threatened to sue me and the studio over her accidental nude portrait purchase by her dad, of all people. Natalie Summers. 24-year-old WF. Chief complaint: painless lump in (L) breast area. I have a hunch that it's nothing serious, but we'll see. I continue flipping through her chart, reviewing her medical history, until I reach my office. Slowly, I push the door open and spot her gazing out the window. It seems she didn't hear me come in. She's captivated by the fluffy cumulus clouds against the backdrop of a perfect blue sky. I raise an eyebrow as I catch a glimpse of her bare backside peeking through the opening in the paper gown. Oops, wardrobe malfunction. I quickly avert my eyes and make my way to my desk. I sink into my swivel chair, ready to put on my welcoming smile. "I wonder what nuggets of wisdom you've got for me today," I playfully called out, remembering how she helped me sort out my feelings for Emily. She immediately turns around, beaming at me. "Alexander Greene! You've kept me waiting," she teases, lips curved in a mischievous smile. I'm not sorry at all. She made me wait at that restaurant, so we're even now. Natalie still looks stunning, I must admit, though with a different hair color this time. Last I remember, she was a blonde bombshell. But now, with her darker locks cascading over her shoulders, she exudes an even sultrier vibe. "Your appointment caught me off guard. I usually work in the afternoon," "Oh, sorry to disrupt your day... I've got an important commitment later," she nonchalantly cups her left breast through the gown, her gaze fixed on me. "I'm just bothered by this little lump on my left breast." My eyes instinctively drop to her breasts, noting how her n*****s seem to be standing at attention, almost piercing through the gown that outlines them. And the AC isn't even on full blast. Is she aroused or something? Because that doesn’t sound good at all. "No worries," I stand up, walk around my desk, and perch myself on the edge. Crossing my arms in front of my chest, I say, "I thought you changed your mind about the whole portrait debacle." She lifts her head, emitting a seductive chuckle. "Now that you mention it, I might reconsider." I uncross my arms and scratch my head. "I suddenly regret bringing that up." She leans against the wall, her gaze locked onto mine. "I thought about seeing a gyno, and you were the first one that came to mind." "Well, you've come to the best," I mutter with a confident grin. I may be relatively new to this field, but I've already made a name for myself. "I can tell," she replies with a smile. "I don't have any words of wisdom for you today. Unless you need some?" My eyes light up. "Not at the moment." "I suppose everything worked out with... what's her name again?" She tilts her head, a playful expression on her face. "Emily, right?" I flash a satisfied grin. "Impressive memory you've got there. And yes, everything worked out splendidly, and I couldn't be happier." "Sounds awesome!" She beams, seemingly genuinely happy for my love life. An ex-fling actually rooting for your romantic endeavors? She's a real unicorn, dude! "Well, shall we get started?" I finally wrap up the conversation. I just want to get this over with. I hear her let out a deep sigh as she walks towards the examination table. She carefully climbs up and positions herself. I grab a white drape from the drawer and cover her lower half. "I never thought I'd be half-naked in front of Alexander Greene again, and for a non-s****l reason," she comments in a serious tone, her gaze fixed on the ceiling. It elicits a silent chuckle from me. I grab a pair of gloves from the box and snap them on. "Can you lie back down and relax for me?" "Sure." I position myself beside her and untie the gown from the back of her neck. I pull it aside, exposing her left breast and half of the right one. "Just place your arm right here... Yes, like that," I guide her arm overhead for the proper angle. I begin inspecting it for symmetry and other details. I strive to maintain utmost professionalism as my fingers make contact with her breast. Her breath audibly deepens as my fingertips move vertically up and down, like mowing a soft, beautiful lawn. Her n*****s seem to harden even more as I brush over them. Honestly, I'm accustomed to this kind of reaction from women. It's either my fingers have some magical touch, or my patients are just perpetually aroused. Or maybe it's just a normal response to the AC being on and the cold environment? "So, when did you first notice this lump, and has its size changed?" I start asking questions while palpating the small, discernible mass on the outer edge of her left breast. "Just yesterday. I was standing in front of my full-length mirror," she meets my gaze and continues, "...completely naked, and decided to give my boobs some attention. That's when I felt this grape-sized lump right here." She guides my hand to the spot on her breast. "Right here, huh?" I confirm the exact spot she's pointing at. "Yes, right there…" she almost whispers. I already have a diagnosis in mind, but I need to conduct further investigations to confirm it. "I was convinced I had cancer, thanks to Dr. Google. I couldn't sleep a wink last night because of this," she confesses, leaning forward with worry in her eyes. Some people these days just jump online and play doctor, when in reality, it only makes them more anxious and sleep-deprived. The best course of action in situations like this is to see a real doctor, who can conduct thorough examinations and tests to make an accurate diagnosis, instead of relying on guesswork and s**t. I move on to her other breast, feeling and inspecting it. As I brush over her n****e, her breath deepens once again, but I avoid making eye contact. "I need to perform a breast ultrasound to further examine and confirm my diagnosis," I blurt out after a few moments. "Sure, do whatever you want to do with me…” She responds in a softer tone while trying to make eye contact but I choose not to make a big deal out of it. "Alright. I'm going to lower this blanket a bit so I can apply the ultrasound gel," I explain my actions as I sit on the rolling stool, reaching for the machine to turn it on. "That actually feels oddly… satisfying," she remarks as I start squirting the gel on her left breast. Her eyes tracking my every move is making me slightly uncomfortable. I'd prefer it if she focused on the mesmerizing design of my office ceiling. I place the gel bottle down and position the ultrasound wand on her breast. I move it around, purposely avoiding her n****e, and stop directly over the lump. "There it is," I murmur, my gaze fixed on the solid mass on the