Chapter 6: King Sebastian

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Blood treacled down the steps and once again stained the previously white marbled floor. " LOOK WHAT HE'S DONE! HE HAS STAINED MY FAVOURITE CLOAK WITH HIS TRAITOROUS BLOOD!" King Sebastian screeched enraged. " My apologies, your Highness. I will see that the servants remove it for you in time for your departure Thursday evening." Gabriel, the King's head of household and trusted friend said. " See, that you do and make sure to inform them that if they fail to do so they will meet the same fate as him..." King Sebastian jested cruelly as he lifted the head of the recently beheaded man, whose only crime was to accidentally spill the King's wine, to make his point and laughed mockingly. " I will take great delight in doing so my King," Gabriel replied. " Yes, I am sure you will my friend." The King smiled, knowing Gabriel had a reputation amongst the kingdom for his cruelty and black heart, just as he himself did- a fact that made him the only person King Sebastian had ever liked or respected.  " Speaking of Thursday, is everything ready for my departure?" The King asked as he threw the head aside unphased by its gory presence. " Everything is on schedule, my King. The supplies for your journey are packed and security has been arranged for your travel, all that remains is for you to choose a gift from the Royal jewels to bestow upon Princess Reanna upon your arrival."  " Excellent, well I may as well get that over with so we can enjoy the rest of the day...tell me what gift do you suggest, my friend?" The King said, his tone laced with boredom. " Well your Highness, I have chosen three necklaces from the Royal collection... all diamonds but one with rubies, one with sapphires, and one with emeralds ..." " They are expensive?" The King interrupted eager to end the tiresome conversation. " Very... my King, I made sure to select stunning pieces from the Royal jewels that displayed your wealth but had no historical attachment to the Meccador Kingdom or your case you did not do wish to take her as your bride."    " I appreciate your thoughtfulness my friend but the only reason I am considering a bride is to conceive an heir... Meccador is the most powerful Kingdom this side of the world, it is the richest and has the strongest army, therefore, I am not aiming to make a political alliance through marriage, as I can take any land I wish with as long as Princess Reanna can lie on her back and spread her legs obediently I will have her."  King Sebastian explained in his usual cruel tone. " I understand my King...but if you do not find her comely ..."  " Gabriel my friend, your concern for my happiness is touching but her appearance does not matter either. She can be mounted lying on her back or stomach if she is truly ugly...what matters is her breeding. I am a King Gabriel, therefore my blood is pure, and to ensure my descendants are kept pure whomever I marry must be Royalty also. Any woman of Royal blood would be suitable as my wife but unfortunately, so far fellow Kings refuse to give me their daughter's, sisters, etc hands in marriage out of fear I will mistreat them... I have no idea why but they perceive me as a monster." King Sebastian said as he paused to smirk at Gabriel, knowing full well that rumors of his cruelty have spread through all the Kingdoms and that most of them were true.   " I understand my King your need to produce heirs and secure your dynasty but I hope for your sake Princess Reanna is certainly would make the task of producing heirs less of a chore," Gabriel smirked. King Sebastian snorted and clasped his friend on the back. " Thank you, it certainly would. Now you understand my position Choose a necklace out of those three options for my bride and see that it along with the Queen of Meccador crown is packed for our trip and we can finally finish our business for the day and go and enjoy ourselves." King Sebastian ordered making Gabriel smile. " Yes, my King, " Gabriel replied before he quickly bowed and hurried off to do as requested, as he was just as eager as the King was to return to the dungeons and spend the rest of the day there torturing the helpless prisoners trapped below. The week went by quickly....too quickly for Reanna who as each hour passed seemed to feel more nervous. " You look stunning my dear!" Edwina cooed after she finished securing Reanna's white lace veil and stood back to admire her beauty. " Thank you..." Reanna whispered. " Do not worry love, perhaps King Sebastian will choose not to have you as his bride..." Edwina lied knowing full well that any man who saw Reanna would instantly be hypnotized by her beauty and wish to claim her. " I do not wish to marry him Edwina...but if I fail to secure the promise of a union between our Kingdoms my brother I fear will take my failure out on the people of Avlington, thus I may have no choice." Reanna confined. " Oh, my dear child..." Edwina said as she leaned forward and pulled Reanna into a comforting embrace.   "You always did have a huge heart and cared so deeply for everyone and I know it is your duty as Princess to look out for the welfare of the Avlington people, but your people love you also...promise me you will not risk your own safety to try and save us." " I can not make that promise Edwina as you know I could not keep it. If my people are in danger then I will do whatever I can to save them..." Reanna said as she broke free of her maid's comforting embrace and looked up into her eyes instead. A long silence fell between them as tears began to flow down Edwina's face, as she realized the day had finally come when Reanna was no longer a child but a woman full-grown, and soon she would be forced into carrying out the duty of a woman and marry... and she could not protect her from it. " I know my child...I understand." Edwina cried as she stroked Reaana's cheek lovingly and wished with all her heart that she could protect her from the horrors she dreaded were about to come. " You have grown into a beautiful, kind woman and a great ruler...your parents would be so proud."  " Thank you, Edwina... your words are kind and mean a great deal to me, as do you," Reanna said as she smiled at her maid. Just as the two were about to embrace for a second emotional hug Reanna's chamber door burst open with a loud bang and in waltzed her brother without invitation. " LEAVE US!" he barked and Edwina smiled at Reanna one last time before she left them as requested. " Sister, my dear, how do you fare?" King Quentin asked without an ounce of genuine concern reflected in his tone. " Good Morn to you my King. Prayer and rest found in the solitude of my chamber...that you so kindly permitted seems to have healed what ailed me and I am ready to greet King Sebastian and do my best to secure a union as bid." Reanna replied forcing herself to smile sweetly. " I am glad to hear about it! Well, let me see if you are presentable enough..." King Quentin replied as he slowly circled Reanna assessing every inch of her appearance with a slow lingering gaze that made her feel very uncomfortable.  Just when Reanna couldn't bear the uncomfortableness any longer her brother finally spoke, " you will do ...quiet nicely. This union is important not just for me but for our Kingdom... Meccador is rich and powerful and they are a dangerous enemy to is of vital importance that this union is made, do you understand?"   " Yes, my King," Reanna replied knowing her brothers' only interest in achieving the union was to fill his own coffers and to feel empowered. " Good, I am pleased you understand me. Before I go...I know you are unversed with the ways between a man and a woman as you are still a maid but you have incredible beauty Reanna can use it to seduce King Sebastian into being kinder to you."    Reanna stared at her brother in shock...was he actually trying to give her advice to keep her from harm? His words of advice for her welfare were completely out of character.  Just as Reanna was pondering her brother's sudden unexpected burst of kindness he smiled at her, not with warmth expected from a brother but a smile of someone planning something devious. " And of course dear sister once you have mastered using your charms you will no doubt use them to ensure your husband is kind to Avlington also... particularly in helping us prosper with wealth and land." King Quentin ordered with harshness in his tone before he turned and left Reanna alone and shaking... not in fear at the threat her brother implied with his tone but out of anger. She couldn't wait for the day that her army was ready to dethrone her brother... but for now she would play the role of obedient sister and of course bride to be if needed to keep her people safe from her brother and King Sebastian until the time was right for her to strike. What if King Sebastian accepted the union and her army was not ready before they wed? Her plan had been to drag the engagement out as long as possible in the hopes that her army would be ready to dethrone her brother and the union would be called off but if it wasn't what would she do then?
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