Chapter 7: A Woman's Assets

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The citizens of Avlington who were gathered gasped. Gasping both from fear and awe as they stared open-mouthed at the spectacle passing them. " Shall I gouge their filthy eyes out for daring to look upon you, my king?" Gabriel asked. " No Gabriel, my dear friend" King Sebastian laughed amused by the eagerness in Gabriel's tone. " As much as I admire your lust for violence, let them stare. I like the way they do...they look at me with an erotic mixture of admiration and fear. They are amazed by the fine silks I wear, the exotic, costly goods my servants carry and the wealth having them displays but at the same time...they can't help but cower in fear at my reputation and might of my soldiers." King Sebastian laughed. " It's quite flattering really...they look so frightened it is as if they see the devil himself and his hordes of demon's marching when they look upon us." King Sebastian declared as he began glaring at a few peasants and laughed as they screamed and ran. " Indeed my King, Perhaps they do as your reputation is as fearsome as the devils," Gabriel said as he too laughed at the frightened people who ran. " We shall have to return to this market square and give them something to really fear...after I get the formalities over with and arrange my betrothal, of course." " That sounds like a marvelous idea my King, and after a dull day of business an evening of fun will be well deserved." Gabriel smiled already scanning the crowd of people gathered looking for his victims. "Let's just hope we get this over with quickly then. The plan shall be to get the legal formalities over with, bestow the gifts to the Princess, and then we shall leave at the first opportunity to sample the real delights Avlington has to offer." King Sebastian announced as he too began to scan the crowd for his victims. " STAND UP STRAIGHT!!" King Quentin screamed at the servants who had begun to tremble with fear in anticipation at the imminent arrival of King Sebastian, the most feared man in the seven kingdoms. " AND YOU..! LIFT YOUR GODDAM CHIN AND SHOW YOUR FACE! " King Quentin shouted as he suddenly forced Reanna's head upwards making her wince at the unexpected violent movement. " My King, Princess Reanna was only trying to appear obedient by keeping her eyes downcast and the veil is a must for noblewomen for modesty..." Edwina interjected reacting automatically, trying to keep Reanna from being harmed further. "Obedience and modesty may be sought after qualities in a wife... but it's her beauty that will stir his loins and make him agree to a marriage in the first place. " King Quentin responded as he glared at Edwina before he turned his attention to Reanna again. " And he will not be able to see your beauty when you hide your face behind a ridiculous veil or cast your gaze downwards will he?" King Quentin asked as he waited for Reanna's reply expectantly. " No my King, my apologizes," Reanna replied forcing her tone to be void of the anger she felt and instead sound sweet. " Your apologizes are accepted. Although being an innocent maid I can hardly blame you I suppose for not knowing how to present yourself in the most appealing way. Here allow me to help..." King Quentin said as he harshly yanked the veil from Reanna's head and studied her for any further imperfections. " You look presentable enough now..." Quentin remarked as he stopped circling Reanna. " However for the feast tonight tighten your corset a little more...your waist could be a few inches smaller, paint your lips and cheeks and make sure you wear a gown that is lower cut to show more of your ample bosom. You have natural beauty dear sister and womanly curves that any man would be desperate to squeeze. A womans beauty and body is her biggest asset and if wielded correctly...weapon. Now you are a woman full grown it is past time you learned to use yours." Reanna was uncharacteristically shocked speechless by her brothers crude bluntness. She stared open mouthed at him and blushed as she tried to think of how to respond. She had the instincts of a warrior and had always been more comfortable in tunics and leggings than dresses and corsets. In fact her father used to fondly call her his "little warrior Princess" because of her warrior skills and preference for unlady like garments. The thought of dressing so out of her comfort zone and being expected to use her body to seduce a man rather than use it to fight as she was used too, made her feel extremely uncomfortable . " DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!" King Quentin snapped, Reanna's long pause of uncomfortable silence causing him to loose his temper. " I understand..." Reanna responded quickly trying to sooth her brothers anger before he took it out on a innocent servant. However as Reanna lifted her chin and made eye contact with her brother she saw his expression indicated that he would need to be soothed further. " I mean...I wish to as always my King to follow your command and fulfill your wishes, and although the task in which you ask of me is....not something I am used to... I shall try my best to succeed." Reanna responded, smiling sweetly and forcing herself not to reply with the response she she desperately wished to " No you distigudting swine! I am a warrior and not your personal whore." " Excellent! I am so glad you are such an obedient sister! Now smile sister dear your future husband and master is here!" King Quentin relied as he turned his back on Reanna, rudely dismissing her. Reanna took a deep calmly breath. She fought the urge to lecture her brother on the fact that women were skilled in using other weapons too other than their bodies as her brother so sickeningly put it and fought the even stronger urge to demonstrate her point by kicking his ass. Once she was assured she had her urges under control she forced her usual mask of a fake sweet smile to appear before she joined her brother - ready to welcome King Sebastian. " This alliance maybe more profitable than we thought my King." Gabriel said as he looked at the castle on the horizon. King Sebastian followed his friends gaze. " Yes, I suppose. The castle is with out doubt one of the more impressive in the seven Kingdoms and does give the impression that this Kingdoms coffers are well filled." King Sebastian said as his snobby gaze continued to assess the ever nearing castle. " As impressive as their castle is however it still pales in comparison to mine." King Sebastian claimed arrogantly, his assessment finished. Gabriel chuckled. " Yes, my King you are as always right. Every Kingdom pales in comparison to Meccadors might and wealth...however I also noticed that thier fields seem very fertile." Gabriel replied as his gaze turned to the vast fields full of planted crops and the servants in the fields who were harvesting the readied crops. " Gabriel dear friend, the only fertility I care about is that of Avlington's Princess. Why should the fertility of thier soil be of note? Farming is not profitable." " Farming may not be profitable my King and even if it were I know Meccador would not need the coin...however the crops would be of use to us." Gabriel answered making King Sebastian raise his brow. " They would? But we have plenty of food in Meccador...we have grand banquets every night." King Sebastian responded. " We do my King, and your army is well fed too but the peasants are starving and our streets are littered with thier decaying corpses. Since we have plenty of boar, game and expensive imported foods for ourselves, the nobles and your army, however the peasants have no access to these . Whilst I have no feelings of sympathy for the peasants plight it does cause a problem for us and so must be addressed." Gabriel said, his voice completely void of emotion. " Oh? How so my friend?" King Sebastian asked not understanding why peasants starving would be a problem he should care about. " Well as the might of your army and empire grows you will need more peasants to take care of them... and so the crops Avlington provides will be needed to feed the peasants substantially and cheaply to keep their population high." Gabriel replied. King Sebastian thought over Gabriel's words, what he said held merit. As whilst Meccador was with out doubt the strongest and wealthiest Kingdom its soil Sebastian knew was as barren as his previous wifes womb. "You have a point my friend, we could of course import food for the peasants to keep them alive and fuel them to do our bidding but that would be expensive. Having Avlington's fertile soil for our use would be an advantage of my betrothal. You are a wise man Gabriel and I am lucky to have you as my friend and adviser. " Sebastian smirked as he began to fantasise about his army and empire expanding. " Thank you, Sire." Gabriel responded the Kings praise making Gabriel even more big headed. " And I do hope the Princess is as fertile as her Kingdoms soil and that you enjoy planting your seed in her more than you would enjoy planting crops in her Kingdoms fields." Gabriel said as he smirked cruelly. " Ha! I hope so too my friend but there is only one way to find out..." King Sebastian said as he returned Gabriel's cruel Smirk and then violently kicked his horse, urging it to go faster in his eagerness to finally meet his bride.
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