screen. "You have nothing to worry about, Natalie. It's benign." "Benign? You mean, the one next to 'be-eight'?" she jokes, earning a slight smirk from me. "What you have is a Fibroadenoma, a harmless one. It's usually left alone." "So you're saying... it has nothing to do with cancer?" "Uh, no. This doesn't increase your risk of breast cancer in the future. The growth of this harmless lump is most common in women your age and is usually related to hormones." She leans back and lets out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank goodness. You're my hero." I put the lever back in place and then walk around to grab some tissues. Handing them to her, she sits up to wipe off the gel from her skin. Taking a seat on the stool in front of the computer, I start entering all my findings while she silently watches me. "You should definitely do breast self-examinations regularly or attend screenings. It's crucial to be able to detect any signs of possible breast cancer." "I'll definitely keep that in mind, Dr. Greene. So, this lump will just disappear and I have nothing to worry about, right?" "Most fibroadenomas stay the same size. Some may get smaller or even disappear over time. They can also increase in size during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but usually shrink again afterward. But well..." I pause for a second. "For your peace of mind, you also have the option to have it removed. The downside is... it might slightly alter the shape and texture of your breast. Think about it, Natalie." "I understand. I'll definitely consider having it removed..." "Take your time." I continue entering my findings when she interrupts me once again. "I was wondering if you could just take a quick look at my... vaginal health. Since I'm already here, I might as well let you check everything out, right?" I give her an appraising look, raising an eyebrow, wondering if she has any ulterior motives aside from genuine concern for her health. I quickly scan her chart again, from her menstrual history to family history, drug use, and the like, and conclude that everything appears normal. "Sure," I say dismissively. "I'll just get this done quickly." I stand up and walk over to the table, positioning myself between her legs, purposefully avoiding her suggestive gaze. "Alright, just lie back and I'll make sure everything's normal down there," I say, sitting on the stool and wheeling it closer. Carefully placing her feet in the stirrups, I adjust the height so that I'm at eye level with her vulva. "I hope everything's alright down there," she murmurs under her breath. I grab the drape and lift it up to her abdomen, taking a sharp breath as I get a visual. Looks like she had a Brazilian wax recently, as her mound still has a reddish tint. And let's just say, she's pretty... moist. But she's got nothing on Emily during her first visit. That girl set a record. Oh, the memories. A smirk creeps onto my lips at the thought. "I don't have any STDs, right?" Natalie asks. "Everything looks perfect, Natalie," I reply nonchalantly. "Only on the outside, right? Can you check… further?" My jaw clenches at her request. This woman is starting to get on my nerves with her teasing tone. I spread her lips apart with my fingers, standing up from the stool and locking eyes with her. "Take a deep breath and relax, Natalie." With my other hand resting on her knee, I slide two fingers inside her, and I swear I can hear a subtle moan escape her lips. I quickly withdraw my hand and say, "Everything feels fine." "Wait," she calls out before I can walk away, her hand gripping my arm. I tilt my head and glance at her. "Can you... double-check? Just to be absolutely sure?" Her voice is almost a whisper. An irritated look crosses my face this time as I reluctantly insert two fingers into her once again. I watch as her lips part, feeling a sensitive spot deep inside. Another moan escapes her as she grips the edge of the bed. Alright, I think I've had enough of this. I love Emily and this situation feels all sorts of wrong. I need to put a stop to it before things spiral out of control. Or maybe you’re just overthinking it and Natalie is genuinely concerned about her reproductive health? I mean, I actually had a good time with her when we had lunch together before. She seemed nice and we parted ways on good terms. But this version of her today is just... off. It almost feels like she's subtly flirting with me. Without saying a word, I remove my fingers from her and quickly discard the gloves into the bin. "Are we done?" she asks, disappointment evident on her face. "Yes, Natalie. You worry too much. Everything looks healthy. You can get dressed now." Before I can leave the room, she speaks up again. "By the way, I'm actually throwing a party with my friends at a club next week. You should join us. Just a celebration, because I passed an audition." "An audition?" I suddenly feel intrigued. "Yeah, I got casted in a major Hollywood movie. Definitely something worth celebrating." Oh, she's actually an actress? "That's great. Let me check my schedule and I'll give you a call." "You still have my number, right?" she asks, removing the paper gown and covering herself with a blanket. We did exchange numbers after that lunch, and I'm pretty sure she's still in my contact list. "Yes, I have it." "Great. It was good to see you again, Alexander." She gives me her usual smile. "You too, Natalie," I reply before finally closing the door. As I walk down the hallway, I finally feel a sense of relief. But for some reason, I have this strong urge to call Emily and check up on her, even though I'll be home with her in a few minutes. I dial her number and wait for her to answer. "Hello?" she says, her voice instantly calming my frazzled nerves. "I'm on my way home now. I miss you," I say sweetly. "I'm still at school. I just had to grab some things for our graduation. Can you come pick me up? Like, right now? Please?" My forehead creases. I had no idea she went to school today, and she sounds urgent. "Why? What's happened?" "I'll explain everything when you get here. Please, Xander, come quickly." My heart starts racing at her tone. Is she in danger?! I practically sprint towards the elevator, but just as I'm about to step inside, I hear Natalie calling out to me from behind. "Forgot something?" I ask, only to have the elevator doors close again, leaving me to wait for what feels like an eternity for it to return to my floor. "Yeah, I actually forgot to tell you something," she says, looking serious. I take a step back, annoyed that I don't have time for this, but my curiosity gets the better of me.
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